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Bossing Up

The luxury of bossing up

By Butterfly Nation Published 3 years ago 4 min read

What is Bossing up?

How can we boss up?

Is it hard to boss up?

Why boss up?

Can bossing up help?

Do I want to boss up?

Do I want to be a BOSS?

The luxury of bossing up....

Bosssing up can be things on so many levels. Bossing up can be something as small as paying off a debt or as big as buying a house. Bossing up is excelling to another level in your life. Bossing up is taking control of what you can. Bossing up is something positive. Bossing up is something that makes you feel good. Bossing up is a luxury to yourself and your endeavors. Bossing up on so many levels is just that , “Bossin’ Up.” I like the saying because it’s motivational and wants you to boss up. It’s like it’s telling you to do better. And that you can do better. There are other ways to boss up as well. The only way is up. You have to look at the saying in a positive way. At first I looked at it in a negative way because when I seen and heard bossin’ up I thought I don’t want to be a boss. Lol bosses are mean haha 😆. But no seriously once I start seeing peoples post and label bossin’ up on a picture it started to give me positive vibes and feelings. I started to look at in a positive way and it’s been up from there. So if something doesn’t make sense at first keep in mind that later it will. Xoxo 💋

Up up up

Ways to boss up;

Pay off debt

Buy a house

Finish school

Get a job



The goal when it comes to “Bossing Up”is , it’s really up to you and how you navigate in your own life. The goal is to move forward and exceed upwards. Listed above are ways people can boss up. As long as it’s elevating and positive it’s technically bossing up. Bossing up can be simple, don’t make it difficult. I’m working towards bossing up in small ways first. You can boss up on whatever level you are currently on. The saying bossing up does not necessarily mean becoming a boss. It means eliminating anything that can get in your way of your personal goals or goals in general. If you don’t have at 3 goals for the year whether big or small you can jot them down when you have time. ✨🤓

Bossing up is not hard when you don’t compare yourself to others and their accomplishments. Yes! That’s another way to put it too. The more accomplishments you achieve the more bossing up you are doing. Which is a good thing, so never compare yourself to others bossing up. Let them other people bossing up be motivation for you to want to do the same. There is luxury in bossing up. The luxury in my bossing up is being able to do what I please at whatever time I want in my own place. The luxury of being able to enjoy my space and peace has been a blessing in disguise. The luxury of waking up to the sound of nothing. Except for my son Darius lol 💙.

I’ll be happy when my son comes back home to mommy and daddy. We came a long way and did a lot to get a place for our son. My son is my everything. I know that sounds so cliche but it’s true. At a point in time, I felt like I had nothing to live for. I kept doing the same things over and over and it was becoming boring. I was getting mentally exhausted. I wanted to have kids and live the family life. I had my son at 27yrs of age. I just turned 28 almost a month ago in March , 🥳 . But anyways yup. I miss my son and I can’t believe he has been away from me for almost 5 months. 🥲. I’m missing some of his first moments because someone wants to break up my family. I’m happy and so is my home. I’m staying positive and hoping for the best.

How have I been bossing up? I’ve been eliminating my wants and focusing on my needs. My goal when it comes to bossing up is to focus more. I want to get through my goals I set a few goals each year that are big and little monthly small goals. Like I said before actually achieving and accomplishing goals makes me feel good inside and I feel happy as well when something gets done.

Keeping track

This is an example of how I choose to boss up! I choose to write and write some more. I also like to stay organized and keep my day’s halfway full. I like to keep a day free which is normally my off day. I did this chart myself all you need is paper and pen. =)

Most people use their phones to boss up as well. Like right now it’s so much to write and talk about in today’s world. My main things are family, love, education, and mental health.

Coming across vocal has been another way I chose to boss up. I choose to write about my life and the things on my mind. My mental health is very important to me so I want to boss up in that area as much as possible.

I moved into my own apartment right before I had my son. The luxury of staying focused and goal oriented is seeing the end results. I worked two jobs and had a side hustle (balanced in beauty ) which is becoming more like a brand. I haven’t thought through all the details but I do know I want my own business selling my items and products that I make. To me that is one of my bigger goals and huge boss ups.

Bossing up is a luxury in itself. Xoxo 💋

self help

About the Creator

Butterfly Nation

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