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3 qot - part 8

3 quotes of today - 6 May 2023

By pasin corauPublished about a year ago 3 min read
3 qot - part 8
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

"Saturday mornings, I've learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the face." - Dan Pearce

This humorous quote by Dan Pearce highlights the simple pleasures of Saturday mornings, despite the potential for some physical discomfort. It speaks to the joys of spending time with family, relaxing and enjoying a slow start to the weekend. The image of kids sneaking into bed and falling back asleep is relatable for many parents and adds to the light-hearted nature of the quote. Overall, this quote reminds us to appreciate the little moments in life, even if they come with a few unexpected kicks in the face.

"Saturday mornings are like a reset button for the week ahead." - Unknown

This quote emphasizes the importance of taking time to recharge and refresh ourselves in order to prepare for the upcoming week. Saturdays offer a chance to step back from the demands of work and responsibilities, and engage in activities that bring us joy and relaxation. Whether it's sleeping in, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing a hobby, taking a break on Saturdays can help us feel renewed and ready to face whatever challenges the week ahead may bring. This quote serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and finding balance in our busy lives.

"Saturday is the day of the week when I think of what I have been, and what I will become." - Unknown

This reflective quote speaks to the power of Saturdays as a time for introspection and self-reflection. It encourages us to take a step back from our daily routines and consider where we have been, what we have accomplished, and where we are headed in the future. Saturdays can be a time to set goals, make plans, and reflect on our personal growth and development. This quote reminds us that Saturdays offer a unique opportunity to be intentional about our lives and to take meaningful steps towards becoming the best versions of ourselves. It inspires us to take advantage of this day and make the most of it for our personal growth and development.

In conclusion, these Saturday morning quotes capture different aspects of this day of the week. The first quote humourously describes the reality of parenthood and the joys and challenges of sharing a bed with a young child. The second quote talks about the opportunity Saturday offers to rest and rejuvenate, a chance to pause and reset before starting a new week. The third quote talks about the introspective nature of Saturdays, a time to reflect on the past and look to the future.

Overall, Saturdays can evoke a range of emotions and experiences, from the chaos of family life to the serenity of self-reflection. These quotes serve as a reminder to appreciate and embrace the unique qualities of Saturday, and make the most of this day of the week. Whether spending time with loved ones, pursuing personal goals, or simply taking a moment to relax, Saturdays offer a valuable opportunity to recharge and refocus before starting a new week.

So, don't forget every morning, prepare yourself to face new and stronger challenges so that these challenges can mature you and strengthen you to reach your goal.

Nothing is impossible in this world, certainly set your life goals, and don't forget to keep the fire of hope burning so that you remain enthusiastic and unyielding until the finish line, the line where that is the time when what you do in life can be proud of before God.

Salam Tunduk, Salam Sujud, Salam Konsistensi,

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About the Creator

pasin corau

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