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7 tips to help improve your life

Simple rules to follow

By Esther AmiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Before you set your goals, think about why you want to achieve them in the first place. There are many types of goals, but they all have one thing in common: they all require effort. If something doesn’t require effort, it can’t be a goal! As such, if your goals are too easy or if you set the bar too low for yourself - then what exactly is going on?

We believe that setting high goals and working hard toward them leads to success. But never fear! Just be encouraged to set high goals, no one expects perfection on this journey. We all have weaknesses and shortcomings; only keep trying your best as long as it's within reason (and yes... even if that means failing!).

You must be willing to do the hard things

We all know that hard things aren’t easy. They take more time, energy, and focus than the easy tasks in life. But they are also more rewarding in many ways. They help you grow as a person and make you more confident in your abilities because they challenge you to push past your comfort zone and reach new heights of achievement.

To accomplish great things, we must be willing to do the hard things at times. This doesn’t mean that we should be willing to do anything just because it’s hard. But there are times in life when we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, step outside our routines and habits, and do something new or different. We need to grow as people, so this is a good thing.

You will never grow in judgment

It’s important to understand that you need to be willing to take risks in order to grow. You can’t just sit around waiting for the perfect opportunity to appear before you. If you’re not willing to take risks, then there will never be any progress or growth. If you aren’t taking any risks, then there will never be any progress or growth. And if there is no progress or growth, then it becomes far too easy for judgment and opinions about yourself or your work quality to become stagnant and stale—and we all know that stagnation leads quickly back into the downward spiral of self-doubt!

The most important thing is to always be willing to take risks. You can’t just sit around waiting for the perfect opportunity to appear before you. If you’re not willing to take risks, then there will never be any progress or growth.

If you aren’t taking any risks, then there will never be any progress or growth. And if there is no progress or growth, then it becomes far too easy for judgment and opinions about yourself or your work quality to become stagnant and stale—and we all know that stagnation leads quickly back into the downward spiral of self-doubt!

No one will hold you accountable

One of the biggest problems with setting low goals is that you'll never be held accountable by anyone. There will be no one to push you or help motivate you when the going gets tough. And if there's no one around checking up on whether or not your goals are being met, it's easy to simply fall into a routine and stop working towards what was originally set out as an achievable goal. For example:

If I say "I want to lose 20 pounds," but then I go home and sit on my couch all day drinking soda, eating ice cream, and watching Netflix...who is going to notice? Who is going to ask me about my progress? Who will hold me accountable for my weight loss goal? one else but myself!

If instead I said "I want to start jogging 30 minutes per day," now suddenly it becomes much easier because other people will know how often I'm jogging each day (or week). They can comment on how far they see me running each week; they can even offer advice if necessary! And most importantly: They can hold me accountable for achieving this goal because they know exactly what needs doing in order for me to meet this goal successfully.

Staying in a comfort zone keeps you from growth

"I’m never going to get better if I don’t push myself," you might think. Or maybe it's more like, "I'm not cut out for this job." But what if those thoughts are just excuses? What if the real reason you aren't getting better is because you're staying in your comfort zone? What if the real reason you aren't doing the hard things is because they make you uncomfortable? And what if taking risks is scary and uncomfortable and difficult--but necessary in order to grow as an individual?

I’m not a huge fan of the word “comfort,” because it implies a sense of ease and relaxation. Sure, I like being comfortable (who doesn't?), but there is a difference between being physically comfortable and being mentally comfortable. The latter is what we're talking about here: staying in your comfort zone.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you want to grow as an individual, it's important to step outside of that zone every once in a while. There's a group of people who like to stay in their comfort zone, and then there's the rest of us. Who would you rather be?

The higher the risk, the better the reward

The higher the risk, the better the reward. The reason for this is simple: if you take a risk that's actually worth taking and it doesn't work out, then you'll have learned something valuable about yourself. You'll know how to grow from your mistake, and as long as you keep trying new things and learning from your mistakes along the way, then no matter what happens in life—you will always be able to come back stronger than before.

If there is one thing I want everyone reading this article to understand it is this: if there are no risks involved with something in your life right now...then why are YOU taking them?! If everything feels comfortable for too long then it means that nothing has changed! It also means that nothing will ever change unless YOU change something first!

If you are not taking risks in your life right now, then it is time to start! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by challenging yourself in new ways. If you want to make changes in your life but don’t know where to start, then look at the things that scare you most. Is there something that keeps holding you back from achieving your goals? Then set a goal of doing it anyway.

If there is no risk, then progress doesn’t continue

The only way to see real growth and improvement in your life is by taking risks. You have to be willing to do the things that frighten you or make you uncomfortable. It's those times when it feels like everyone else is just standing still while you're moving forward—and maybe even falling behind—that will help shape your character and make you into a better person.

If there's no risk involved, then chances are that progress isn't happening. If there's no risk, then we won't be doing anything new or different than what we've always done (or maybe even worse). In order for us as humans beings to grow as individuals, our lives need constant change; otherwise we become stagnant and complacent in our current conditions rather than striving towards something greater than ourselves


If you want to be the best version of yourself, then set lofty goals. This doesn’t mean setting impossible goals (those can lead to frustration and giving up). Instead, it means setting goals that seem difficult but aren’t overwhelming. We all have limits—your goal is not to reach them but rather expand them.


About the Creator

Esther Ami

Words are powerful and it matters how we use them. I use my words to build and impact, I use my words to lift and inspire. I am a words-person, I love words.

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