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10 Easy Steps to make Presentation like a pro

Presenting to your boss, team and clients doesn’t have to be so intimidating. In fact, it doesn’t have to be intimidating at all! Presenting well doesn’t need to be difficult or challenging; it just needs to be done with confidence and ease.

By Dereje “Dere Hun” HunPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
10 Easy Steps to make Presentation like a pro
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

1. Be aware of your surroundings

Just like you wouldn’t walk into a room without knowing where everything is, you shouldn’t walk into a presentation without feeling out the surroundings. Make sure the room is set up for the presentation. If you are presenting in an office, check the lighting and power levels in the room. Ensure the room is free of obstructions and anything that could get in the way of your presentation. However, don’t change the presentation just because the room looks different. The lighting and power levels may not affect your presentation. If possible, map out the location of your presentation and give yourself a mental map of the room. This will help you feel more comfortable and at ease. It will also help you avoid any embarrassing situations that could happen if you are not aware of the surroundings.

2. Practice makes perfect

Practice isn’t just for athletics or arts and crafts. Learning a skill like public speaking or presenting often has a lot to do with practice and repetition. Get yourself a microphone, find an empty space and start speaking. Don’t be shy or edit yourself. Speak from your heart and mind. Keep in mind that you aren’t speaking to your reflection or anyone else in the room. Speak with confidence. Speak as if you were talking to a friend or your team. This will help you build confidence. When you feel confident, begin to practice your presentation. Rehearse your presentation until you feel comfortable and confident. Rehearse with the voice memo app on your phone or computer. This way you can practice anytime you have a spare minute.

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3. Find a trusted resource to help you prepare

While you may be able to wing it when it comes to preparing for a presentation, it is better to be safe than sorry. Invest in some quality preparation. The right resources will help you be more successful, confident and relaxed when presenting. If you are presenting for your boss or team, look into On Relate or Go To Webinar. If you are pitching a business opportunity or project to your clients, invest in a quality presentation tool. An investment will last you a long time and help you look like a professional. There are also many online presentation tools available. These can be used as a supplement to paper-based tools and programs. Also, you can find presentation software for both Mac and PC computers.

4. Be flexible and be ready to improvise

The good thing about your audience is that they can be a part of the presentation. This can help you break the ice and get your audience involved. However, it can also get your audience out of their comfort zone and help you build engagement. If you are presenting to a group, ask them to make some noise or raise their hands after certain points. This can help you gauge the reaction from the audience and make revisions if needed. Also, when it comes time to start your presentation, don’t be afraid to improvise or change your script. If you are presenting about a topic you know very little about, be sure to let your audience know. If you are giving a talk on a topic that you know very well, be sure to let your audience know. This will help you avoid any embarrassing situations and will also help your audience feel more comfortable with the topic.

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5. Help participants feel involved and welcome

Make sure your presentation feels inviting. This includes making sure the room is welcoming and inviting. There should be no distractions that could get in the way of your presentation. Ensure you have enough lighting, a clear space on the table where you will be sitting, and that there are no obstructions in the way. Also, ensure that your microphone works properly and you are feeling confident and comfortable. Keeping these things in mind will help you create an inviting space for your presentation. It will also help you keep your audience interested and engaged. Make sure you greet your audience when they enter the room. Greet them by name and ask them to be seated. Make sure to acknowledge people when they are raising their hands or making noise. This will show your audience that you are listening and will help build engagement.

6. Keep your audience in mind

When it comes to delivering a presentation, the audience is your most important person. They are the ones who are going to be watching the presentation. They are the ones who will be evaluating the information and deciding how to proceed. It is important to keep your audience in mind while preparing for a presentation. If you can get a sense of who is in the room, you can better prepare for their needs and make adjustments as needed. Ensure you are speaking to the right person by introducing yourself and asking who you are speaking to. If you are not sure who is in the room, introduce yourself and ask who you are speaking to.

7. Research your topic or find an interesting TED Talk option

If you are presenting on a topic you know nothing about, it is best to do some research. Find something interesting, relevant and helpful on your topic. If you are presenting on business-related topics, find something that has to do of a relevant, helpful or interesting TED Talk. TED Talks are great sources of information and inspiration. You can find TED Talks on just about any topic. Or, you can find TED talks about business-related topics. Alternatively, you can find an interesting TED Talk on your topic and analyze it. This will help you get a little insight into what you need to cover in your presentation.

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Wrapping up

Presenting well doesn't need to be difficult or challenging; it just needs to be done with confidence and ease. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are a seasoned professional, there is always room for improvement. With practice, experience and the right strategies, you can become a better presenter. Be aware of your surroundings, practice makes perfect, find a trusted resource to help you prepare, be flexible and be ready to improvise, help participants feel involved and welcome, keep your audience in mind, research your topic or find an interesting TED Talk option, and lastly, wrap up. Presenting well doesn’t need to be difficult or challenging; it just needs to be done with confidence and ease.

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D“HHWritten by Dereje “Dere Hun” Hun

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