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Your Future And Happiness At Risk!

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
"And then there is the most dangerous risk of all; the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later" – Randy Kosimar

For anyone who thought life would be so much better if they didn't have to go to work, may have just a little wake up call in 2020. The coronavirus has caused much destruction on a global scale, not only health wise, but also in regards to employment. As businesses were forced to temporarily close, or had restrictions imposed on them, many had no other choice but to offload staff, leaving millions of people, all of a sudden, without a job. What a contrast in people's opinions about their job though, when we compare the sort of things they were saying mid 2019, to that of mid 2020. Previously, it was one big whinge session, constantly complaining about how much they hate their job, how much their job sucks, and how they could think of much better things to be doing in their life. Fast forward to mid 2020, that conversation was still one filled with whinging and complaining, but this time it was about the fact how they had no income to live on, how they were desperate to have their job back, and how they were stuck at home not being able to do anything. It's interesting that the hatred towards their job, with the wish of not having to work, came to fruition, and yet only ended up causing more unhappiness and stress. Two lessons to learn here, be careful what you wish for, and we never really understand what we have until it's gone. Let's be honest here though, the real reason people were so desperate to get their job back wasn't because they enjoyed it, was it? They wanted it back for the money, which is understandable to an extent, because we need money in order to survive accordingly. Basically, most people have an extreme desire and need for money, but don't want to have to work for it, and sorry to say, but life doesn't work that way. The underlying problem, to all this I have discussed above though, is work satisfaction.

When a vaccine becomes available, and coronavirus becomes a thing of the past, normality will be restored, and that means we will go back to whinging and complaining about our job again, despite this time of learning we are currently going through. Why? Because the majority of people aren't happy with the job they are working. No virus is going to change that! Even for those who have lost their job, and go on to obtain new employment, guaranteed that an overwhelming majority of these people aren't entering into a new job because it's work they are passionate about doing, it will purely be out of desperation for money. We can look back at 2020 and view it as having been a massive let down and an inconvenience, and that's exactly how most will perceive it, because that's how the majority of people have their mindset wired, focused on negativity. The truth is, 2020 has been a year of massive opportunity. I wonder how many people have actually taking the view of seeing the loss of their job as a perfect opportunity to start focusing on building a future by their own design, and an opportunity to pursue their passion, rather than just settle for any old job. I somehow feel this would be an incredibly low percentage, and the reason being is that most people would have been too focused on money, not their passion or future.

Most of us would have had the blessing of being able to spend more time at home throughout the year, which undoubtedly would have freed us up to invest much more time into researching and planning an employment option that could, not only provide us with an income, but actually provide us with a genuine satisfaction in the work we do. We could have been looking into a work option we are passionate about, not just one for the money only. Guaranteed, most people wouldn't have done that. Likely, they would have been spending a couple of hours frantically submitting applications for any job available in the employment classifieds, before retreating to the couch to watch television, play video games, or browsing through social media, for the remainder of the day. Whilst I can understand the need for a job, in order to be receiving an income to survive on, I will never understand why we settle on that option for the entirety of our working life. It's an understandable solution for a budding new entrepreneur, desperate to grow their business, and to fulfil their work dream, to sacrifice a few months, maybe even a couple of years, working a job for the sake of maintaining cash flow for their business. They have a short term plan in play, that forms the platform to future success, goals accomplishment, work satisfaction, and prosperity. For most other people though, there is no real plan, there is just mere hope.

The plan for most people is if they can just work in their job for as long as it takes to keep building their superannuation fund for retirement, getting their house paid off, their credit card and loans paid off, whilst continuing to build some savings in the process, then they can look at working towards their life goals. This all sounds practical in theory, but on such a mediocre wage, with the cost of living constantly rising, and unexpected events and expenses that crop up along the way, it becomes a very lengthy journey. We are talking about a 15 to 30 year plan here, a timeframe that's far too long to be accomplishing any goal. The sad part is, it's not really accomplishing a personal life goal as such, it's placing oneself in a healthy financial position, with that personal goal still to be achieved. So we are 15 to 30 years into working a job we hate, meaning we are likely to be into our 40's, but more likely our 50's, and yet we still haven't achieved our personal goals. Goals more than often involve financial investment too, plus normally take around 3 to 7 years to achieve, at least if they are decent life enhancing ones, so it's likely we would go into some form of debt again, and if all goes to plan, we may finally reach our goal by our late 50's or early 60's. By then, we may not even be healthy and agile enough to even enjoy or get to experience our goal, and what's worse is, the law of averages tell us we have a 1 in 5 chance of passing away by that age. All those years of sacrifice, and working a job we hate, all for what?

The good old routine of working any old job, paying down the mortgage and other debt, and investing in the super fund, it's what most people do, and therefore is considered normal. It's therefore why most people follow suit. It's also not the method for a decent quality type of life. Sacrificing our happiness for 15, 30, even up to 45 years of our life, working a job that is paying us a wage barely enough to be reducing our debt, whilst leaving us just enough left over to pay our other bills and give us food on the table, that's not living! That's not a solution to working towards achieving our goals. There's nothing proactive in that, it's just simply a case of working hard only to personally struggle through life, whilst the likes of shareholders and company executives benefit financially from all the work we do. We have to be more realistic and wise when it comes to a corporate job, and understand that unless we can climb the corporate ladder into an executive role, we are never going to earn an income high enough to reduce debt fast enough, and free up ourselves financially. We could continually tighten our budget belts, for years on end, sacrificing everything just to reduce that debt, but is that really living? The solution is that we need to find an employment option that earns us profits, not wages. We need to start being compensated for the work we do, not for the time we clock in and out. Above all, we need to find an employment solution that we have a true passion for, and something that provides us great satisfaction, whilst giving us the opportunity to serve and help others. I personally believe the answer can be found in entrepreneurship, and whilst it is far from an easy road, it's a goal that has been proven to result in success within a 3 to 7 year timeframe, provided one remains dedicated, committed, patient, resilient, and hard working, in the process.

Entrepreneurship gives one the flexibility to turn something they are passionate about, into a profession. Entrepreneurship doesn't restrict your potential on the income you can create, unlike the corporate world. Many people talk about the risk of going into business, and the potential for it to fail, but the truth is, it's never the business that fails, only the individual. Any business can be successful when the right work ethic, attitude, and creative mindset, is applied to it. Sure, the road is extremely challenging, and one that tests our resolve like never before, but for those who understand it's their future, their goals, and their happiness on the line, their drive and determination propels them to find a solution to each challenge. The real risk that people are taking in life, is to continue working a job they hate, and believing that following the masses is the way to go. It's that risk of doing what you don't want to do, for 15, 20, 30, 45 years, with the belief you will finally achieve what you desire. We need to be proactive, investing our time into planning a working option that we are passionate about, and then working hard on it, to make it a profitable one. It will take numerous years, so we must exercise patience, whilst also being resilient to all the failures, setbacks, and challenges, we encounter along the way. If we maintain that drive and determination to achieve our goals, and be setting up a future we desire, then we are well and truly capable of achieving greatness. This year has provided you a unique opportunity to explore a new option for the work you do, don't waste it! Find your passion, stop wasting your life away living in unhappiness, and stop placing your future and happiness at risk!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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