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9 Ways To Brighten Your Mood

How To Brighten Your Mood

By Amra BeganovichPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Sometimes it's difficult to get out of the doldrums, especially if you're feeling down or just plain blue. If your day is dragging and nothing seems to be going right, maybe you need a little mood-brightener. If you find yourself getting depressed about your depression, remind yourself that nobody is happy all the time.

Life is filled with moods and emotions, ups and downs - that's just part of living. Celebrate your emotions by recognizing the power they have to enable you to experience life at its fullest!

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Here are nine things you can try:

1. Keep busy and active. The more you do, the less time you have to be bored or depressed.

2. Learn new things that interest you. The more you know, the more interesting people and events become.

3. Change your scenery . Take a drive in the country, go watch people at play in a park, visit friends who live in another city, go window shopping outside your own neighborhood.

4. Have a favorite music tape or CD playing softly in the background. Music can be uplifting and inspire laughter or tears depending on what is played.

5. Slow down and smell the flowers . Life is too short to hurry through it, so take time to enjoy the small things.

6. Keep a journal or diary and write in it every day, recording your observations and thoughts on life and its meaning. This will help you sort out your feelings and find answers for yourself.

7. Make a list of all the good things about today and keep it somewhere you can see it. Next time you're feeling down, read it to remind yourself of all the blessings you do have.

8. Try not complain or criticize too much. Instead of complaining about what is wrong, think up ways that would make things better if they were different.

9. When you get angry at someone, count to ten before you say anything. This gives you a chance to cool down and avoid saying something you might regret later on.

When we struggle with adversity, our problems seem bigger than they really are because we view them from our limited, narrow perspective. If you step back, however, and consider the largest issues you are facing in light of your total experience over your lifetime - knowing that someday soon, they will no longer matter at all - they begin to shrink in size.

Be grateful for what you have . We tend to forget things that aren't as difficult as we might initially think they would be.

Try to see everything as part of a larger pattern . If you're bored, remember that boredom means you're not experiencing all the interesting things around you right now.

Keep your sense of humor and put things into perspective by remembering that every cloud has a silver lining. From time to time, we all feel sad or blue. Take good care of yourself physically. A healthy body is the foundation of emotional stability. Eat well and get enough rest and exercise.

Not every day will be the best day, but that doesn't mean that you won't have the best days of your life ahead. Because, as the old saying goes, "you can't always get what you want."

Have hope that tomorrow will be better. If not, then just take one day at a time - or even 10 minutes at a time! You deserve to have good days . It's up to you to make them happen for yourself.

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