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Can I do this?

Advantures of a boy

By Ariba AbbasPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Can I do this?
Photo by Kaysha on Unsplash

With lofty goals and an unwavering faith in his own abilities, Nathan had always been a bit of a dreamer. He had grown up in a little town among residents who had never left their hometowns. However, Nathan was unique since he had always been drawn to something bigger and more significant.

Nathan realized he needed to make a choice as he neared his high school graduation. Despite being admitted into a prominent university, he didn’t want to spend four years in a classroom. He desired to travel, discover, and interact with new people. He so decided to take a year off to travel and experience other cultures.

The following year, Nathan travelled around Asia and Europe on a backpacking trip, taking in new cultures and challenging himself. He interacted with people from various walks of life, including successful businessmen and street vendors, and he gained insightful knowledge on resiliency and perseverance.

But as Nathan’s gap year came to a conclusion, he was faced with a challenging decision: Can I do this? Could he actually support himself without following the conventional road of study and employment? Success, according to what he had always been told, required a decent education and a steady career, but he wasn’t sure that was what he wanted.

As a result, he did what he always did when faced with a difficult choice: he went for a run. As a devoted runner, Nathan discovered that the rhythm of his feet striking the ground allowed him to focus better and think more clearly. He let his mind to wander as he jogged through the nearby park.

I don’t want to live my life in a cubicle, he reasoned. “I want to travel the world and improve people’s lives.”

But how was he able to do that? Nathan didn’t know where to begin.

He observed a woman labouring to carry a large load of groceries up the stairs of her apartment building as he rounded a corner. Nathan sprinted over to assist her without stopping.

He smiled, “Can I lend you a hand with that?”
She eagerly accepted his offer, and Nathan started talking to her as they up the stairs. He discovered that she worked as a social worker, spending her days assisting low-income families.

Nathan was aware of what he had to do as they ascended the steps. He thanked the woman for the talk and went home to begin looking into social work opportunities.

Over the coming weeks, Nathan immersed himself in the field of social work, learning all he could about it and how it affected people’s lives. He spoke with social workers who had been working in the field for many years while volunteering at local shelters and food banks.

Nathan started to believe that he could achieve this slowly but certainly. He had the power to influence people’s lives in a way that was personally important and rewarding to him.

Nathan redoubled his efforts and submitted an application to a nearby university’s social work program. He gave all of himself to his studies, retaining as much information as he could and using it in his voluntary work.

Nathan experienced a mixture of exhilaration and apprehension as his graduation day drew near. He was aware that the path ahead would be difficult, but he had faith in his skills and a strong desire to help people.

Nathan began working for a non-profit that assisted families in need soon after graduating.He was overjoyed to be able to use his abilities and knowledge in a way that seemed significant and influential. Although the work was difficult, he discovered that he thrived in the hectic atmosphere. He was always picking up new knowledge, and every day offered fresh chances to change the world.

Nathan found himself thinking back on his adventure as he settled into his new profession. He had taken a chance by deviating from the norm in terms of his schooling and job, but in doing so, he had found a love and a calling that he never would have otherwise. He came to the conclusion that the answer to the question “Can I do this?” depended equally on one’s courage and resolve.

Nathan kept expanding and progressing throughout the years in his career. He took on new tasks and responsibilities, eventually rising to the position of director at the non-profit he had first joined as a volunteer. Although he was pleased with the work he had accomplished, he never lost sight of the uncertainty and doubt that had first motivated him.

One day, a young person thinking about taking a year off before attending college approached Nathan. The individual was unclear of whether they had made the appropriate choice and was concerned about what other people would think.

Nathan grinned as he thought back on his own travels. He inquired, “Can you do this?” “Absolutely. The true query is, do you possess the fortitude and tenacity to achieve your goals? Are you prepared to venture outside of your comfort zone and take a risk?

The young individual gave Nathan a meaningful nod as he continued. Although difficult, the effort will be worthwhile. You’ll uncover interests and skills you had no idea you had, as well as learn things about yourself that you never would have known otherwise. So by all means, take that year off. Ask yourself, “Can I do this?,” and then prove it to yourself.

Nathan had a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as he watched the young person go. He was aware that, like the countless other lives he had touched, he had had an impact on theirs. And he was aware that the answer to the question “Can I do this?” was an unequivocal “Yes.”

self helpsuccesshappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Ariba Abbas

a variety of topics, including literature, health, love, sex, and intriguing tales.My passion is for writing.Every tale I produce inspires me to produce more.I hope my writing is enjoyable for you.

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