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10 Ways to Help Others Feel Good About Themselves

Many people struggle with feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, which can lead to depression, negative emotions and stress.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Some days, it seems like everyone around you is on edge. They are feeling anxious and uptight, and you could be too. But the good news is that you can help them feel better! Say hello to your new friend: the 10 ways to help others feel good about themselves.

This blog post will cover how being a kindhearted person can make a huge difference in someone's life and yours too. You'll also learn how bettering yourself and making small changes to your lifestyle can improve everything for those around you which will make them happy, so they will be less likely to lash out at the world or people around them.

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1. Be Kind To Yourself.

When you feel bad about yourself, other people may assume that you are always feeling bad about yourself when in reality, that isn't the case at all! Your body is a marvelous machine, and when it's given the proper care and attention from a kind hearted individual, it will respond with perfection. As a result, many people assume that they look like crap because they've never spent time giving themselves some TLC.

2. Help Others Notice Your Positive Changes.

Look at yourself in the mirror, and smile. Make sure your hair looks nice, your clothes are fashionable and that you smell good. Look at yourself heartily, and be proud of how wonderful you look! This will make others want to look better too. They may not know what it is that you've done to improve yourself or change your appearance, yet it makes them feel happy knowing that for one day at least, you're looking better than what they see every day.

3. Compliment Other People On The Things You Love About Them.

You have no idea what it it is that makes someone's face, hair, eyes, or body look so cute or special. You only see them as a series of features or traits that you like. By complementing other people on the things you love about them, you are giving them the attention and kind words that they need to feel loved and wonderful about themselves.

4. Everyone Is Beautiful In Their Own Way.

Everyone is beautiful because we are all unique. We all have different hair and eye color, we all have different body types, and we all have different personalities. One of the reasons everyone is so upset with one another these days is because they try too hard to look like those on television and in magazines instead of being who they are. If you want to be a positive role model who helps others feel great about themselves, why not look like yourself?

5. Spend Time With The People You Love & Who Make You Feel Good About Yourself.

Not everyone will want to spend time with you, but that's okay...and it should be expected. Not everyone is going to feel good about themselves, and they may lash out at you. If someone you love tells you that they hate their life, what do you say? You offer them some kind of encouragement, right? When someone we love is having a bad day or a bad week, we try to make them feel better by cheering them up.

6. Compliment People And You Will Feel Happier.

Complimenting other people will make them feel good about themselves which will make you feel great too. In fact, Psychology Today found that: Daily compliments from peers are important for people's well being. In the moment, people feel good because they've received a compliment. Over time, these positive feelings contribute to better relationships with others and higher levels of social support. Compliments also drive people to seek out new challenges, which leads to even more growth.

7. Remember That You Are Intrinsically Worthy Of Feeling Great About Yourself.

When you feel great about yourself, you can do anything. You will feel confident and like you belong...which is the way that we all want to feel! Most of the time when someone is feeling down about themselves, it is because their self-esteem needs a boost just like your mom used to tell you when you were young. You must remember that you are intrinsically worthy of feeling great about yourself.

8. Remember That You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To.

When we feel good about ourselves, we feel more confident and optimistic...which means that we can do so many things. Many people get stuck in a negative place because they feel like they are not good enough...but our mind is like a muscle. It can be trained, and it can be trained to think positive thoughts about ourselves. If you want to change your life for the better, you must train your mind to think positively as much as possible.

9. Don't Compare Yourself To Others Anymore.

When you feel good about yourself, it's easy to see things in a more positive way. If you notice that you are spending time criticizing other people, realize the truth: they are going through their own struggles. They are not just like you they are different. Our brains have been hardwired by evolution to compare ourselves with others so that we can figure out how we can get ahead in life.

10. Spend Time Alone With Yourself And Enjoy The Silence.

When you feel bad about yourself, it's easy to fall into negative and anxious thinking. Spend some time alone with yourself just sitting and thinking about what your day was like, or how your day is shaping up today and let all of the little things slip away into the distance. When you focus on the negative, you only capture it in your mind and make it a part of who you are. Instead, let all of the little things slip into the distance and be free from your clutches.

In Conclusion

Feeling good about yourself doesn't take much time at all. Do you feel good right now? If so, that's awesome. If not, that's okay too. It really is easy to be positive and confident because you are a special human being who has just been growing up in the digital age. The way that we interact with one another has been changing, and we have lost some of the humanity that made us great in the past...but you have a chance to change that. You can make someone feel like they matter, and they will thank you for it.


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