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3 Things To Live A Happy Life

Time Keeps Clicking Away

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 4 min read
Which Door Will You Choose?

Pack up the bags, take out the trash, turn the lights off and lock the door. After being a native in the city of Sin, I decided to take an extended trip to the jungles of Cambodia. I found my 2nd home away from home in Cambodia. I had I won and lost a fortune and then won it back in Las Vegas, but still was not satisfied. Friends came and friends went. I took one direction in life I never knew was possible. Why did I make this choice? In a sense, I wanted to see who was really with me in my life and who was just about the glitz and glamour and believe me, I was rather low key. I quickly found out, before the blaze of social media, it was best to vanish without anyone and be the explorer I always dreamed about. I analyzed the ups and downs of life stateside and life abroad. Life abroad is and always will be the place to go. Thanks America, you helped me choose the path most befitting to me. Why? HAPPINESS. Sure, I come and go from Las Vegas and other places in the USA, but when I need that moment of clarity, it's off to the jungle.

If happiness can be found for you in a 9 to 5 because of the perceived buildup of retirement and investments, good luck to you. I will see you when you are 75 and you can enjoy life then. Why wait? Most people spend weeks, months, and sometimes years, developing the "perfect" plan, only to leave it in a notebook on the kitchen counter collecting dust. Greed or the inability to break the umbilical cord of your safety net, are, in my humble opinion, the forces driving most people to never live abroad for an extended period of time. There are 3 fundamental things you must decide to place your life in overdrive and find a solution to what is your purpose on this planet.

First, you need some funds to get started. You do not always need to rely on money to see you through if you can self sustain. You can become more self-reliant on the finer things in life, creating long-term everlasting relationships. Relationships will get you father in a foreign land than money in and of itself, but maybe not in its entirety. You must trust your instincts.

Second, you must think outside your comfort zone and actually make the trip. This trip may last a lifetime! Put yourself in a general direction and let yourself explore from there. Each day will put you in places you could never imagine (literally and figuratively speaking). Never look back on your choice or choices and live life that makes you happy. Flash and extravagance you can leave to the animals when they rush in for the kill in the city.

Lastly, find your inner peace. Inner peace can be described as having a fulfillment within yourself and your family, if you have one. Fulfillment can and does take place in many forms throughout our planet. What makes you fulfilled in your life? How do you see yourself really happy? Mortgage, car payment, rent, cable and internet bill, water bill; are all things that you can slowly kiss goodbye. Take your time, but don’t wait too long because life can and does pass people by. I look forward to seeing you all someday in a beautiful place I can proudly call my home, Cambodia. The Kingdom of Wonder awaits you. Let its heart and soul take you in and venture through the depths of the body of Cambodia.


Original story (created by me) published on Any changes and/or updates that have been added on are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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