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Being productive is a mindset

HOW CAN I BE PRODUCTIVE during these times? Below are some tips to being the most productive you!

By JohnPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

2020 and forward has been extremely interesting times. Some have found themselves working or creating from an at home environment while others are more of a hybrid role while going in between an office and working remotely or just simply limited in their environment options. Not just the workforce but individuals from all fields and all over have felt the effects that some believe is the new normal. From artists to trainers, influencers, musicians, etc. So question is.. HOW CAN I BE PRODUCTIVE during these times? Below are some tips to being the most productive you!


State of mind, mood, feelings…Vibes! Call it whatever you want to call it. Setting the mood to enter into a creative wonderland is the first step you can take toward entering into a creative bliss. Some choose to be indoors locked away and unbothered by the public. Others choose to be surrounded by people, nature, animals, etc. Ideally, we would all love to be on a warm sandy beach somewhere with the sun shining and the waves crashing along the shore but for some that is not always a possibility. Whether you are outdoors soaking up energy from the earth or in a crowded coffee shop listening to the sound of beans being ground and individuals placing their favorite beverage order. Whatever you decide is best suited for you make it yours and use the environment as inspiration to create your vibe!


By Definition: “The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.” Time is the universal currency that we all use but have not figured out a way yet to produce more. At some point or another we have all be given the same advice; “spend it wisely”. I encourage you to do exactly that. Give yourself a designated time block that you are able to shut off from social media, phone calls, emails and all the other worldly things that come up that often times interrupt and act as a distraction taking us away from being our most creative selves. Whether its a couple times a week or daily. Pick a time and duration that works with your schedule and commit yourself to it and use that time efficiently. Its not always easy and having your head in the clouds isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes that's where the best ideas come from but be aware when a short stay become a vacation up there!


Caffeine, exercise, meditation or other methods are all common items that creators use to prep for their session. Once you have your location right, you have carved out the time, now its time to prepare. Preparing can be in many forms. I will touch on THREE key ones that typically stand out most.

Mental- Make sure your head is clear. Take time to take a few deep breaths to acknowledge what is on your mind and exhale to clear them out. Visualize yourself being productive. Say what your goal is or what you hope to achieve out loud in hopes of speaking it into existence. Clear your mind, let your conscious be free and dig in!

“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” -Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights)

2. Comfort- Sometimes sessions can be sort and sweet however, once those creative juices get to flowing who knows the amount of time that might pass. You want to make sure that you are comfortable in all forms. Some enjoy being curled up on the couch in sweats while others prefer to be dressed up and looking and feeling a little more on the put together side. Either way make sure wherever your station is can accommodate your comfort needs for those short sessions or the occasional extended stays!

3. Distractions- Its a busy world we live in. There is so much out there now between items that were listed above such as phones, social media, friends or family or even an employer. This is why it’s important to plan ahead like mentioned earlier. Try and use your time that you designated for yourself for YOURSELF!!! Limiting distraction can be done in many ways. Putting your phone on airplane mode or “focus” mode (for the updated 15.0.2 Apple products), let people most inclined to interrupt you know in advance that you will be unavailable during these times. These are just a few items that can help keep your eye on the prize and your head in the zone!

Being creative or productive isn't always as easy as it seems. Reference these steps, make a plan and stick to it. It may take some adjustments or tweaking to personalize it to find what works and what doesn't. Like most things in life when you have a plan and put the plan in motion and practice success tends to happen on its own. Develop a good routine that works and that will help bring you continued success throughout your journey! Cheers!


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