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98 Dollar Check And Rent Is Due

How The Universe Answered My Silent Prayer

By Irvin DinkinsPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
98 Dollar Check And Rent Is Due
Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

In the Spring of 1994, I started working for a video recording company that sold copies of television news clips of various news accounts to clients who wanted a copy for themselves for their archives. My job was to research recorded news stories for clients who were featured in a tv news report. This was when VHS and VCRs were still in some use. In this part-time position, the company was paying me $7.25 an hour as a video recording assistant. I could not complain about the pay because it was a job and I fairly enjoyed researching the news clips to package up for our clients. Well, I had been working for this video recording company for about three weeks and payday for me finally came.

I was so excited because I had planned on paying my rent on time, and the electric and gas bills too. To my shocking surprise when I opened the check and looked at the amount I earned for the two-week period minus taxes it was only $98.xx and some change. Yes. I was upset and disappointed over the amount I received because payday was on a Friday and my rent was due on Monday for $234.00, not to mention I had to pay for gas, electricity, phone, etc. So, what was I to do? While I knew just standing there staring at my paltry paycheck would not change the amount or change the fact that I had to come up with at least $450 by Monday to pay rent and other expenses what I needed was a plan.

Giving it some more thought about what to do with this check an idea jumped into my head "go to Atlantic City" I pondered the thought for a minute thinking if I go to Atlantic City and play my money away I would really be in trouble but the that thought quickly dissolved from my mind. I was able to cash the check at the nearby check cashing store. After cashing the check I was left with about $87.00 cash. I use some of that money to catch the SEPTA bus to the Greyhound Bus station.

While at Greyhound I paid for my bus ticket to Atlantic City which cost me about $22.50 round trip leaving me with $65.00 to play with at the casino. The express bus to Atlantic City arrived, boarded, and we were on the road. The trip from Philadelphia, PA to Atlantic City is about 45 minutes to an hour so while I was on the bus I was silently manifesting and repeating positive affirmations and pleading with the Universe to just allow me to have fun no matter what happens. The bus finally arrives at the Bally's Casino and Hotel and I and everyone else depart the bus and enter the casino. Since I am not a high-roller gambler I bypass the roulette and blackjack tables and immediately set my sights on the quarter slot machines. Knowing my funds to play with are limited, my approach to playing the slots and my game-plan was to play conservatively as possible.

One thing I forgot to mention is when you purchase your bus ticket at Greyhound you receive a comp bonus to the casino and the comp for this trip was $20.00. The comp is an incentive from the casino as a sorta thank you for coming to their casino to play, so actually, you can say I only spent $2.50 for the bus ride. I used my comp ticket and inserted it into a quarter slot machine and it registered $20 in credits. I began to play the slot machine one quarter at a time, a few small wins of 0.75 cents, 0.25 cents, and 0.50 cents.

I then started to switch up my play a little and started playing a quarter on some spins and then fifty cents on other spins. Still staying within my conservative play method on one particular fifty-cent spin the slot machine began to ring ding ding ding ding ding ding and the credit counter begin to spin up and up. I'm unable to remember exactly what the credit count was but after the dinging sound stopped I leaned over to the person next to me and asked her could she tell me how much I won? and she replied it looks like you won $250.00. At that moment I was pleasantly surprised and I silently said to myself thank you Universe. I immediately printed the credit ticket out of the slot machine and walked over to the cashier to cash in the ticket.

I received the $250 and set that aside not to be touched. Still holding my bucket of quarters from the original $20 comp I then started looking for other quarter slot games to play. I walked around the casino floor to find another slot machine to play. I eyed a Wheel of Fortune slot machine but at the time all the games were being played so I continued walking around and made a mental note to make a second round to Wheel of Fortune. I stopped at a few other quarter slots and played a few spins but nothing was paying off. So after 15 minutes or so I decided to return to Wheel Of Fortune and there was no one hardly there, I had my pick of machines to play so I settled for the second game on the end.

I begin to play one quarter at a time, then two quarters then, one quarter, then two quarters and, then I played three quarters which triggers the special game feature and spins the wheel. When I played three quarters the special game feature was activated and the wheel begin spinning and landed on an 8X multiplier and the slot machine begin ringing ding....... It was at this time a security guard walks over to me and say please wait here, sir. All the while the machine was still ringing very loudly in my ear a few minutes passed. A young lady in a showgirl costume and the security guard walk over to me and the young lady says congratulations sir you've won our Wheel Of Fortune jackpot.

At that moment I was really happy and excited. She then told me to hold out my hand and proceeded to count $100 bills in my hand, a small crowd gathered around as she put the money in my hands and after she finished in total I had won $2,500.00 Needless to say I was relieved and over the moon about this win. To add, I still had the $250 that I won earlier bringing my total win for the evening to $2,750.00. At that point, I decided it was time to go home so, I made my way to the bus departure area and waited for the next bus leaving for Philadelphia. When I returned home that night I thanked the Universe again for this huge blessing showing up in my life. I went to bed and in the morning I begin budgeting the money I had won to pay rent, gas, electricity, phone, and to repay anyone who had loaned money to me. After calculating and budgeting all my expenses the amount I won covered to the penny everything I owed. To the penny. What this whole Universe manifesting experience taught me is that the Universe will not always give you what you want but it will always give you what you need.

The accounts in this story are true and accurate.

self help

About the Creator

Irvin Dinkins

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