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5 Rules I Live By:

Guide to a Better Life

By JBazPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
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Everyone talks about how to live life to the fullest, to make our lives matter. Especially now with all that is going on in the world. In truth every generation has had challenges. Every culture has faced adversity. That doesn't mean that how you feel should be any less deserving or ignored.

The question is how?

People around the world and throughout time have tried to find the answer.

Mind and Body: Healthy body, healthy mind, the two compliment each other.

Spiritualism: Any religion or belief that suites you and does no harm.

Golden rule: He who has the gold rules?...No, not that one

The Golden rule in brief is: 'Do unto others as you would have them do to you.'

There are so many different rules, not all suited to you, because you are an individual. Unique in your very own way.

I found my own set, personally designed for me. It was unintentional. I sat there one day and asked myself what is important to me. How do I wish to live my life, how can I become a better person?

First off, I should mention that smart financial decisions should be a part of your goal. To me that is a part of life, not a rule that guides me.

After deliberation, I decided on the following 5 rules that suite me.

1- If you Love Someone, let them Know:

Every so often I have thoughts of removing this one. After all, it should be one that we practice daily. Then I remember the true power of these three words.

Until I became a father I could have counted the number of times I said, 'I love you', to be in the low double digits. Now, our family says it to each other often. Every time, we truly mean it.

The first time I remember saying it was when I was young, maybe 5 years of age. I hopped on to my grandmother’s lap, told her to close her eyes because I had a secret to tell her....I didn't have any secret, I just wanted to be on her lap. But I had to say something, for some reason I whispered, "I love you, Grandma."

I don’t know why I said it, it just came out. It was true, but unplanned. The result was instant. She kissed me and gave me a hug. I could feel the love flow out of her. Maybe she was sad or having a bad day, maybe no one said that to her in a while. What ever the reason, the result has stayed with me. I realized then how important it was to hear those words.

So, this rule stays.

Saying I love you has turned into any other greeting or farewell. Although it is a wonderful way to say farewell, because in life you never know when that may be the last thing you say to someone. Therefore, when you say it, it should mean something.

Do this with more than words. Actions speak volumes. Ask yourself, what can you do to let someone know you love them.... and then do it. A gift, a hug, a compliment. Send a text for no reason, just to say something kind about them. A gentle touch. You do not need a reason or a special event. Pick a random Tuesday.

2- Be There:

Life is busy and there are distractions. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is your attention and your time. When you are together, be there, not on your device. Try not to think about anything other than the person you are with. When you talk to someone, really talk to them. Listen to what they are saying and how they are saying it. When you can do this and solely focus on the person you are with, it is an amazing feeling. Your child’s school recital will take on a whole new meaning. That party you didn’t want to attend may be the best part of your day. You might see things in a different light.

This goes for you as well, if you need to relax, read a book, write a story, watch a program. Focus on that one thing and ‘Be There’ for you.

3- Honesty:

- With others and yourself. Especially yourself.

This is a tough rule. When you think about being honest with yourself, it can truly be frightening. The sense of freedom it offers is undeniably fantastic. Being honest does not mean that you need to be brutal about it. There are ways to be honest while being kind at the same time.

Honesty is more then telling the truth; it is a way of being. A way of presenting yourself to the world.

4- You Do Not Need To Tell People Everything:

( This doesn't go against the honest rule. As I mentioned that is a tough rule.)

I personally like this one.

It is wonderful to share with others, but do they need to know everything in your life? There should be thoughts and stories that are yours and yours alone or shared with those of your choosing..

I have always been fascinated when I meet someone for the first time and within ten minutes I know things that I really shouldn't. I haven’t earned that right to know so much about someone I just met.

Seriously, keep a little mystery in your life.

Well, there you have it, for what it is worth: Those are my five rules of life I try to live by.

I have not always been successful, but I do try.

I believe we have it in us to live the life we deserve.

Find your rules, be it one or twenty it does not matter. Try not to berate yourself should you fail. I call them rules but in truth, they are more of a guideline. What ever you do, pick something that betters yourself, without hurting others. The rules can be adjusted until they fit. When you find yours, you have succeeded.

Oh, that's right, I have not mentioned my fifth rule. My favorite rule.

I like the beauty and simplicity of this one. Many of you will catch on quickly, others may need to think on it. Once you understand it, I believe you will see the power in this rule.

For that answer, please review rule # 4.



I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. If you enjoyed it, please leave a heart, and help yourself to view my other writings.

self help

About the Creator


I have enjoyed writing for most of my life, never professionally.

I wish to now share my stories with others, lets see where it goes.

Born and raised on the Canadian Prairies, I currently reside on the West Coast. I call both places home.

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