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A Ray of Light

A Reflection on the joy & pain of serving God through Missions

By Bhoadskie BesoniaPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

In a world filled with diverse cultures, urgent needs, and strong desires for connection, mission work shines as a light of hope and kindness. This endeavor driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to help God and people, has an amazing ability to make changes that last and touch people in deep ways. It gives a glimpse into a world where people help each other without expecting anything in return and where the joy of making a change is a real thing.

It is natural to pause and think on the enormous delight that comes with serving God through missions as the journey develops.

May these times of reflection inspire your passion, determination, and steadfast commitment to serving God via missions. May the joy felt on this sacred trip serve as a beacon, kindling hearts and motivating others to join in the transforming work of love and compassion.

A glimpse of Missionary work in Sitio Pinagpala

The Christian Community Church Young Missionaries' personal journey of love in action amidst the challenges and struggles often encountered, there are precious moments that shine with pure happiness and joy. These moments are like beacons of light, reminding missionaries of the profound impact their efforts can have on the lives of others.

In the humble place of Sitio Pinagpala Mt. View, Mariveles Bataan, the CYM is imparting Christian values to the young minds of the community. Moreover, provide little meals to share with joy.

The room is filled with eager young faces, brimming with curiosity and hope. As the children begin to grasp bible stories and Christian values, their eyes light up with excitement. In that moment, the missionary witnesses a transformation—a spark of happiness that radiates from each child's heart.

"It's incredibly taxing," one of the young missionaries stated, "but when I saw the smile on the children's cheeks, there was an indescribable joy in my heart." said by Angelo Sanchez, CYM member

I'm glad to be a young man who can be a part of missions, even if it's exhausting. It's a blessing to see those children happy. and I enjoyed it, remarked Jonathan Tuyay

Indeed, it is within these brief moments of happiness found by the CCC young missionaries that the true essence of their calling is revealed. It is a reminder that their selfless acts of service have the power to transform lives, inspire hope, and bring immeasurable joy to those in need.

Uncovering the Riches of Missionary Service

Through the challenges and joys experienced on this path, valuable lessons are learned that contribute to personal growth of the Christian Community Church Young Missionaries, spiritual development, and a deeper understanding of God's calling. Here are some important learnings of the CYM arise from their personal missionary work:

1.The kind of joy you never lose

The CYM found the elation of seeing the seeds of faith take root in barren hearts. It is the joy of forming deep connections, embracing new friendships, and being welcomed into the lives of those being served. The joy is often found in simple moments of laughter, shared meals, and the celebration of God's goodness.

Reflecting on the joy & pain serving God through missions reminds them that true fulfillment lies not in the pursuit of personal ambitions or material possessions but in selfless service and genuine acts of love. It is in those moments when we step outside ourselves and become vessels of God's grace and compassion that we discover a joy that surpasses all boundaries.

This reminds me of 2 Corinthians 6:10, where Paul further elaborates this paradoxical nature of joy in the midst of challenges, stating:

"sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything."

If an individual solely experiences joy on their most favorable days, it can be assumed that they have not yet encountered the full measure of joy.

2.Cultivating Empathy and Compassion

However, alongside the joy, The CYM witness firsthand the devastating effects of poverty, disease, and spiritual darkness. They come face to face with the profound human struggles, the heart-wrenching stories of loss and despair, and the weight of their inability to alleviate all the suffering they encounter.

It is a pain born out of encountering the brokenness and suffering that the young Missionary of CCC learned to integrate their faith with their actions. They recognize that living out their beliefs involves tangible acts of love and service. This understanding prompts them to actively engage in addressing the needs of others and bringing about positive change.

Furthermore, immersion in the lives and struggles of others cultivates an empathy and compassion within the young missionaries. They gain a deeper understanding of the pain, challenges, and hopes of those they serve. This empathy compels them to take action and extend love and compassion to all they encounter.

3. Life-long Commitment to Mission

These young missionaries recognize that mission is a lifelong calling. They become mission-minded and look for ways to serve and offer God's love.

I recall Kith Diendo, the leader of CYM, expressing his determination to persevere in their purpose and leave the outcome to God, saying, "May we endeavor to fulfill our duties and leave the consequences to our God."

In conclusion, the CCC young missionaries' journey of happiness and pain was profound and transforming. Missionaries find delight in changing lives, embracing other cultures, and spreading God's love. It comes from serving God and witnessing His redemptive power.

May their reflections motivate us to be compassionate, serve others, and make a difference in our own communities. May we embody love's transformational power and bring God's kingdom pleasure to a needy world.


About the Creator

Bhoadskie Besonia

Reliable person and can be counted on to follow through my commitments

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