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3 Reasons I QUIT my 9–5 job.. Again.

I have had enough of dedicating so much of MY time and energy to companies or brands that will replace you at that drop of a dime!

By JohnPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
3 Reasons I QUIT my 9–5 job.. Again.
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Have you ever woke up one day and decided that you are ready to take on the world and quit your job! Then within the same breath you remember the many reasons why you have to have a job. 

Your jobs income allows you to feed and shelter yourself as well as buy the things necessary to live everyday life in most average cases. 

However, deep inside you wish there was a way to make ends meet and still have the freedom and the time to enjoy time with family and friends or practicing a skill or even that hobby that you have not been able to pursue for quite sometime now and as the time rolls on you find yourself less and less motivated to follow up on those things. 

Well I am here to give you 3 reasons to quit your job (When prepared and ready.. OR not in my case...)

By Microsoft 365 on Unsplash


These days everyone is living to work and working to live. Are they happy or just content in their situation or are the simply forced to accept the inevitable as that is their only option.

 Over the years I have learned that when people are doing something they are passionate about they are more likely to do it with a full heart and passion thus resulting in higher quality of work. 

Unfortunately individuals don't always have the luxury of doing what they love for a living but what is available as they need to pay bills and survive.

  If you happen to find yourself in a position where you are able to do something you enjoy or something that you are passionate about, you may never work another day in your life or so the saying goes… So find what makes you happy and trying to get into that field or make a career out of it somehow. 


Like I stated above a lot of people don't always have a lot of options when it comes to being able to pick what they want to do as a way of income. Sometimes people are pressured into getting a job, having to meet financial requirements or just simply to earn money to live. What ever the scenario is just know that it doesn't have to be forever. We are literally floating through space on a rock having to pay bills and at the end of it all how much you make or don't wont really matter. I encourage you to start small and find something that makes you happy or at minimum content to the point that you are not completely miserable by the end of the work day. 

If you are not happy you should speak up, take charge and make the change in order to find the job or passion that truly fulfills you. There is no need to suffer in silence like many do today while compromising their happiness for a job. 



For some reason there is this stigma out in the universe that it is not okay to go backward or star over. This is often looked at as a failure or coming up short. That is truly not the case at all. How many times do you think Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or even Elon Musk started over or "went back to the drawing board"? More than you think and look at their success and legacy now. Sometimes we find ourselves in a position that might be better suited for someone else or in a position where we might be better at another occupation and often times that come with changes. Not all changes are bad and not all changes are good. However, at the end of the day if you decide to take a step back and that increases your happiness or mood than really are you losing even if the pay is less? Is the increase in personal time or time with the family really such a bad thing? I am going to venture to say in most cases probably not. 

In closing I will give a strong example of the things I have mentioned above. I was in a position as a GM of a very reputable collision repair center in a high class neighborhood making roughly 100K/year with many perks that put me over that financial point. Was I happy with the pay? yes, very much so but oddly enough I found myself only wanting more and more. As my operation grew so did the stress and the hunger to make more. I got comfortable with the pay and took it for granted.

By Tezos on Unsplash

When C-Vid hit it physically made me take a step back. It also made me take a hard look around and actually open my eyes! I found out that I was not happy, I was a 9–5 robot just going through the motions because in society that's what we are supposed to do. I found that there was a alot of other things like some of my hobbies that made me WAY happier than my current job. Then it all kind of clicked. I NEED TO BE HAPPY IN EVERYTHING I DO. This included my job and how much time i invest into it. I found myself investing more into my 9–5 than myself or my relationships and family. That's when I knew that the 9–5 life was NOT for me and I was going to work hard and do everything I could to do what I love and somehow turn my passion into a paycheck!


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