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Are You Truly Happy?

Why fear is so important

By Nikki Albert VasquezPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

It’s Friday night. Your friends are all posting selfies of themselves hanging out at a party; a party you were invited to but didn’t want to attend. They keep sending you texts, trying to get you to come hang out too... “C’mon! It will be fun.”

Should you feel pressured to go or even guilty you said "NO"?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of societal input would try to say social gatherings are a healthy part of life. That hanging out with people and talking (or listening to them) is the cure for stress.

But I’m here to tell you, that’s not the whole truth.

The human soul, present in us all, has two major purposes on this planet in order to be healthy and aligned, or otherwise known as HAPPY: to be who it’s meant to be and to be loved and supported unconditionally. When these two purposes are achieved, we as humans experience what is known as a state of BLISS.

When we are being and doing what we are meant to do, we are able to express ourselves in our unobstructed truth. This authentic truth, even if it isn’t popular among our peers or family members, is where we find absolute harmony. It is where we flow through each day, understanding the natural struggles of life and embracing them as part of our existence. When we express as intended, we are aren’t full of worry, anxiety and fear. Our minds do not overthink situations.

When we are being who we are meant to be, we are ALIGNED and BALANCED in all pillars of WELLNESS.

Life might become challenging at times, as this feeling of being challenged is what helps us heal the areas that prevent us from living our intended purpose. The mind tries to tell us being afraid of the unknown is normal and we shouldn’t do things that make us feel fear. It warns us that we could get hurt, injured, lose things or people and even suffer horrible outcomes.

Even conforming to unreasonable requests because others are fearful is an example of how the mind attempts to override the soul’s purpose to express its truth.

Someone else’s input into your dreams can look like this:

‘You cannot just sell everything and move out into the wild! How will you pay for food or medical? What will you do for income? You will be lonely! That’s just nuts!!!’

And to those folks whose soul expression is NOT an off grid self-sustainable lifestyle may genuinely find this scenario to be unpalatable. But to the aligned soul, it is the intended path to happiness. It is BLISS.

When the soul is expressing as intended, a sense of joy, peace and calm will be present as well. Even in the face of discomfort and fear, you will know you are on the RIGHT path because the soul is aligned. It doesn't mean you won't worry occasionally, or wonder what the next step will be. But, an aligned soul that is expressing as intended isn't suffering.

I recently had to depart from a very uncomfortable situation; a situation that was bringing my soul constant suffering and trauma. The physical environment I lived in was perfect and I loved the work I was doing. The beauty and simplicity of being in nature was beyond anything I could have imagined. I had sacrificed many comforts of the "normal" life to allow myself the opportunity to become aligned with the land, to write my book and to live a simple life. Unfortunately, there was chronic conflict with other people involved; a conflict that was dark and depleting.

At first, I thought it was me or maybe an adjustment period, but both me and my beloved came to realize the darkness was coming from a particular person in our space. A person who appeared to be deeply suffering from darkness; overwhelmed, anxious and not at peace with their own self. The intensity of the negative energy was like having a brick tied to your ankle while trying to enjoy a leisurely swim.

The fear I experienced was significant as it related to getting out of this situation...and the fear reminded me and my husband that it was the right thing to do. Why? Because....fear does that! It guides us.

We weren’t fearful of staying in the situation, even though it seemed to be conflicting and created energies that assaulted our moral values on many levels. But leaving the toxic situation created fear within us. Only once we recognized this FEAR as the beacon on our journey were we able to make a decision.

When we left, a HUGE cloud of darkness lifted and we questioned why we hadn’t left sooner. We had allowed ourselves to endure suffering and spells of darkness cast onto our presence there. Yet, once we reclaimed our power and realized the darkness and the spells of evil, we STOOD in our light and the expression of our soul's purpose.

Fear let’s you KNOW that your decision to separate from a toxic connection or to take the next step in the process is the right one. When we begin seeing the "what if I fail" sign, we know we are moving towards greatness! This is called being ALIGNED with the SOUL'S PURPOSE.

If it is the right path, you should feel exhilarated, excited by the possibility, energized by the feeling of success and yes, a little fearful about what will happen if you don't succeed. If you struggle in a situation, constantly facing conflict, whether directly or indirectly, you must know that you are probably NOT in the situation intended for your SOUL.

The second part of our purpose is to be loved and supported UNCONDITIONALLY in that expression. When we are doing what we are meant to do AND those around us are lifting us up and supporting us in what we are doing, we are full!! Think about a baby who takes his first steps. The mommy is on the other side of the room full of encouragement and open arms. She's excited that he is about to move across the room for the first time! Maybe even a little fearful he will topple over. BUT....


The mother does not question the purpose of the child. He is meant to walk. It is when the purpose of the soul is not so obvious to others, OR others are jealous of the purpose of another in their expression where we experience a lack of support.

In the above story about our exodus from the darkness, we realized both individually and as a couple that we were not supported or loved in our expression of life despite being in a perfect physical environment. Don't get me wrong. We had been provided with a simple place to live and access to provisions. The basic food, water and shelter of the hierarchy were available to us without barrier.

What was absent was an unconditional support system that allowed us to be who we were. There was absolute chaos at times....chaos that had nothing to do with us, but caused us to pretend we were someone we weren't so as not to cause conflict. We worked very hard to try and please, but our efforts were often ignored or even challenged to the negative.

There was a point about midway where we actually GAVE UP on our intended journey and focused our energy on trying to make other's happy.

When you are aligned, you realize that you cannot EVER make someone else happy. That is the sole responsibility of the individual themselves. When someone suffers, it is a neon sign reminding them of their own malignment. And yet, we stopped doing the things we LOVED in order to TRY and gain support for the things we were doing. Not to be validated, but because we had be punished for our free and harmless expression of our truth.

We were living by the expectations and judgments of others; not ourselves.

There was a specific moment where our energy shifted and we realized that we would not ever be supported in this space. Another individual revealed to us a conversation that had been held about us. It was in this moment of revelation we knew our purpose and understood the lesson we were being taught in this experience.

Because we understood no matter where we lived, our soul's need to be supported unconditionally in its expression was part of TRUTH, we made a decision to leave.

Although our experience was exclusively ours, it was in the vulnerability of sharing that will help guide others to their own TRUTH. And truth is only found when we take time to ourselves and sit in silence.

For us, the silence of nature was where the truth revealed itself. We were able to see our power and the dark forces trying to suppress and control our power. Through the process of questioning ourselves, giving up our expression and then realizing that we were being suppressed, we were able to see our path. It was in this silence where we understood fully that we are aligned, no matter where we long as we can be who we are meant to be and be supported in who we are meant to be.

On your journey through life, do not allow others to dictate or question your path. Moreover, do not allow them to attempt to shift your path. People will try and sell you their brand of misery almost daily.

Their belief systems. Their religion. Their stories of success. Their justifications. Their accomplishments. Their life PRs.

Those are great! But they aren't YOURS. When you are on your path, you will KNOW what brings you soulful JOY.

Its kind of like that questions we ask: IF you didn't have to worry about finances, family, friends or anything else, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING in your life that would bring you absolute PEACE and JOY...your BLISS?

The answer is different for all.

Align yourself with YOUR PATH. But most of all, surround yourself with people who ALLOW YOU TO BE YOU and LOVE and SUPPORT YOU unconditionally in this journey.

It is here where I know my husband and I are on our path, for we are at peace with one another and our life NO MATTER what perceived struggles we encounter. We are supportive of each other in our expression and those around us are supportive of us as a married couple on our journey.

Authentic expression and unconditional love is the way to happiness.


About the Creator

Nikki Albert Vasquez

Writer. Author. Blogger.Illusion of what use to be or the dreams of tomorrow are not my style. Present moment in raw organic truth relative to mind, body, spirit and soul; detachment from expectations. Shine in the NOW!

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