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4 Ways To Get Good Marks In Exams

Here are the most effective ways to get good marks in your exams.

By Aashuu MughalPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
4 Ways To Get Good Marks In Exams
Photo by Max Shilov on Unsplash

Whether it’s your first exam or you’re already in the midst of your final exams, you might need some help to get that perfect grade. Read on for 4 ways to get good marks without relying on a study guide!

The mental game

1. The mental game:

One of the most important things you can do to get good marks during exams is to play the mental game. This means staying positive and believing in yourself. It also means being prepared mentally and emotionally for the exam. You need to be able to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. This means getting rid of any distractions, such as your phone or social media. You should also take some time to relax and de-stress before the exam. This will help you to stay calm and focused during the exam.

2. The physical game:

It is also important to take care of your physical wellbeing during exams. This means getting enough sleep and exercise. It also means eating healthy foods that will give you energy and help you to concentrate. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, as they will make you feel sluggish and may cause you to crash during the exam. Instead, opt for healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins.

Planning effectively

1. Planning effectively

When it comes to getting good marks on exams, planning is key. You need to know what material will be covered and how much time you have to study. Create a study schedule and stick to it.

Start by identifying the topics that will be covered on the exam. Then, find resources that can help you learn this material. There are many online resources, such as Khan Academy and Coursera, that offer free courses on a variety of topics. Once you have found some resources, create a schedule that outlines when you will study each topic. Make sure to allow enough time for breaks and relaxation. Stick to your schedule as much as possible.

If you plan effectively, you will feel more prepared and confident on exam day. This will lead to better performance and higher marks.

Cramming techniques

1. Cramming techniques

Cramming for an exam can often seem like the only way to get good marks. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re really prepared for the exam, and not just relying on last-minute memorization.

First, make sure you understand the material. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to be able to actually explain the concepts you’re supposed to be learning. If you can’t explain it to someone else, chances are you don’t really understand it yourself.

Second, practice solving problems. A lot of students make the mistake of thinking that they just need to memorize the steps to solve a problem. However, on an exam you’ll need to be able to apply those steps to new problems that you’ve never seen before. So make sure you practice doing that.

Third, don’t wait until the last minute to start studying. Yes, cramming can sometimes help you remember things better in the short term. But in the long term, it’s much better to study gradually throughout the course so that you have a better understanding of the material.

Overall, there are a few things you can do to get good

Diet and exercise

It might seem counterintuitive, but eating healthy and exercising regularly can actually help you do better on exams. That’s because being physically healthy helps improve your focus and concentration. It also helps to reduce stress, which can interfere with your ability to remember what you’ve studied.

So, if you want to do well on your exams, make sure you’re eating a balanced diet and getting enough exercise. Both of these things will help improve your overall health and well-being, which will in turn help you do better on your exams.


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