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Choosing The Right Sticks

Building Strong Friendships And Letting The Weak Ones Go

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
True Friendship-(Photo by Freddie Vegas)

Friendship weaves its way into the very fabric of our lives. Our friends are the ones we turn to when we yearn for a compassionate ear, someone to giggle alongside, or when we crave solace and inspiration. As someone who treasures profound connections, I have perpetually harbored a fervent desire to forge unyielding friendships. Yet, as the years unraveled, I encountered the unsettling realization that not all friendships warrant our devoted embrace. Occasionally, we must relinquish certain friendships to pave the way for novel companionships. In this article, I shall divulge my intimate odyssey of cultivating enduring friendships and relinquishing the anemic ones.

During my formative years, I perpetually donned the cloak of bashfulness and introversion within the classroom realm. I found solace more readily in the company of books and dolls than in the presence of my peers. However, the tides shifted when I embarked upon high school. There, I chanced upon a coterie of kindred spirits, with whom I shared mutual passions and hobbies. Our camaraderie burgeoned in the blink of an eye, and we reveled in each other's company during every respite. Initially, the prospect of having finally discovered my tribe filled me with boundless elation. Alas, it soon became glaringly apparent that not all these girls were genuine friends.

Gradually, I unveiled the disconcerting truth that some among them harbored an insidious penchant for gossip-mongering and rumor-spreading, while others derived perverse amusement from deriding me surreptitiously. The ordeal weighed heavily upon my spirit, and I confronted a fateful crossroads. I could either persist in their presence, feigning contentment, or I could muster the courage to sever these ties and select friends more worthy of my devotion.

Opting for the latter, I embarked upon the arduous task of severing these toxic friendships. The process was far from facile, yet deep within, I harbored an unwavering conviction that I was making the right choice. Consequently, I found myself unburdened, with newfound temporal and emotional reserves to invest in nurturing nascent friendships.

In due course, I chanced upon a consortium of girls who radiated authenticity and compassion. We shared congruous interests and values, and they refrained from judging my introverted nature. They embraced me as I was, engendering a profound sense of worth and appreciation within me. This novel experience engendered a profound epiphany: this was the quintessence of genuine friendship.

With time, our bond burgeoned in strength. We basked in each other's company beyond the confines of academia, attending soirées and offering unwavering support during moments of tribulation. The liberation that coursed through my veins was intoxicating, prompting a ponderous reflection upon why I had persevered in the company of weak and toxic friendships for so long.

As I matured, I discerned an indelible parallel between nurturing strong friendships and selecting the apt kindling for a fire. One must opt for sticks that exude resilience and fortitude, capable of kindling and sustaining the blaze. Frail sticks, prone to breaking, are rendered futile. The same applies to friendships.

To foster enduring friendships, one must select individuals who exude support, reliability, and shared values. It is imperative to envelop oneself in the company of those who uplift one's spirits and foster a sense of self-worth. These are the individuals who will remain steadfast through thick and thin, bolstering one's aspirations and dreams.

However, even with the finest kindling, fires eventually wane. Likewise, friendships occasionally reach their culmination. People evolve and metamorphose, and not all friendships withstand the ensuing metamorphosis. It is crucial to discern when a friendship no longer serves its purpose and to relinquish it. The process is seldom facile and may engender anguish, yet it is an indispensable facet of personal growth and well-being.

Parting ways with a friendship does not entail eradicating the significance of the individual from one's heart. It simply implies that one's paths have diverged, necessitating the embrace of fresh, more enriching friendships. The cherished memories and shared experiences endure, but it is time to fashion space in one's life for novel connections that shall satiate one's soul.

Forging robust friendships is paramount for our personal evolution and flourishing. It's crucial to meticulously select the fitting branches and encircle ourselves with individuals who bolster and inspire us. Simultaneously, we must be open to relinquishing friendships that no longer nourish us. This endeavor can be arduous and agonizing, yet indispensable for our personal growth and felicity. Through the art of selecting the apt branches and crafting resilient friendships, we can kindle a congenial and consoling blaze that will blaze unwaveringly across the span of our lives.


Original story (created by me) published on Any changes and/or updates that have been added on are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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    Freddie's Lost TreasuresWritten by Freddie's Lost Treasures

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