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The Secret of Life

By Chana SaacksPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Balance. Life is filled with imbalanced people who spend their whole life trying to find the perfect equation or method in order to have balance. The world is accompanied by a bunch of strangers all living “under one roof” so to speak, who are all searching for the same thing, happiness. Searching for happiness can become one’s life quest, just the soul act of searching.

To get somewhere one only needs to start walking, what I mean by that is if one’s trying to spend their whole life looking for something, chances are they are going to miss it. So start, but know that you don’t have to finish in one day, life is a process and it needs to be treated like such. Take for example wisdom, wisdom does not just appear out of the blue, it takes time, experience, and even mistakes.

The world is so quick to judge the not naturally gifted, the learned talent, or the experienced solider. Though more times than not the best are the ones who practice and put in the effort to learn and to become. They say practice makes perfect because no-one is born perfect and that’s where the balance comes in. No-one is supernatural where they have superpowers and can’t make mistakes or doesn’t have a flaw, no-one. We all have some form of something that creates the need for us to keep looking for that balance. Everything we do in life is about balance.

In DBT, which stands for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Marsha Linehan, the author, talks about the balance of the mind. There are three minds; Emotional Mind, Reasonable Mind, and Wise Mind. Each of these three minds have a purpose and belonging. Emotional Mind is when the mind is controlled by emotions and where wisdom and reason are not important. Reasonable Mind is when the mind is only focused on the reason and does not take into account wisdom and emotion. Lastly the Wise Mind is a mixture of the two, where both logic and emotion are taken into account. Wise Mind is called the middle path, also known as balance.

Everything requires balance and without balance one can’t stand, for you need that foundation to stay afloat. For instance, trees can’t stand or grow without its roots. Some real life examples are relationships, whether it be romantic or friendship, there needs to be both give and take. In an adult life there needs to be a balance within the professional and personal life. This even applies to children, where school life and home life should be equal players. Eating also takes balance, one can’t only have one or two food groups, we need all to survive.

Moderation is balance, it equals up to something far more valuable than leaning on one side of the scale too much. Trusting that the scale will even out in life is a kind of trust not many have. As humans, we tend to think the worst, catastrophize, that our world as we know it will never improve. That there will be more bad than good in our lives, that the good won’t even remotely measure up to the bad. Thinking like that won’t get one anywhere, the key word is ’thinking’. Our mindset is our limitations and if we embrace that possibilities are endless, our world will indeed come together again. If we understand and trust that everything will balance out, then limitations are off limits and opportunities will then become limitless.

Balance the heart and the mind and everything else will fall into place since they are like your roots when your body is like the tree.


About the Creator

Chana Saacks

Pain is inevitable, I know that. What I didn’t know was that perspective can change. All it takes is a pair of different colored glasses, and of course a bit of work. I’m almost there, I can feel it. I want to share that with the world :)

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