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An Entrepreneur

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
"A person who sees a problem is a human being; a person who finds a solution is visionary; and the person who goes out and does something about it is an entrepreneur." - Naveen Jain

Taking on the role of a business owner is one of the most challenging things that we could ever do. None of that rocking up to our workplace, doing the minimum amount of work our boss requires of us, working set hours, packing up and going home, and receiving a guaranteed pay check at the end of each week, like in the corporate world. Entrepreneurship is about complete dedication, sacrifice, commitment, patience, perseverance, long hours, accountability, responsibility, adaptability, creativity, and ownership. It generally takes years to build a successful business, and during those years, there is a great amount of time, money, and effort that goes into it, in order to make it successful. Not only that, but we can't forget about the number of rejections, setbacks, and failures that we encounter during that time of establishing and growing the business. Building a successful business is a goal in itself, and we all know just how difficult that road to achieving our goals can be. It can be brutal and demoralizing, testing our character and our will to their absolute limit. That business becomes our livelihood, so the importance of generating success is paramount. There may be many months though where even the likes of generating a profit, and an income for ourselves, both seem like a distant dream. Such challenges, hardships, and adversities don't exactly make entrepreneurship an attractive proposition, do they, worsened by the fact that society has created the belief that businesses only end up failing? The funny thing is though, entrepreneurship may just be the answer to the wishes and prayers of so many people, as far as career is concerned.

Considering 9 out every 10 people, on average, hate or dislike their job, the question must be asked; why do people stay in a job they hate or dislike? Why do people seriously waste away up to 45 years of their life working in jobs that provide them no satisfaction, enjoyment, or happiness whatsoever? Three reasons, the first being that the corporate world is all they have ever been educated about, therefore they believe that having a job is a non-negotiable. The second being that, although they do know about the option of starting a business, they are either too scared to proceed, they are worried it will only fail, they don't believe they have the required skills or knowledge, or they couldn't be bothered putting in the hard work involved. They are not prepared to take any risks. Thirdly, because they are too scared to part with their pay check. That regular weekly, fortnightly, or monthly pay check that they receive from their current job, is their safety blanket. They at least know they are receiving some money into their bank account, to accommodate for their basic survival needs, so that offers them comfort and reassurance. With these one, two, or all of these factors playing on their mind, they turn down the opportunity to start their own business, and resign to the fact that work is meant to suck, and that they will be forever unhappy with the job they are in. What sort of a life is that? It's just such a sad reality that 9 out every 10 working individuals in the world live for 2 days of the week, and merely exist for the other 5. Work can be enjoyable, whether you want to believe that or not! If you're not working a job that you enjoy, and that you have a passion for, then you're automatically giving 45 years of your life away. You're throwing away 45 years of happiness, satisfaction, and potential success and prosperity.

Entrepreneurship may not be for everybody, and we'd be foolish to think that it is. It definitely takes one to possess certain values, characteristics, and behaviours to become an entrepreneur, but there are many people out there in which entrepreneurship would be the perfect solution for them. Every single one of us possess the talent, the skill, and the potential to make a business venture work, but the question is, how many of us are courageous, patient, perseverant, determined, and committed enough to create that success for ourselves? How many of us are prepared to trust in our abilities and back ourselves? You know yourself how horrible that feeling is, come Sunday night, realizing that you have another 5 days of dreaded work ahead of you, before you can next enjoy life again, when the weekend rolls around. Think about it, 5 days of feeling miserable, unenthused, demotivated, unhappy, unsatisfied, uninspired, and unfulfilled, week after week, year after year, for 45 years. Is that really a life that you want? Okay, so we need an income, and we need money to survive, that's completely understandable, but what is money without happiness? Perhaps we need to sacrifice a couple more years of remaining in a corporate job, just to keep an income flowing through, but out of hours, we need to be working our butt off to be building a business that is going to generate that income for us in the long term, whilst also providing us with something to be passionate about. Just don't settle for years and years of unsatisfying work in the corporate world, especially when you don't have to! Discover your passion! What is a hobby or interest that you have? After you answer that question, then get your brain to start working overtime in generating a solution to how you can transform that hobby or interest into an income generating business. Get creative! Dedicate some time to researching on the internet some tips and hints to starting and running a business. Invest some time into personal development and mindset training, to strengthen your mindset, self belief, and attitude. Make some bold decisions, take some risks, make some sacrifices, but just give it a go, and give it all you have got. Don't give up when things get tough, just make some changes where needed, remain patient, and persevere until your business starts generating the success you desire. Is it time you became an entrepreneur?

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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