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6 reasons to challenge yourself today

Get the most out of yourself today

By Esther AmiPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

We all have places in our lives that challenge us to give our best. Where do you need to be challenged more?

We start by asking what is your life's purpose.

What gives you joy? What are you passionate about?

Our passion isn't always the same throughout our lives.

The key is finding those things that bring out our best selves. For some people, it might be family or friends; for others, it might be teaching or helping others discover their passions and find fulfillment in doing them. You're likely to know what brings out your best self if you stop and think about it for just a few seconds. This question can help guide your choices when deciding where to go next in life---whether that means college or work, travel abroad or staying local---or even just make small decisions like where to sit in class! It's an important question because going somewhere where we'll be challenged reveals how much we care about ourselves and who we want to become as people through our experiences here on Earth."

We appreciate a challenge

We all have that one friend who is always trying to challenge us. No matter how much you tell them it's a bad idea, they insist on doing something dangerous or difficult. It's annoying at first, but then you realize there's nothing wrong with getting challenged now and again.

Challenges are fun because they make us feel alive like we're accomplishing something important in life rather than just going through the motions of everyday existence (which is still important). Challenges are good for us because they train us to be better at things—whether it's learning how to solve an equation or climbing Mount Everest without any oxygen tanks!

Growing as people means finding new challenges and testing ourselves against them―and if there's one thing this world needs right now, it's more people willing to take on these sorts of challenges in order to create meaningful change in society!

Our effort creates new connections in the brain

The brain is a living organ, constantly changing and growing throughout life. New connections are created when we think, learn and remember—and this happens to be the case whether we’re doing so in the comfort of our own home or in an unfamiliar place.

When you travel to new places, your brain has to pay attention to everything around you: sounds, sights and smells all become novel stimuli that demand attention from your sensory organs. This can be overwhelming at first but quickly becomes second nature once you get used to it (and with practice). In fact, after a few days of exploring an unfamiliar city on foot or by bike—or even just driving down new streets—you may find yourself thinking “This feels like home!” because there will have been so much stimulation during your journey that the familiar feeling has been imprinted on those parts of your brain that process sensory information from sight, sound and smell.

Effort is not synonymous with exhaustion

Effort is not the same thing as exhaustion, and it is important to keep that in mind before you start your journey.

The fact of the matter is, effort doesn't always feel good. Sometimes it feels downright miserable, but that doesn't mean you're doing something wrong or should give up on what you're doing. In fact, if you know how to push through exhaustion—and even enjoy it—you'll be able to accomplish more than someone who gives up at the first sign of fatigue!

I've heard people say they don't like working out because they get too tired or sore afterward; others say they don't want to go out dancing because their feet hurt after only a few songs; others still have given up on singing lessons because they couldn't hold notes without feeling like they would collapse from exhaustion. But here's where I think these people have gotten things wrong: If someone had told them "exhaustion isn't fun," or that "if you feel exhausted after working out once then maybe this isn't for you," then no one would ever learn how much joy there can be in pushing past our bodies' limits!

It's worth noting here that I'm talking about normal exercise levels here—and not marathon training or anything crazy like that! (Those kinds of workouts definitely aren't meant for everyone.) What matters most in terms of how much fun exercise is actually going to be depends largely upon how healthy and fit your body already is when starting out with an activity like running, swimming laps at the pool/gym etc., since injuries can severely hamper any sort of physical activity which could otherwise be enjoyable enough based solely off its own merits alone...

Accepting a challenge isn't enough

Accepting a challenge is only the first step. You need to go beyond that, put in the effort and achieve your goals if you want to grow. If you are willing to make sacrifices, you are more likely to succeed.

The idea is that by taking on challenges and overcoming them, you build confidence in yourself. Confidence leads to more opportunities, which in turn lead to more success.

There is no doubt that self-confidence is an important part of success. But does confidence really lead to more opportunities? Or are people who are confident simply more likely to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves? And what about those who don’t feel particularly confident but still manage to succeed in life? Is it possible for them to build confidence over time?

Challenging yourself is fun.

You'll learn new things that you might not have expected to know. You'll be more creative, and therefore more productive, in your daily life. And if all else fails, challenging yourself will make you happier!

Challenge yourself every day by doing something outside of your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be a big thing; it can be as small as making sure that you greet people when they enter the office or taking on a new responsibility at work or school. Just try something different!

In this way, you'll be able to learn new things about yourself and others. Try something that makes you uncomfortable. It can be anything from going for a run in the rain to speaking in public or trying a food that's not your favorite. The more you push yourself, the more confident you'll become with your abilities. And remember: it's important to try new things and learn from them!

Our brain is constantly changing, growing, and evolving. The way we can keep our brains young and healthy is by staying challenged and keeping things interesting for ourselves.

Your brain is constantly changing, growing and evolving. The way we can keep our brains young and healthy is by staying challenged and keeping things interesting for ourselves. We can do this by taking on new challenges, learning new things and being open to new experiences.

You may think that it's too late for you to do something because your brain has already been affected by aging or other factors but it's not true! You don't have to be young or even 20 years old to learn something new or take on a challenge; in fact, the older we are the more experience we have which gives us an advantage when trying something new! It's all about staying committed to whatever goal you choose - whether it's learning a language or getting into shape - if you stick with it long enough then eventually you'll see results.

If you're looking for ways to keep your brain young and healthy then I would highly recommend taking up a new hobby or learning something new. There are plenty of free classes online that can help you learn just about anything from coding to cooking! Plus, it's never too late to start doing something new; in fact, studies show that people who take on new challenges later in life have longer life spans than those who don't!


The important thing to remember is that this is not a race. You don’t have to be the best at everything all at once, and you can always start small if you need to. It’s more about keeping yourself challenged than achieving any particular goal or benchmark. This way of thinking will help keep your brain young and healthy right into old age — which might even make those golden years seem not so bad after all!


About the Creator

Esther Ami

Words are powerful and it matters how we use them. I use my words to build and impact, I use my words to lift and inspire. I am a words-person, I love words.

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