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6 things you need to know when reaching your goals.

Why you must not fail

By Esther AmiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on Pexels

Do you want to reach your goals? Do you want to do things that are important to you and that make your life better?

If so, then there's one thing you need above all else: motivation. Motivation is what gets you out of bed in the morning and makes sure that when work gets hard or boring or frustrating, it doesn't stop you from continuing. If this sounds like something that would be useful for you too—if it sounds like something that might help get things done—then read on! This chapter will teach some techniques I've learned over the years for staying motivated throughout the day and week.

Wanting something is never enough.

You need to do what is required, not just want it. You can want something all you want, but that's never enough. You need to do what is needed and not rest till you have it. If someone has what you want, then don't be afraid to go after it.

If you want something in life, don't wait for it to come to you. Go after it with everything that you have. Go after your dreams and don't be afraid to take chances.

Success requires work.

Success requires work. You can't just sit back and wait for a lucky break to come your way, or hope that someone will hand it to you on a silver platter. Success is something you have to earn through hard work and determination.

It's not enough just to put in the hours; you have to put in good hours—hours that are focused on the task at hand, and that have passion behind them! If you want to succeed at anything, you have to be willing to put in the hours. You have to be willing to work hard for what you want. It's not enough just to put in the hours; you have to put in good hours—hours that are focused on the task at hand, and that have passion behind them!

You won't succeed without risk.

There is no such thing as doing something without taking a risk. The more risks you take, the more likely you are to succeed.

Taking risks is part of life, and it’s something that we should all embrace. If you want to go after your dreams, then you will have to take some risks along the way. There’s no such thing as doing something without taking a risk. The more risks you take, the more likely you are to succeed.

Obstacles stop most people from reaching their goals, but not you.

Obstacles are nothing more than things that stand in the way of your goals. If you don't have a goal, then it doesn't matter how many obstacles are present in your life or how great they may be.

You know this because you've seen people who have made their dreams come true without any difficulty at all. You've also seen people who had no idea what they were doing and still managed to succeed. So if you want something enough, it's possible for you to get it even if there are tons of obstacles standing in your way!

The only way to get past an obstacle is to understand it and then find a way around it. This means that if you know what the obstacle looks like, you can get rid of it or avoid it altogether. If you don't know how big or little the obstacle is, then you'll have no idea how much effort you'll need to put into getting past it.

Strive for excellence in every task you perform.

You have no choice but to be excellent in all you do. This is not a matter of opinion; it is a matter of fact. You must strive for excellence in every task you perform, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Don’t settle for mediocrity when greatness is within your reach.

It doesn’t matter if the task at hand involves filing papers or answering phone calls; do it with care and precision. It doesn't matter if the task at hand involves selling products or helping customers; do it with pride and enthusiasm.

Having said this, there may be times when your efforts fall short of what you believe they should be—especially when working under someone else's leadership where they set standards that go beyond those set by yourself (or others). If this happens try not to get discouraged: instead ask yourself what more can I do? What can I learn from this experience? What can I do differently next time?

If we want something badly enough then we need only take one step at a time towards our goal because each thing we achieve along the way will build up our confidence until eventually everything falls into place exactly as planned—and hopefully better than expected!

Successful people are those who are willing to do the necessary work to reach their goal, regardless of the obstacles they face.

Successful people are those who are willing to do the necessary work to reach their goal, regardless of the obstacles they face.

- They don’t complain about their circumstances.

- They put their head down and work hard at solving problems.

- They don’t spend time worrying about things they cannot change.

They understand that they are in control of their lives. They realize that they have the power to make things better, or at least different. They are not victims. They don’t blame others for their problems.


Successful people are those who are willing to do the necessary work to reach their goal, regardless of the obstacles they face. There is success for anyone who dreams and works for it. You cannot write yourself off just yet, you too can succeed, it is possible.


About the Creator

Esther Ami

Words are powerful and it matters how we use them. I use my words to build and impact, I use my words to lift and inspire. I am a words-person, I love words.

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