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“Creed III” - A Movie Review

"Creed III: Rise of the Underdog"

By Jeyakar JanarthananPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Each genre comes with its own set of story beats that are mixed and matched to create interesting combinations. It's the handling of these familiar moments that determines the success of a film. In a competent film, we are far too invested in its drama to care where the story is headed by the time we notice.

Boxing dramas are particularly interesting in this regard, as there are only two possible outcomes – the protagonist either wins or loses. However, this narrow possibility has never stopped boxing films from having heart and drama. The Rocky franchise, and to an extent, its spinoff Creed films, are the crown jewels of this charming sub-genre.

Creed III is a fitting addition to the franchise's long-standing legacy, made with earnestness and love for its genre. But maintaining a legacy and adding to its glory are two different things. Creed III is a laudable cinematic achievement that gets a lot right and some wrong.

Michael B Jordan makes a solid directorial debut with the film, offering a fresh and exuberant visual language to the fight scenes. He has credited Japanese anime like Naruto, Hajime no Ippo, and Dragon Ball Z for inspiration, which is evident in the stunts. Jordan tastefully adapts anime-esque fight moments to live-action boxing, using Robo Cam and balancing technology with subtlety. Every punch, grunt, and jab leaps off the screen. But the film isn't just about eye-popping visuals. Between Creed and Damian trading punches, Creed III manages to pack an emotional punch too.

As we are gleefully carried away by visually enthralling moments, the film briefly cracks open to reveal its beating heart. In one fleeting moment, we see Creed broken down, struggling to regain his strength, and flashes of memories wash over him. That moment, where we see Creed fighting against the shame and guilt from his past, is ultimately what the film is all about.

On the other hand, we see Damian (an undeniably powerful performance by Jonathan Majors) seething with rage. It's unclear if Damian's frustration with catching up on life or his jealousy towards Creed fuels his fire.

The nebulousness of it all makes his character interesting and leaves us wanting to learn more about him. We're never truly in his corner, but we never truly hate Damian, and that's how the film makes us empathize with Creed's predicament.

The film makes an interesting choice in the middle by making Damian interact with Creed's wife, Bianca, who has relegated herself to producing music due to hearing loss. Damian, who just got out of jail after 18 years to see his friend become a world champion, asks Bianca, "So how does it feel like to let someone else sing your song?" She is the only one who can see through Damian's facade and sense his underlying aggression. Bianca's interaction with Damian also deepens her character, giving her more agency and independence than the previous films.

However, the film falters in a few areas. The pacing in the first act is slow, and some of the subplots feel unnecessary. The film also does not delve deeper into the politics of boxing, which is an essential element of the franchise's core. The final act is also underwhelming, and the resolution feels rushed, leaving a lot of loose ends.

In conclusion, Creed III is a worthy addition to the Rocky franchise, filled with exhilarating fight scenes and emotional moments. Michael B Jordan's directorial debut is impressive, and the film succeeds in maintaining the franchise's legacy while adding its own flair. However, the film does have its flaws, such as pacing issues and underdeveloped subplots. Despite these flaws, Creed III is a film worth watching for fans of the genre and the franchise.

movie review

About the Creator

Jeyakar Janarthanan

"Unleash the power of cinema with my thought-provoking reviews! From big-budget blockbusters to hidden indie gems, join me on a cinematic journey that offers a fresh perspective and enriches your movie-watching experience."

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