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9 Ways To Get & Stay Motivated

Tips To Increase Your Energy Throughout The Day

By Karen MowreyPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

We all, at some point, have trouble staying motivated throughout the day. We become habituated in our daily routine. We lose our conscious minds while walking around doing our normal duties like zombies. We become so used to the things we are doing, that we eventually just stop thinking about what we are doing. We know that physically, we are there but in our head we are lost in space.

This is the exact reason I decided this would be my next piece. I have studied many techniques for motivation, some worked and some did not. The 9 top motivational techniques that I found are listed below. Doing these techniques will help keep your motivation and energy going all day. So, if you are ready to change your life with more motivation, then this is what you need to do….

First Sight Make It Bright

AS SOON AS you open your eyes, turn on the light and sit up on the side of the bed. Try not to stretch and adjust your eyes while laying down. This can help jump start your energy and help keep you going all day. The first 15 minutes create the essence of the day. So make those minutes count.

Avoid Energy & Caffeinated Drinks

Avoid drinking energy and caffeinated drinks. While these can give you a quick boost of energy, they can also make you crash. After drinking these, you may feel ready to go, but once the effects wear off, you are right back where you started. And now, you may feel tired more than you did before drinking it.

Drinking energy and caffeinated drinks can be a quick fix but it can lead to unwanted results. Drinking too many energy or caffeinated drinks can have a negative impact on your body, while only giving only a small boost.

Incorporate Berries & Bananas Into Your Meals

There are many foods that can give you a little more pep in your step. Berries are rich in antioxidants which helps improve memory. Improving memory can help you stay focused throughout the day…. Bananas are full of carbohydrates that can increase your energy. If eaten before exercise or in the beginning and/or throughout the day, when exerting the most energy, the carbs can help you jump start your energy and boost your metabolism.

Listen To Your Favorite Music, While Doing Your Normal Morning Routine

Listening to your favorite tunes can put your mind at ease. This can help you keep focus on the task at hand. Music is also known to get you going, so to speak. If you think about how you feel when you listen to your favorite song, it normally will make you want to dance/move. Thus, increasing your energy, the more energy you excerpt, within normal reason, the more energy you have for longer periods of time.

Go For A Walk Or Jog Before Starting Your Day

Walking and jogging can help increase energy and jump start your metabolism. When done before work or daily activities it is a very good way to keep your body and mind alert and working properly throughout the day.

Take A Quick Swim Or A Not So Hot Shower

Emerging yourself in water can wake up or stimulate the senses, especially when it is luke warm or cooler. Emerging into warm or hot water can have the opposite effect. It tends to put your body at ease so that you can fall asleep more quickly. Make sure you use cool water before activities.

Avoid Starchy Foods, Like Bread

These foods can cause your mind and body to fall asleep easily and cause you to not be alert. They stick around all day making you lag. Your diet is one of the best ways to conquer low energy. With a little planning, IT IS POSSIBLE.

Avoid Staring At Your Phone, Tablet Or Computer Until You Are Ready To Leave Home

Staring at a screen first thing in the morning can stick your mind in a bored state. Which, in turn, can cause you to feel sleepy and not focused. Plus, it can Rob you of your necessary original thoughts. You may become consumed by the screen and forget things or lose creativity.

Make A Collage Of Your Best Work

When you have something you are proud of that you did, it will inspire you to do it again but better. Try this;

Think of something you did, that you could not wait to tell someone close to you. Got it? Good! Do you have a picture or some sort of memorabilia? If not, you can easily create one. It doesn't have to look good and you do not need to have someone know what it is when they look at it. It only needs to remind you of that moment you felt the most pride for yourself. Okay, so, now that we have your memory in mind, how do you feel? I bet you are feeling pretty good and have a little more motivation. Now, make a collage of your best moments and look at it every time you need motivation. This is a surefire way to keep positive energy and motivate you to conquer the most difficult of tasks.

Now that I have told you about these energy and motivation techniques, you can get started now on your next big project. I really hope I inspire at least one person with my words. Good luck to you all on your journey and keep up with my profile to hear more of my stories and helpful advice. To all my followers, thank you, this is all possible because of you. Until next time….


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Karen Mowrey

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