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A Moment of Thanks

Attitude of Gratitude

By Trevor FeelyPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Let’s take a moment and talk about the power of gratitude.

I am so happy and grateful to be sharing my experience with gratitude. I started a daily gratitude journal and the effects have been absolutely amazing. Taking 5 minutes out of my day and writing 10+ things I’m grateful for has been life-changing to say the least. It is surely the fastest way to turn that frown upside down. As we all know, we cannot be both unappreciative and grateful at the same time, and the latter is far more of a positive feeling.

Why is doing this small task daily important?

When we put ourself into a state of gratitude, we automatically raise our vibration. We are aligned and open to the good that is already here and the good flowing into our life. When we are not in a positive vibration, we are restricting the good that would naturally come to us. Taking time out of your day, physically writing, is a magical act. I strongly suggest doing this every day, for 30 days or more. I can guarantee a shift in awareness, and attitude.

What I am grateful for today is far more than a few months ago. I really take a moment and appreciate as many things each day as I can.

Taking a shower—wow this is so great, thank you for this warm running water and the ability to clean my body, and relax.

Laying down in bed—thank you for supporting me, I am so comfortable, I love my bed, I am happy to be rested.

What’s even more interesting is the fact that I even take unpleasant and “negative” situations or experiences and I am grateful for those! I am grateful for my experience, the knowledge, the opportunity to exist to even experience “negative” situations.

I have a completely upgraded attitude and perspective in life, and I have to give credit to gratitude.

Another point of view to consider regarding gratitude is the fact that it is the gateway to upgrade.

What do I mean by this?

I’m sure you have heard something along the lines of “If you are not happy with what you have now, you won’t be happy with more.”

By appreciating all that you have now, you are showing the Universe/God/Spirit that you are ready for an upgrade.

My mentor, Bob Proctor, always says, “You should be happy/grateful with what you have, but never satisfied.”

I absolutely love this statement. We are always looking for greater expansion, upgrading, leveling up.

I can personally attest that taking on an attitude of gratitude is life changing, it’s so simple and yet, it’s highly effective.

Gratitude is a form of prayer, really; the vibration you are in when you are truly grateful for something is pure joy. I can not think of a single negative about being grateful. I can list many positives though. It’s so easy to be caught up in the day-to-day life that we often take for granted so many blessings. When we take time to recognize the blessings in our life, we are actually attracting more things to be thankful for. The more time we spend giving thanks, the less time we have for condemning and complaining.

Here are some tips on getting started expressing more gratitude. It’s. Really as easy as 1-2-3, but here we go.

1. Start a gratitude journal. In this journal, write at *least* ten things every single morning; if you forget to do it in the morning and remember later in the day, then make sure to do it. To be regular and consistent in this is a must. (When you are writing these things, do not rush—the most important part is to FEEL the gratitude, enter the state of gratitude and enjoy the process.)

2. As many times in a day as you can, take a moment to be grateful for the experience, for the food, for your breath, for being alive. (Both positive, and negative situations.)

3. Track your progress. Every 30 days, reflect on your previous experience and journal about it.


About the Creator

Trevor Feely

Hello! I am a Music Producer, Writer, Life Student, Entrepreneur, Animal Lover, Water Fanatic, and many other titles. I trust that those who find my page were brought here for a reason and I hope that my content helps and/or inspires you!

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