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What its been like for me

By Flying AcePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Well what can I say, this pandemic has certainly shaken our world. However, I know that we will get through this because it feels like that perhaps for once we are finally all united as one. That all barriers that existed before and separated us has finally dispersed and that we all see each other as humans and people.

It also feels like maybe this is a chance to fix what was broken. During this time most people have returned to their families and are supporting one another. Which feels great. I also want to encourage people and tell them to continue to make the most of this time spent indoors. I also noticed that people are also getting really creative about what activities they do in order to not be bored.

Furthermore I wanted to thank everyone who is on the front lines and are willing to be at risk to serve others. I have to tell you that we really appreciate everything you guys do. It really means a lot that you are laying down your lives and are willing to try and help people that have this disease or need aid medically.

So for me personally, this has been kind of a dream come true and also kind of a weird thing. You see, for the longest time I was raised to be a busy bee and it would always feel weird if I wasn't busy. My friends have always noticed that I am an introvert and an extrovert. This time my extrovert side is coming out which then leads me to being bored out of my mind. However, I have learned to make due with this lifestyle and in a way it has been relaxing.

So my typical day usually starts with me waking up really late, working on stuff for my students, working on my college work, eating, playing PUBG and Call of Duty, eating again, and lastly going to bed. It has also given me time to think about what needs changing in my life, and it has allowed me to know more about my family members. It actually has been kind of funny with all of us being cooped up in one building. At first it was a struggle and we were all kind of irritated due to our daily schedules being messed up. However, we are getting better and adapting to this change.

Also I was looking on snap chat and I read an article that stated the fact that Tik Tok is becoming really popular because it seems to create an avenue of calm for teenagers and adults because of the comedy it produces. So way to go Tik Tok!!

I also wanted to take this time to encourage everyone as well. I know that this is a scary and unexpected time that we are experiencing as a race but just know that it will be ok. Through every dark or scary experience that we have been through there has always been a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that I may not be a popular writer here on Vocal but I hope that whoever reads this, truly feels peace and encouragement. I also wanted to let the reader know that you are not alone. For once, technology is helping to unite us in this moment of darkness. I would suggest to turn off the news and turn off all negativity and instead just focus on the positive and count your blessings.

So partly because I can't think of anything else to say, I'm going to leave a couple of jokes for you guys here. Enjoy!

So did you hear about the orange boxer? He got beaten to a pulp.

Ok so what do you call security guards at a Samsung store? Guardians of the Galaxy.

What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled Milk.

Why did the tomato turn red? Because he saw the salad dressing.

Alright thanks again for reading and good night!


About the Creator

Flying Ace

Jesus loving, American Patriot

"The price of freedom is high, it always had been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, so be it." - Captain America

Psalm 121

Psalm 90

Psalm 23

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