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Motivational Video

By Justine ValendezPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Five things you should never share with

anyone Albert Einstein everyone has a

problem but if yours become so alarming

others will leave theirs and debate


there are things you should share with

people and there are things you never

share with people no matter how close

they are to you

Albert Einstein summarized those things

into just five because if you are able

to keep these five things private other

things will fall into place

let's look at the five things you should

never share with people by Albert


number one The Secret of your success

this does not mean that you cannot

motivate and inspire people with your


going about sharing those secrets to

your success with everyone is not


in this world we live in you don't

actually know what people are really

made of we still have good ones no Dot

it will be an advantage for you to go

about your normal business without

having to share how and the things you

do in secret that make you more

successful than others

if you tell someone The Secret of your

success people will try to do the same

thing but if they fail they will accuse

you of not telling them the truth so

never tell anybody The Secret of your



number two don't share your problem with


sharing our problems makes us feel

lighter and less burden but instead of

solving the problem

telling it to people can actually

increase it in fact 70 percent of people

are happy to hear about your problem

and 10 percent really care so think

twice before telling someone your



when you go about sharing your problems

with people you open yourself up to be

used as an objective gossip

so many people don't really care about

your problems some of them are happy

that you have them

best thing you can do for yourself is to

find a way to solve your problems

without opening yourself to people

no matter how much you trust them your

problems should remain private unless

you are sharing it with your doctor

therapist or other Professionals for

professional advice and help

number three don't share your dreams

with anyone

if you have already set your goals and

your dreams in life it is best to keep

them to yourself because sharing them

can affect your point of view and your

purpose and you can get caught up in it

always remember that you cannot get the

same advice or opinion from others

because everybody has a different point

of view

talking about point of view your dream

may seem like a joke or even worthless

to so many people you might be seeing

light while they are seeing Darkness

point of view differs everyone must not

agree with you but that is not a problem

keep it to yourself and work on it

consistently until it becomes a reality

number four don't share with anyone how

much you earn

your income is definitely something that

others should not be aware of if you go

about sharing everything about your

income and personal finance with people

you will soon attract unnecessary hatred

for yourself


your income and personal finances should

be between you and yourself

if you need advice concerning your money

you should channel the questions to the

appropriate Authority not to your


number five don't share your family

problems with anyone

there is no family that dong have a

problem some have big problems while

some have small ones but sharing the

problem with someone would never solve

these problems sharing with others only

aggravate the problem


it is called family problems and it

should remain within the family and its

members no third party should take part

in it

every family has its own different

problem but if yours becomes too

alarming others will leave theirs and

debate yours

finally there are so many things to be

kept private but these five are very


if you can privatize them others will

fall into place.


About the Creator

Justine Valendez

It's hard when you are not heard. It's hard when you're not found when you are lost. It's hard when no one sees you for who you are. My stories are open to lift you up, motivate you and give you hope. I hope for you to find your purpose!

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