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30 Journal Entries to Self Discovery - Day 16

What is on my bucket list?

By Michelle SchultzPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Hey everyone! Welcome to Day 16! Hope everyone is still writing along. I'm writing as my two-year-old naps so... let's get started before she wakes up. The quote for today is one of my personal favorites: "This is how you do it: You sit down at the keyboard and put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." - Neil Gaiman


I love this question. I have been writing my bucket list since I was in high school. Obviously, I've managed to cross a couple things off my bucket list and I've also revised it a number of times. So I'll write down my top ten for you.

  1. Go bungee jumping. I've always wanted to go bungee jumping. I've gone skydiving and parasailing and zip lining. But I have always wanted to go bungee jumping, I'm not really sure why I just crave the adrenaline I guess.
  2. Backpack through Europe. I mean backpack, backpack. Staying in hostels and camping and seeing the actual Europe, not just the tourist spots.
  3. Read every single one of the Great Books. According to the list on Wikipedia, I'm close. I'm really freaking close to having read all of them. I'm sure there are more and maybe one day I'll find the real list but for now this is the list I've based my goal on. Again, I'm a nerd so this goal is kind of odd.
  4. Walk at a graduation. I know it's stupid. I've graduated... more than once and never walked. For one reason or another, I've always missed it. I know it doesn't mean anything really, but I seriously want to walk more than anything.
  5. Get married. I honestly don't care if I get married when I'm one hundred years old. I just want to marry someone I can call my best friend. I don't care if I'm standing in a beautiful church with 1,000 of my closest friends and relatives or just standing next to the person I love, drunk off our asses in Vegas. I just want to get married and be happily married. It would be pretty cool if my dad could walk me down the aisle though.
  6. Write a book that sells over a thousand copies. As long as I'm not selling them to myself. I want to write a book that people immediately want to read. I'm working on this one too and I promise, I will let every single person I know, know when I finish my next book.
  7. Help my daughter succeed. I don't care if she wants to be a tattoo artist, I will tell every single person I know to go get tattooed by her. Or if she wants to be an astronaut I will... help her get a place near her Aunt Jessi so that she can help her achieve that dream. I just want her to be happy and successful in whatever her heart desires.
  8. Zip line across the Vegas strip. This one is fairly new, but it looks so cool. Thanks to one of my aunts, I've gone zip lining through caves and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I think it would be pretty cool to do while hammered in Vegas.
  9. See Kiss live. It recently came out that they're doing a major tour in 2019 and I am willing to spend my life savings to be present at it. Call me a loser or whatever you want. I want to see Kiss live.
  10. Learn to speak more than three languages. This is also a work in progress. Although some people don't consider ASL a foreign language, it's still a language I didn't use to know. I also think my daughter might speak Spanish more fluently than I do, but again, it's a work in progress.

My thoughts: This really made me look at my bucket list. I haven't looked at my bucket list in a really long time. I'm pretty happy with the revisions I made but I think it really made a great question for self-discovery. It made me realize how much my wants have changed in the past few years. Even just my top ten on my bucket list really made me look at myself and my life now. It was a wonderful self-discovery question.


About the Creator

Michelle Schultz

I'm mostly an editorial writer. I love to share my opinions and experiences. I don't hold back and I swear so if you take offense easily, my articles probably aren't for you. I'm a single mom just trying to stay sane.


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