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5 Things to Remember When You Feel You Have Lost Your Happiness

They will make you feel better in difficult moments, trust me!

By Rosanna StantonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Things to Remember When You Feel You Have Lost Your Happiness
Photo by Paola Chaaya on Unsplash

You probably have the impression that life has disappointed you because you didn't get where you wanted to go. Although life is not easy, it is worth living, because only in this way can it bring us happiness, self-satisfaction, or success.

When life is not exactly as we imagined when things are not going well when we are stressed, upset, or sad, here are some things that, remembering, we will feel better:

Happiness is not constant and should not be.

To achieve happiness we need to go through hard times. Why? Because only in this way will we be able to appreciate differently what happens in our life, to enjoy the little things.

To believe that we can achieve happiness and keep it forever is nonsense. We can compare our happiness or desire to achieve it with what happens in nature. We cannot have continuous happiness as the waves of the sea cannot remain forever on the shore or as the tree cannot hold indefinitely the fruit tied to its branches.

Happiness is simply a series of moments that come and go, making our lives sweeter. We must learn to accept this and allow the happy moments to enter our lives, living them to the fullest.

More about how "contagious" happiness can be when we make minor changes in our lives can be found in The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun.

Failures are temporary situations that teach us life lessons.

We learn the best lessons that life gives us when we go through hard times or make almost unforgivable mistakes. Yes, we must accept that everyone is wrong, and the sooner we do this, the more we will be able to gather our strength and accomplish something extraordinary. We will never be 100% sure that our new ideas will work as they should, but we must recognize that doing nothing is never a solution.

In life, it is important to try to do something even if we have a chance to make a mistake. Attempts are productive, while the state is not in vain. So, push your limits, try new things. You can either succeed and find happiness in life, or you can learn a valuable lesson.

In life, you can't change the things you refuse to face.

The failures or mistakes you make in life can teach you great things as long as you do not refuse to deny that they existed in your life. If you've been asking yourself the same questions for months or even years, and you're still stuck, the answers are probably late or you don't like to think they are.

It takes courage to recognize that some things need to change in your life. So do not hesitate to accept the responsibility of making changes, whether minor or major. The most important step forward is the "first step." The simple act of starting something will motivate you enough to enter the spiral of positive change.

You are not defined as a person by things that have happened to you in the past.

No matter how chaotic your past has been, the future that awaits you in life will always be clean, fresh, open to the new. You are not defined as a person by past habits.

You are not defined as a person by past failures. You are not defined as a person by the way others have treated you in the past. You are what you think you are. You are what you do. You are what you set out to be in the future that builds your life.

Life is not easy, but it is worth living the way it is.

If you constantly expect your life to be easy, you will always be disappointed. To achieve what you set out to do, whether it's a career or a personal life, it takes effort. So, try to start each day with the thought that you will go further than you did the day before and fight resolutely for what you want to achieve, for your happiness.

But first of all, be sure that your efforts will be directly proportional to the goals you have set. It will not be easy at first, but the happiness and contentment that will flood your person will prove to you that it was worth it!


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