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Covet your Curiosity

The Honest Virus

By Equa NoxPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
tell or smell it


The effort to tell the truth can be immensely difficult when you have had those around you lie. Reality warped to wrap around an ego heightened to illogical heights, how dareth those that lie!

My childish head had gotten so big I didn't even realize that I was not better than everyone? How could this be?

As a dancer of the glittery kind I do sometimes lie, its my living. Like bartenders fake smile, how telemarketers say "yes that sounds very difficult and that must be super challenging for you", how my ex says hes not married; its how we make a living.

The great thing about this job is that I dont have to lie, I can be brutally honest and I always vause poeple can see straight through that fake bullshit instantly. So to look that man in the eye and tell him that his top doesn't go with that belt and that his needy attitude is why he is in here, actually works. Sometimes.

I love the treat am mean keep em keen logo, but I am TRUTHFULLY mean and thats what draws them in to my web. A kindly dark web of truthbombs oiled legs and sexual freedom.

Those motherly spiderwoman and men in my have cascaded in through unusual circumstances to open new windows in my life. There to unwrap the ego that formed around me so devestatingly and so beautifully. Let some air in through pearly white doors. Open the heavens gates and let light becometh till thou dying dayeth.

I blame those that lie for my teenage brain and I grow by those that tell the truth.

I remember the curly haired boy in music class confidently and reluctantly breaking my heart when I asked him "Am I annoying sometimes?"


The tomboy soccer girl taking me aside to tell me that she couldn't help but be in love with my boyfriend and felt terrible sadness abit it.

A songwriting and a lover who took me aside to tell me I need to go to rehab..

These people broke my heart to let more light in. I'm in tears of gladness for those that love enough to hurt me. Growing pains are something of the sort. I encourage all those that are scared to tell the truth, get stoned and see jesus, no; smoke a bowl, go find a place to be alone in nature and tell YOURSELF the truth. Noone can hear you or judge you and I will boldly promise you your going to have apiphanies. How can you not?

Telling the truth is the single most important thing you can do in your life. My understanding of this comes from a story I will share one day, one of an Epstein, haunted house, witchy and wonderous variety.

It's truth and it will help so many gullible souls our there for me to no longer be ashamed that I had been had. This experience brought me to my knees. Religious folk are scary yall, they opened me up like doctors in a surgery, made me look at who I truely was, what were my TRUE intentions? I knew I had nowhere to hide from myself.. or from them. Having an expressive face kind of defeats the facade I was performing in order to appear like I had order.

For all the great places I've been, fancy events, dresses I've worn, festivals, competitions, work and parties, those mean shit compared to a night on the couch with a strong woman looking you in the face and telling you exactly what she thinks. Those are the people that make you grow, point out your blind spots and kill that part of you that needs to die.

Tell the truth because it will set you free. Word.


About the Creator

Equa Nox

I'm a somber and bubbly young lady from East coast of Australia.

I write poetry about lovers, the moon phases, the ocean and sex.

I aspire to be a fairytale artist and writer. Much of my paintings will be littered around my writings.

Love J

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