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85 Best Affirmations For Self Love

Love yourself more with these affirmations

By Winnie MatPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
85 Best Affirmations For Self Love
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Affirmations for self love are a powerful tool to help you love yourself. These positive affirmations helped me to start loving myself more.

Nowadays, a lot of people suffer from self-doubts and insecurities. But, do you know that self-love affirmations can help fight these negative feelings and teach you to love yourself?

We are told that our bodies aren't beautiful enough, our personalities too boring and our minds too unoriginal.

But when you look at yourself in the mirror, do you see someone who is ugly? Do you see someone who isn't worth anything? I know I don't.

Love yourself unconditionally. You are worthy of love and deserving of all the good things in life. Self-love is not selfish - it's necessary.

It's so important to take care of ourselves, and that includes giving ourselves some love. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved, you deserve to be healthy, you deserve a great job, you deserve your dream house, you deserve your dream car.

There is nothing wrong with telling yourself that you are worth it, because deep down we know we are!

The following list includes 83 self love affirmations. You deserve to love yourself, so take some time now to look over these affirmations and decide which ones you'd like to use.

Even better, you can click here to get printable self love affirmation cards here so you can carry them wherever you go

  1. I am worthy.
  2. I am enough.
  3. I love myself.
  4. My needs matter.
  5. I am my own hero.
  6. I am worthy of joy.
  7. I am a good person.
  8. I deserve happiness.
  9. I can do hard things.
  10. My voice is important.
  11. I am worthy of happiness.
  12. I am enough just as I am.
  13. I am the best me there is.
  14. I am lovable just as I am.
  15. My happiness is a priority.
  16. All of my feelings are okay.
  17. I love myself unconditionally.
  18. All I need is me, myself, and I.
  19. My life has meaning and purpose.
  20. My body is perfect just as it is.
  21. I'm enough and what I do matters.
  22. The world is better off with me in it, I swear!
  23. My joy and peace comes from within.
  24. I am so proud of my accomplishments.
  25. I choose not to let fear dictate how I live.
  26. My opinion is important and valuable.
  27. It's okay not to have all the answers
  28. I deserve to be happy and free from pain.
  29. I deserve to be happy, healthy, and loved.
  30. Today is a new day so I choose to be happy.
  31. I accept myself and all of my flaws.
  32. I deserve to experience love at its fullest.
  33. No matter what I do, I'm always doing my best.
  34. I pardon myself for my past mistakes and failures.
  35. My body deserves respect and care from me today.
  36. It's okay if it doesn't work out the first time.
  37. I have something good inside me - I'm not broken.
  38. My heart deserves to be happy and free from fear.
  39. I am a beautiful, talented, and creative person. .
  40. My body may not be perfect but it works well for me.
  41. I am divinely loved and adored just as I am, right now.
  42. I am a unique human being with my own values and beliefs.
  43. I deserve to be loved fully and completely, just as I am.
  44. I am worthy of being loved just as much as anyone else is.
  45. My mind, body and soul are safe from harm today and always
  46. i love my life now and i will continue to do so in the future
  47. I always have something good happen when I show up for myself.
  48. My body is beautiful, no matter what size or shape it takes on.
  49. My body is strong, capable, beautiful, sensual and loved by me.
  50. It's okay if it doesn't work out - what matters is that I tried.
  51. I will choose to see myself with unconditional love and compassion.
  52. I recognize that my life is a gift, and I accept it with gratitude.
  53. The world is beautiful because I see beauty in everything around me.
  54. I will always be my best friend and I deserve the very best in life.
  55. i love myself enough to know that i can achieve anything i want in life
  56. I deserve to feel loved, appreciated, successful, and fulfilled in life.
  57. I forgive myself for all mistakes, perceived failures and imperfections.
  58. I am worthy of being happy today even if I don't have everything I want yet.
  59. My worth has nothing to do with my performance or what people think about me.
  60. I am worthy of being loved for who I am, with all my flaws and imperfections.
  61. I'm worthy of all good things coming my way today and every day after that too.
  62. My skin is beautiful just as it is, no matter what anyone says or thinks about it.
  63. My body deserves to be treated with care, respect, love and kindness at all times.
  64. I'm proud of who I've become so far, and how much progress I've made in my life already.
  65. I deserve all good things in life because of who I am and what I have done in life so far.
  66. Every day I grow stronger and wiser, and more able to face the challenges that come my way.
  67. I deserve to be happy and healthy, and I always have a choice in how I feel about my life.
  68. Even though there will always be challenges, I will overcome them with courage and strength.
  69. I have everything that I need within me already, All is well in my world - all is well in me.
  70. My thoughts are my own; they are not mine to share with anyone else unless I choose to do so.
  71. I can live my life in peace without feeling guilty about the past or worrying about the future.
  72. I have the ability to give and receive love in a way that is healthy, balanced and sustainable.
  73. I accept the joy of the present moment and live in the now with an open mind, heart and spirit.
  74. i love everything about me from my hair to the skin on my body to the smell of my breath in the mornings
  75. My thoughts are mine alone, and they do not define me or my worthiness of love and belonging in the world.
  76. I love myself unconditionally because I deserve it, not because of what other people think or say about me.
  77. I am unique and special in ways that only make me more beautiful than everyone else on this planet combined.
  78. I have an abundance of positive attributes and abilities, which can help me take steps toward achieving my goals.
  79. My opinion is important to me, and I respect myself enough to know that it matters what I think of myself too.
  80. Today is a new day full of new opportunities for growth, happiness and success! I welcome these changes with open arms today.
  81. I release all judgment of myself, others, and life so that I may be fully present in the moment, with an open heart and mind.
  82. Today, I will give myself permission to love myself completely and unconditionally for all that I am - imperfections included.
  83. I am loved by GOD. He is always there for me and loves me unconditionally. I trust in this truth and allow it to guide my thoughts and actions today.
  84. I am loved by the Universe. The Universe is always there for me and loves me unconditionally. I trust in this truth and allow it to guide my thoughts and actions today.

Recommended: Click here to get beautiful printable affirmation cards for self love to help you boost your esteem whenever you are feeling low.


Do these affirmations for self love. Repeat them every day. If you can manage to recite them to yourself every day, you will notice how quickly your feelings of self-love and acceptance increase, how wonderfully your perspective shifts, and how much more empowered you feel.

self help

About the Creator

Winnie Mat

Hi! Welcome to my profile. My name is Winnie and I am a lover of self care, romance, astrology, and makeup.

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