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A moment with Chris

My Self-help Tips

By Emma ChrisPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A moment with Chris
Photo by Mayank Dhanawade on Unsplash


Tip 1

"Just admit it when you're wrong and shut up when you're right"

Tip 1 is a reminder to practice humility and avoid arrogance. W hen you admit that you are wrong, it shows that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes. This can help you grow as a person and improve your relationships with others. On the other hand, when you are right about something, it's important to avoid being overly defensive or argumentative. This can come across as arrogant and dismissive of others' perspectives, which can damage relationships and create unnecessary conflicts. Instead, it's better to listen to others' viewpoints and consider their perspectives, even if you ultimately disagree with them. This shows that you are open-minded and respectful of others, which can help build positive relationships and foster productive conversations. In addition, shutting up when you are right can also help you avoid making mistakes or overlooking important details. By taking the time to listen to others and consider their perspectives, you may discover new information or insights that you hadn't considered before. This can help you make more informed decisions and avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. Overall, admitting when you are wrong and shutting up when you are right is a valuable practice that can help you build stronger relationships, avoid conflicts, and make better decisions. It requires humility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn and grow, which are all important qualities for personal and professional success. But make no mistake, this doesn't mean that you should always stay silent or never stand up for what you believe in. There are times when it's important to speak up and defend your beliefs, especially when they are being challenged or threatened. However, it's important to do so in a respectful and constructive way, rather than resorting to insults or aggression. It's not always easy, but it's worth striving for. Remember, being right is not always the most important thing. Sometimes, it's more important to listen, learn, and grow. And when you do need to speak up, do so with respect and kindness. By doing this, you can create a more positive and productive environment for yourself and those around you.

Tip 2

"Ask people for permission to do something even if you know they will say yes"

Honestly, the truth is even if you and your partner are tight buddies or close friends, whether or not you and your partner have gone through thick and thin. Despite your relationship status with the individual, it can never override the principle of permission. Even if you know they will definitely give you a yes as an answer, permission still comes first. Majority overlooks it but bottom line is that asking for permission, shows respect and consideration for other people. It is not good to just do things without considering how it will affect other people. It is a sign of respect and good manners. It shows that you value the other person's opinion and are willing to work within the rules and expectations of the situation. It also helps to build trust and rapport with others, which is important in any social or professional setting. Additionally, asking for permission can help to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise if assumptions are made without clear communication.

Okay, lets say for instance, you want to use your friend's car, "Hey buddy, can I use your car?" Even if you know they will say yes, it shows that you respect their property and you don't want to take advantage of them. So, even if you think you know the answer, it's always better to ask for permission first. It's a simple gesture that can go a long way in building trust and respect with others. And in a society like ours where respect is highly valued, it's important to always show consideration for others.


So with this two tips i will put a full stop to this particular section. Thank you for taking out time to read this Self-help tips of mine and if this Self-help tips have been of help to you, I'll be glad if you shared it in the comment section.

Thank you.


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    ECWritten by Emma Chris

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