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Colour on a Charcoal Canvas

Adding a rainbow to a raincloud

By Jord TuryPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

We're all destined to be happy one way or another. It's just that some of us often struggle trying to acquire an ideal level of it. But we're all fully capable of fighting for it no matter the circumstance. We just occasionally need that little push in the right direction and a glimmer of hope that happiness can always be found for every living soul. With that faith and beaming optimism – anybody can thrive for a happy life.

Happiness often stems from reaching our goals or seeing the cheesy grin of a loved one. Everybody has their own version of it and it is always accessible with the right mindset. No person will ever be rejected for wanting such a basic emotion in life. Happiness is key to living at peace both physically and mentally. Sure, it's a little hard to find sometimes but it is always within reach. That, I can promise you.

There will be days where the world around you is rather bleak and grey. But, with a little work, we can paint those rainclouds with a whole new palette of galaxy purples, aqua blues and luscious greens. Sure, it might be easier said than done and the last thing we want is a stranger to use a line like "Just Smile", because it takes a whole lot more than that. But, saying that, it is definitely achievable.

Think of everything that has made you smile over the past year. Think of the belly laughs you might've had and the shivers down your spine over something incredible. Combine these thoughts and splash them onto a canvas engraved deep inside your head. Picture yourself happy and laughing as you coat the charcoal slate with enchanting colours. Fight for what is rightfully yours and never stop until the grin on your face stretches from ear to ear. Believe in yourself and thrive for nothing short of a tranquil life. Be the you, YOU deserve to be.

We all have a canvas; some of which have thicker layers than others. At times, those lashings of black can often be a burden to chip away at. But, believe me, they CAN be removed. It takes patience and determination, but it is possible to remove them entirely. Nothing happens overnight and time is often the most crucial factor on the road to happiness. But, unless you start peeling away those layers today you'll never be able to reveal the beauty beneath. Without trying, that perfect portrait will never be seen.

We all have the power to be happy. We all have the hand to paint a portrait worth smiling over. We just need to dig deep and put in the work before the coatings reveal themselves. Then, once the puzzle has been pieced together and the colours extract from the brush, a whole new outlook on life can emerge from the rainbows we paint.

This isn't a simple "JUST SMILE" sort of thing. This is a basic reminder that we are all eligible for happiness. We can all achieve it. I can, and so can YOU. So, if you're willing to thrive for a better life, make sure to pick up that brush and start painting. With time, devotion, and a little creativity — anything is possible. We CAN be happy.

The world is often black and white. Together, however, we can make the smallest things glisten with colour. Together, we can build a world worth smiling for. But, it starts with you and your own journey. It starts with that imaginary brush inside your mind and the task of recreating the perfect picture. From there, the world is yours, and the canvas is wider than ever.

Never forget what's rightfully yours. You deserve to be happy just as much as anybody else. Believe that, and carve what makes you smile. Paint something memorable and never stop aiming for the apex of joy. You've got this, my friend.

#DayNineteen #VocalChallenge2020 #Motivation


About the Creator

Jord Tury

Just a regular guy living in the West Midlands, UK.

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