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Better Days: Live Like You Already Received It

All problems are illusions of the mind.

By Shanice DockinsPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
The Joy in Today

On a bright Saturday morning, I was filled with joy because I saw the people around me flourishing in the direction of their dreams.

It started off with me doing yoga, meditating on the intentions of having a positive day, taking supplements, and listening to music while enjoying my workout.

I began to wonder how my friends and family were mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually handling their day to day activities.

Thankfully, multiple video chat platforms have been created to keep up with everyone that you love.

From time to time, I would see my friend’s and family playing soccer, painting, eating food, and overall just enjoying family time.

In these challenging times, I love you and just checking on you goes a long way. I appreciate all the encouraging words and support from each person in my life.

By Sarah Ardin on Unsplash

I’ve learned how to take care of friendships and family to the extent, that I can truly say, I know how to meet people where they are.

I enjoy helping other because it breathes life back into me. I’ve been able to take on many projects that directly align with my purpose. I’m so passionate about seeing everyone accomplish great things and it makes me feel good on the inside. We’ve came from various backgrounds but, we deserve to see the other side. When you believe in yourself and take action on your aspirations, you achieve a level of greatness that, no one can take away from you. I love collaborating with others who have the same mindset but different perspective on various matters in life. Those that support you, you should support them.

Sometimes people have this facade and don’t understand that social media leaves an imprint and can be used as a disadvantage, if not used in the right manner. You’re picking from experiences that someone may put out there and comparing it to your journey but, they use it to tell a different story of themselves. When you begin to compare, it diminishes the true intent you want your audience to feel.

For me, I began to see the beauty in my eyes and focus on myself. Focusing on myself meant, I could no longer hide behind the shame. I had to strive for more and uplift anyone who was struggling along the way. Through the canvas of someone else’s eyes, I shed light on the real me. I’m more open minded and walking in my purpose.

I knew my story was different when I began to love the need to write. Entrepreneurship has always been at the fore front of my life. I treated it with such great care and understood that, when you cross a milestone, it’s just the beginning to a brighter future.

I’m excited for all the men and women around me excelling to the next chapter in their life. I’m ready to explore the next level with like minded individuals who are willing to put in the work. It’s not easy having difficult conversations with people you love but, it is necessary. I’m learning as time goes on, I need more patience and to be less critical of myself.

How do you do something big?

By Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash

You become so fascinated with taking care of others and start to see the results of their needs being met, it enlightens you to do more.

Beneath the sunlight of a peaceful afternoon, I see me traveling to New York to try Tea IY, booking a trip to Bali, and searching for a home.

In the events of meeting with friends and family, I’d gather resources to launch a fundraiser for small businesses in need. I would start with domestic violence shelters because that's near and dear to my heart.

The stimulus packages that they’re proposing still isn’t enough in my eyes. We work so hard and for it to be literally taken for granted, is such a disgrace. I support organizations that stand on integrity first and are for the greater good of the people.

With all that’s going on around us, I have to give back to the less fortunate and homeless. Helping people at the end of the day, is my mission. For my people who’ve been abused, I’d like to take them to Jiro Sushi to let them experience different food that soothes the soul. Then we’d shop at D'Iyanu to obtain a new wardrobe.

Next comes, Monday Funday! I enjoy children so much and adore their precious faces. These days, kids already have enough to worry about from: appearance, status quo, and who likes them. Why not look forward to teaching them essential tools to better equip them for adulthood.

When’s the last time you used the pythagorean theorem? Exactly, from the moment they wake up, we’d be outside planting, learning how to change a tire, process emotions properly, and create a healthy lifestyle that reflects who we say we are. Its the small moments I get excited about to push through the day.

Most children are exposed to some sort of trauma and to be able to talk to them at a level they feel comfortable would warm my heart. Too many times, they are forced to grow up at a faster rate. Then, we begin to see the side effects: depression, suicidal, or extremely sad.

I’d enjoy taking long walks with the kids, going to the lake, climbing mountains, fishing, and playing tennis to see their confidence boost with outside activities.

Wild Tuesday

By Roland Kay-Smith on Unsplash

All about the animals, they need love to. I want to experience holding a baby panda and koala bear with my best friend. I think it would be hilarious to see me enjoying their furry selves. My dream is to have two snakes and a rabbit. I can see my aunt laughing at me because I'm so scared of snakes but, I know it’d be worth it. I can’t wait to touch a zebra and giraffe, these are definitely the better days, riding off in the sunset with all these animals. I love wildlife to the fullest and wouldn’t mind being in the presence of a elephant. I’m a very adventurous person and would love a destination wedding in Zimbabwe.

Just like us humans, they need attention to. If I was dressing the domesticated animals, they would be in the sharpest outfits. Mostly, I’d build small houses they fit in and give them baths outside while soaking up the sun.

Celebrity Day

By Alex Nemo Hanse on Unsplash

Have you ever been star struck? Or surprised and you just don't know what to say?

A day in the life of Michelle Obama and Erykah Badu would be so fabulous. Two strong beautiful black women showing me their hobbies, what inspires them, what they plan to do next in their career would have such a profound impact on me. I’d love to go Erykah Badu’s concert in person and vibe with her angelic spirit.

As a young girl, representation is so important and these women embody strength and wisdom to keep moving forward to your dreams.

During these tough times, I listened to them to get through the week and it helped out tremendously. Her soothing voice calms me down when I'm having a moment or just need space to think creatively.

Self Care is Important to...

Sometimes being in solitude is the best thing that could happen to you. Don't forget to take the time and figure out what makes you happy, whether that be through getting your hair and nails done, shopping, movies, etc., do what makes you happy.

My goal is to go mountain climbing and stay in a cabin for a week to unwind and catch up with myself. I'm wanting to experience new things and discover a side of myself that hasn't yet appeared.

Nonetheless, stay safe and wear your personal protective gear. Please look forward to more colorful stories in the near future and let me know what you're up to in quarantine or not.

Feel free to leave tips as well.

Thank you, enjoy!

self help

About the Creator

Shanice Dockins

A natural woman in a world full of flaws.

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