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Bad Mistakes New Writers need to avoid

A journey towards growth and success

By Surayya AminuPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Writing is an artistic and rewarding endeavor, but it is not without its challenges. Whether one is a novice or a seasoned writer, mistakes are bound to happen. However, the key to growth and success lies in recognizing and addressing these common pitfalls. This article delves into some of the most prevalent mistakes made by writers, offering valuable insights to help aspiring authors avoid them. From the importance of editing and reading to managing self-doubt and fear of rejection, each aspect plays a crucial role in shaping a writer's journey.

Comparing Yourself To Others:

Aspiring writers often fall into the trap of comparing themselves to established authors, yearning to replicate their success. It is crucial to understand that each writer's journey is unique, and success cannot be measured solely by someone else's achievements. Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and discouragement. Embracing one's individuality and focusing on personal growth and improvement are essential for developing a distinct voice and style in writing.

Fear of rejection

The fear of rejection can be paralyzing for many writers, preventing them from sharing their work with the world. The idea of someone scrutinizing their work can be overwhelming, leading some to hide their creations away. Overcoming this fear is a significant milestone in a writer's journey. Embracing rejection as a part of the process and a chance to learn and improve is essential for growth as a writer.

Neglecting Daily Readings

The adage "readers make the best writers" holds true, as reading is a paramount tool for honing one's writing skills. Engaging with a diverse range of literature provides valuable insights into pacing, character development, and overall storytelling. When reading, writers have the opportunity to sit across from authors they admire, absorbing their knowledge and techniques. Keeping a notebook to jot down observations and inspirations enhances the learning process, but the true magic occurs when writers immerse themselves fully in a story, learning through experience.

Seeking Perfection:

Perfectionism can be crippling to a writer's progress. It is essential to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a flawless novel. Waiting for perfection before publishing can lead to prolonged delays and missed opportunities. Instead, aspiring writers should focus on producing their best work within a reasonable timeframe. Every novel is a work in progress, and subsequent revisions can further enhance its quality.

Ignoring the Importance of Editing:

Editing is an indispensable part of the writing process, often underestimated by many aspiring authors. Regardless of the publication path chosen, be it self-publishing or traditional publishing, overlooking the editing stage can have dire consequences for a novel's success. Editing goes beyond mere grammar and spellchecking; it encompasses elements like consistency, plot progression, and character development. Taking the time to thoroughly edit one's work and seeking assistance from professional editors can elevate a manuscript to its full potential, captivating readers and leaving a lasting impression.

Dismissing some Feedback:

Feedback is an invaluable gift, and writers should embrace it with an open mind. Beta readers and critique partners offer fresh perspectives that can help identify areas for improvement. Dismissing feedback, even if it differs from one's vision, can hinder growth as a writer. While not all suggestions need to be implemented, taking the time to consider them can lead to meaningful improvements in the narrative.

Neglecting Self-Care:

The passion for writing can sometimes consume writers, leading them to neglect self-care. Long hours spent in front of a computer can take a toll on physical and mental well-being. Taking regular breaks, maintaining personal hygiene, and nourishing the body with proper food and water are crucial to sustaining creativity and productivity. Writers should remember that their well-being is foundational to producing meaningful and impactful work.


Every writer embarks on a unique journey filled with trials and triumphs. Understanding and avoiding common mistakes is crucial for honing one's craft and achieving success. From the significance of thorough editing to embracing individuality, learning from reading, handling feedback, practicing self-care, and conquering the fear of rejection, writers can flourish in their creative pursuits. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, writers can elevate their work to new heights and connect with readers on a profound level.

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