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A Nobody

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
“Be a simple nothing and an ordinary nobody because that's the greatest thing you can be.” - Marty Rubin

I can't even begin to imagine the number of people who have visited my blog entries, over these past three years, and after reading them have thought to themselves, "Who the hell is this guy? He's a nobody! Here is this nobody giving me all this advice about how to be happy, successful, and wealthy, and he's not even someone who anyone even knows of, nor is he successful, or wealthy anyway. As if I would believe or follow anything he says". To be honest though, this doesn't even bother me in the slightest. Firstly, there are always going to be many people who will view such advice as being rubbish and unrealistic anyway, whether it comes from me, or an internationally recognized motivational speaker such as Tony Robbins. Why? Because they personally have no motivation, will power, or courage, to even test the advice given, and strive to create a life they desire. Not only that, but they are generally someone who is just downright negative minded, and no-one can change such a mindset but themselves. They were educated to believe that what the majority of society does, is what is normal and accepted. They seem to completely overlook the fact that achieving success, happiness, and prosperity is definitely achievable, proven by those many individuals who have actually gone on to create success for themselves, off the back of hard work, sacrifice, commitment, patience, and several failures. Let's face it, such negative minded people aren't willing to put in the hard work it takes to become successful, so they rubbish those who like to encourage it, so others won't do it either, and make them look foolish. I'm well aware that I am never going to be able to positively influence everyone, likely very few people in fact, however if I can help encourage and inspire 10,000, 1,000, 100, 10, or even just 1 person, to pursue their dreams, take risks, make changes, and design a life of their desire, rich with happiness, success, and prosperity, then these blog entries will be well worth the time and effort.

Again though, who am I? What gives me the authority to be giving advice and suggestions around life coaching, and the like, when I have no degree, no diploma, no certificate to suggest I am qualified to even speak about life enhancement? What makes me someone that can offer credible suggestions and advice that people should adhere to, and follow, especially when I am not someone who has achieved this success and prosperity that I love to encourage others to achieve? Okay, I am going to answer those questions, with a question. What would have made people follow the advice and suggestions given by Tony Robbins, or Eric Thomas, or Jim Rohn, or Nick Vujicic, or Les Brown, or Jack Canfield, or Zig Ziglar, before they became recognized in the public eye, or before they achieved their fame? Each and every one of these people I mention of, and more, all started off as a nobody. Without going into the background of each of these individuals, undoubtedly, they would have all faced rejection, failure, criticism, and adversity, at many stages, before they ever made it big. Imagine a room crowded with people, who were waiting patiently to hear some advice and recommendations on how to improve their life, how they can best pursue their goals, how they can design a future of their desire, all hungry to be motivated and inspired to do so, and it's you that steps out onto the stage to deliver them that advice and recommendations. How many people would actually take you seriously? How many people would up and leave? How many people would be disappointed that it's not someone recognized, and someone they believe not to be qualified to give such advice? Why would they react in such a way? Because, like me, you're a nobody. Don't dismay though, that's actually a good thing.

The simple fact is, everybody starts out as a nobody. Being a nobody gives us the opportunity though, to become a somebody, at least if we choose to do so. The advice and recommendations I give in my blog entries come from two different sources. The first of these sources comes from all the research, all the reading, and motivational content, that I follow as part of my personal development training, all material generated by a variety of different successful individuals and motivational speakers, who have already travelled the journey themselves. It makes sense to indulge in this sort of motivational material, because these individuals share their best practices, they share their failures, they share their knowledge, they share their trials, and they share their advice, in how they achieved their success, all with the aim to encourage more people to do the same. They've discovered success, and they want others to embark on a life of success, happiness, and prosperity, also. When you listen to a variety of different individuals who have achieved success for themselves, although each of their journeys are different, many of the challenges, adversities, and failures, they faced, are very similar. Each were taken to a low point in their life, only to have found a way to rise from it all, and ultimately turn their trials into triumph. Realistically, I am only echoing their best practices, advice, and recommendations, not because I've achieved them personally myself yet, but because they are proven to have resulted in success. Whilst I am in the process of creating success for myself, like the above individuals, I too would love to see others achieve their goals and dreams.

The second source, as to where I provide advice and recommendations in my blog entries, comes from my own personal experience. I've never steered away from the fact that the journey towards achieving one's goals, is damn brutal. Having been on this journey now for three years, it's fair to say I have gained a lot of understanding, experience, and learning along the way. All this learning and experience has come off the back of failed actions, adversity, challenges, and opposition from others. What I have gone through, and still continue to face, is no different to what those who have achieved success, also went through. It's great that I have the freedom of speech to share what trials I am going through, how challenging this journey really is, how I've continued to remain resilient, how I have overcome hardships, and how I continue to maintain the faith in myself, and in achieving my goals. I'm a nobody now, but I'm also a classic product of someone trying to create success for themselves, someone giving insight to the world of exactly how patient, resilient, and hard working, one has to be before becoming successful. We look at these successful and famous individuals, and all we normally see is their finished product, who they are today, and who they have become. Unless we personally do some research, we don't really gain a true picture as to what they have gone through, what their journey entailed, how long they had to be patient and work hard for, prior to having made it big. If there is anything on my journey that I believe is beneficial for others, or something insightful I have learned, then I will share it accordingly.

Many people may not actually know this, but I don't do these blog entries to make money, or to become famous. I operate this business without the intention to make profit, but purely to encourage, motivate, and inspire, others to pursue their goals, and actually create a life that brings them happiness, success, and prosperity. I'm using my own personal development and my personal experience, as a way of giving back to others. I want to help and encourage people in life to succeed, and to achieve their goals. Each of these blog entries normally take me a couple of hours to craft and publish each day, which is a fair amount of time in all honesty, to which I am not contributing to my own personal benefit or my income generating business, but I do it because I enjoy it, and I do it because I genuinely want to help, inspire, and motivate others. Who knows where these blog entries will take me in the future, but it's certainly not my intention to become famous. Perhaps they will take me from being a nobody, to becoming a somebody, but that's not important to me right now. What is important to me right now, is helping as many people as I can, realize and pursue their dreams. The simple message today though is, don't feel that you lack the capability to become someone of greatness. Don't let the fact that no one knows who you are today, be what influences you to turn your back on what you can become! Don't feel that you are someone completely inferior who lacks the power to positively influence others. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you're not good enough, instead, prove to them that you are. Sometimes we have to face failure and rejection, in order for us to work harder, and fine tune our skills, before we finally succeed. Success takes time, just remain patient, and continue to persevere towards achieving your goals. Being a nobody is where it all starts, that's a good thing, and it's never something to be ashamed of. If it's becoming successful in the public eye that inspires and drives you, then I look forward to celebrating with you on the day you become a somebody! If it's becoming successful away from the public eye that inspires and drives you, then I look forward to celebrating with you on the day you become a somebody also! Either way, commit, focus, work hard, remain patient, and succeed. Never give up!

#Sunday #SundayMotivation #quote #motivation #nobody #somebody #success #goals #inspiration #influence #happiness #failure #rejection #adversity #journey #life #future #patience #WorkHard #focus #commitment #greatness #prosperity #advice #recommendations #PersonalDevelopment #WindOfChangeNow


About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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