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Crochet Actually

Do What You Love, And Love What You Do

By Lauren BrydePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Crochet Pop-Up Market Stall

Everyone remembers the opening scene to the movie Love Actually. Frantic eyes scanning the airport arrivals gate, then a familiar face is found in the crowd. Eyes lock, smiles emerge, excitement grows, arms open wide and, hearts melt with a warm embrace. Stop, right there; that very moment of hearts melting; it brings tears to your eyes and a warm fuzzy feeling inside. That is my favourite part of creating a gift for someone. To create happiness by triggering others to feel a heartfelt emotion, and even for some; teleporting them back to a reminiscent time in the past.

When others think of the word crochet, it can go one of 3 ways, 1: Something deep fried that you eat 2: Some kind of game you play in the grass or, my favourite 3: ‘Oh, my grandma use to crochet blankets and beanies’. When I think of crochet, it brings me back to sentimental childhood memories. I specifically remember the oddly coloured square blanket that was always folded neatly on my grandmother’s couch, that I often opened up and placed on my lap. I was lucky as a child to be taught the art of crochet by my grandma and spent many weekends and holidays with her growing up. She would sit me down in her living room and say, “Now let’s start by chaining.” You could say from there, I was hooked! Crochet has served me well throughout my formative years and now as a 30 something-year-old, it has expanded into an everyday pleasure of mine, I have been able to find something that allows me to do what I love and love what I do. My only hope is to bring crochet back into vogue and for it to never become a dying art.

Crochet is an innovative outlet that is limitless in what a person can create by hand. It is so versatile you can make anything from heirloom baby blankets to Star Wars figurines and everything in-between. All you need is a crochet hook, yarn, a good pair of scissors and, a comfortable space to get started. We can all appreciate that handmade gifts take time and considerable focus, and crochet is one of those arts that takes a labour of love to create beautiful one-of-kind pieces. There’s just something magical about hand-crafted gifts that can bring a smile or warm touch to another. That joy sparks happiness, found on others faces, like someone just opened a meaningful, heartfelt gift on their birthday. Knowing that something was made just for them.

In the past year my obsession with crochet has exploded. The biggest can of worms I opened was single-handily manufacturing enough crochet items to host a little pop-up stall at my local Sunday markets. I had such an unforgettable time amongst the local community. On display were crochet tea-towel holders, teapot cozies with big bows and burger shaped tissue box cozies, lap blankets with pom-pom edging and rainbow coasters by the dozen. While I enjoyed sending these items to new homes, the most treasured part of the day was to be the observer and watch people walk past my little crochet stall and see their faces light up. It felt like the opening scene in the movie Love Actually all over again; when their eyes met the object of their affection. I could actually see them take the time-machine back in their mind, connected by crochet; to a moment they shared with their loved ones, it was priceless. Striking up conversations with everyone of all ages was a real treat. Many were fascinated and intrigued by the craft and some made the comment, by smiling and touching their heart “this reminds me of my dear grandmother/mother/great aunt”. I couldn’t help but feel my heart was melting from the inside out. I was creating these crochet gifts that were truly meaningful to complete strangers and, were little reminders of something touching and heartfelt to them. There were even a few crochet items that triggered people's recollections of their own childhood days, sometimes 20-60 years ago! Many shared the same scene of grandma’s lap blanket on the family couch or, the kitchen tea-towel that hung just under the sink with the most unusual button and wasn't something you took much notice of at the time, but nowadays when you see one, it makes you beam directly back to your grandmother’s kitchen. I could tell this little crochet trip down memory lane stirred up an emotion in many hearts and I loved every minute of it.

There’s something special about seeing a baby wrapped up in a beautifully hand-crafted blanket and even more special if the blanket has been in the family for years. When you think of crochet heirlooms you think of soft, pastel coloured baby blankets and little beanies or booties for new-borns, and somewhere shoved away in your family’s cupboard is something crocheted or knitted that has been passed down from generation to generation. With crochet items, no one piece is the same, unique to the other and no machine in site. This is what I believe is extra special and more meaningful to others, hand made from the heart, every stitch is made just for that special someone. And I think it all steams back to a time in the past of thinking how your grandmother, family member or friend would have sat down and hand stitched a labour of love just for you or the family to keep the tradition alive. I’ve come to appreciate good quality things take time and I think others not familiar with handcrafted items often forget that.

There’s a saying in crochet, once you start, you’re hooked. Many are obsessed with its diversity and feeling of absolute achievement with the finished product and, I admit I am one that enjoys this feeling of accomplishment. When I launched @ComeYarnWithMe, I felt it was time to share my happiness with the world. I also love to teach others the art of crochet. As I am hopeful to keep this wonderful skill alive and thriving for others to enjoy and appreciate, as my grandmother knew I would, so many years ago. It brings a smile to my face and a spark of joy in my heart to know people of all ages are coming to me and asking for my help to start or finish their crochet projects. As others can now understand, these handmade projects are special keepsake treasures.

If I could choose any job, it would be to crochet full-time. My future vision includes opening a little café in the country and hosting high tea and crochet lessons to all willing participants. I would love to create a sense of community and common appreciation for all handcrafted items that take a labour of love. Occupying a space where others can come together and create time machines for loved ones or complete strangers, makes me smile, especially on the inside. My goal for generations to come is to always treasure handmade gifts and family heirlooms or even start a new family tradition. Crochet is a special craft; made with love from the heart. I hope maybe one day; by doing what I love, and loving what I do through crochet, can trigger a little trip down memory lane and a visit from my future loved ones!


About the Creator

Lauren Bryde

30something, Nurse, Crochet Lover, My Mother Inspired My Poetry, Always Follow Your Heart

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