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4 Steps that Can Drastically Change your Life for the Better

How To Change Your Life In 4 Steps

By Berina KaricPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Have you ever been so bored you actually had to pull your hair out from the roots? Or have been so stressed that even trying to sleep didn't relax you enough? There are some people who just go through life as if nothing exciting will happen again.

In fact, they expect very little excitement and they accept every moment of complacency because they think it's what life is supposed to be like.

It doesn't have to be that way, though. There are two simple things you can do to experience a drastic change in your lifestyle and make the most out of every single moment: step out of your comfort zone and go on an adventure!

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Here are 4 steps that can dramatically change your life for the better:

1. Step out of your comfort zone and be spontaneous!

The reason you're bored or stressed out is probably because every single day of your life is exactly the same as it was yesterday. You don't leave home without checking to make sure you have everything with you, and if anything goes wrong (such as a flat tire) you don't even bother trying to fix it; you just get angry because that's not part of your "routine."

Having something unexpected happen is the only way to experience life in all its glory. Noticing every detail about everything, appreciating how beautiful it is out there (and inside yourself), and feeling so happy and lucky because you're alive... that's what it's like to be spontaneous!

2. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things

On top of stepping out of your normal routine, you should also step out of your comfort zone by trying new things at least once a week. It doesn't matter if you're not very good at it the first time because practice makes perfect!

For example, if you've never played volleyball before but are curious how it feels to hit that little ball with your hands, then go out and give it a try. You don't have to join an actual sports team or anything complex like that; just make sure you do something that involves a little bit of skill, a little bit of courage, and a lot of fun!

3. Step out of your comfort zone and learn from the people around you

There's nothing worse than being confined to the same old routines as someone else because you feel as if it makes your life easier not having to worry about anything new and different. However, the only way to learn more about yourself and grow as a person is by stepping out of your comfort zone and learning from people around you.

For example, you can go on a hike with your best friend who is very athletic and ask him/her for advice on how to do yoga properly. Or if you have finally found a great job and think it's time to learn how to cook healthier, ask your neighbor who is a professional chef for some helpful tips! There are plenty of opportunities as to why you should step out of your comfort zone and learn from the people around you.

4. Step out of your comfort zone and experience life with all five senses

Not only should you step out of your comfort zone and learn from other people, but you should also step out of that same old routine by experiencing life with all five senses - smell, taste, hearing, touch , and sight.

For example: Have you ever walked down a street and noticed how fresh the air smelled? Or what about seeing the gorgeous full moon shining brightly in the sky? Feeling the breeze on your skin or seeing that random dog chasing its tail knows no boundaries; it's an experience you can only live once.

Whether you realize it or not, stepping out of your comfort zone is something you have to do on a regular basis in order to experience life and all its wonders. But there's still one more step: step out of your comfort zone and walk in another person's shoes, because doing this will make you aware of the real world around you!

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