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Confidence Within ...

Top 4 Tips For Building Confidence

By Amy ElizabethPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
My son took this shot of me in Sherwood Forest - Nottingham! Rolling with Robin Hood!

My Lessons for Practising Self-Confidence

I would like to share my ‘go-to’ ways of giving myself a boost when I need it. They are short and sweet, and can be done anywhere. Try one per day for a week and notice how you feel at the end of the week. If you want to, you can note down your feelings in The Positivity Journal and keep going for a month, and then read over your notes, and see how your feelings and levels of confidence have changed. Even small differences are significant.

LESSON 1 Stand or Sit in a Posture of Confidence

I love this lesson because it makes me feel empowered.

An individual’s posture does not just reflect levels of confidence or insecurity. It also sends messages to the brain that informs you exactly how you feel. That being said, if you need to feel confident, you want your posture to send your brain that message.

Stretch your limbs as far as they will go and make your body as big as you can as soon as you wake up. 

Throughout the day, make sure you stand tall, sit up straight, and have a smile on your face. It makes a big difference!

LESSON 2 Practise Presence

I love this lesson because it makes me feel connected.

Similar to the concept of mindfulness, proven to be very beneficial for your physical and psychological well-being. You can practice mindfulness anytime, anywhere. You can give it a try right now by following these steps:

- Become aware of your awareness; that is, begin to observe yourself and your surroundings

- Start with your body sensations, feeling your feet and legs, your stomach and chest, your arms, neck and head.

- Now notice your breath, flowing in and out, and the many sensations that you are experiencing

- Let your eyes notice what is in your visual field, your ears, what they are hearing. Perhaps sensations of smell and taste will come to your awareness as well.

- Then, go beyond these simple sensations to feel the energy, the quiet, or the noises that surround you. Feel your presence.

LESSON 3 Build Your Capacity for Energy]

I love this lesson because it makes me perform better. It also makes me feel like an excited child again, as it helps release nerves, replacing them with excitement.

I love speaking to an audience, but I also get a little nervous as each experience is different. So I keep focused on the excitement of the event. In turn, this brings me boosted energy that is needed for any kind of public speaking I do.

Nerves can be useful to keep us on our toes and give us the extra energy needed to perform. Try to re-frame your nervous jitters as excitement! Knowing how to engage with these feelings in your body will expand your presence rather than shrinking it down.

LESSON 4 Exercise Regularly

I love this lesson because it sets me up for the day – in both body and mind.

I make sure I attend a hot yoga class at least once a week as the difference this practice brings to my life is immense. My mind is so calm for the day ahead. On other days I walk my dog each morning. This allows me to expand my thoughts and get focused for the day ahead. This has a positive effect on all I do, gives me more patience as a parent, more focus in my work, and more productivity in my day overall.

Exercise has a powerful effect on so many areas of our life, including our levels of confidence. Regular exercise releases endorphins, which in turn interact with receptors in the brain. This brings a type of pleasurable state of mind, which means you’ll view yourself in a more positive light. When you are regularly doing this, not only will you get better physically but you will also feel more motivated to act in ways that build your self-confidence.

My book Pure Confidence can be purchased as an ebook / paperback here on Amazon.

self help

About the Creator

Amy Elizabeth

I am a heart-centred, creative and spiritual entrepreneur, on a mission to inspire, energise and empower as many people as she can to live happy and fulfilling lives.

"If you want happiness for a lifetime, help others.”

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