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The 4 Steps to Living a Life of Contentment

Everyone is constantly on the look out for something new, exciting and thrilling. We want to experience new things, meet new people and explore different landscapes.

By Dereje “Dere Hun” HunPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The 4 Steps to Living a Life of Contentment
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Everyone is constantly on the look out for something new, exciting and thrilling. We want to experience new things, meet new people and explore different landscapes. There’s a lot of pressure to keep up with the Joneses, so much that we’re willing to pay someone just to make us feel like they’ve got it too. It can be easy to forget what really matters in life when everything seems so temporary and disposable. A life of contentment isn’t for everyone, but contentment is possible if you work at it. Living a life of contentment does not mean you have to sacrifice your needs or wants for others - rather it means that your needs are being met and your wants are being controlled instead of being controlled by your desires. If you’re looking for ways to lead a more content life then keep reading...

Make personal growth a priority

The only constant in life is change; be it physical, emotional or mental. The only way to truly succeed at being content is to constantly be working on improving your mindset and your life. For some people this means taking some time off from their day job to focus on their passion. For others it means learning a new skill, or educating themselves in a different field. Whatever your personal growth strategy may be make it a priority. The only way to have a happy and fulfilled life is to be interested in what’s going on around you. If you’re not interested in growing and learning, then you’re not going to be satisfied.

Click here to Discover How To Become Satisfied With What You Have and Be Content in Every Situation!

Be honest with yourself and others

“No one is perfect, not even perfection itself.” If you’re looking for a life of contentment then you need to make the effort to be content with yourself. You may be looking to change a certain aspect of yourself but if you don’t accept who you are, you’ll never be content. Successful people make the most out of what they’ve been given; it’s easy to want things to be different, but it’s important to remember that nothing is perfect. Accept these flaws and accept yourself. It’s not about what you want to be but what you want to do. Be honest with others too; if you’re looking for a life of contentment then you need to share your own happiness with others. People love to see other people happy and it makes them happier too. It’s important to remember that feelings aren’t contagious, but the actions that come from those feelings are. This can be a great opportunity to show others the importance of being content with who you are and what you have.

Cultivate healthy habits

Healthy habits are key to a happy life, and there are a few key ones to cultivate as soon as possible. Get your sleep - this may sound really obvious but it’s amazing how many people don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is vital for improving your mindset, removing negative emotions, building self-esteem and improving your overall mood. Try and get your sleep in a dark, quiet room - not under the stars or in the middle of the city. When you’re in bed the only thing you should be worrying about is sleeping. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle, but try and make a point to take one day off per week. Sometimes you just need to step away from your phone, computer and social media to step back into your own life.

Click here to Discover How To Become Satisfied With What You Have and Be Content in Every Situation!

Be generous and show gratitude

It’s easy to feel like you have more than you do and that you’re better than you are, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be that way. You can always be grateful for what you have and for who you are. It’s easy to complain about the things that you have and who you are, but you can always try and be grateful for them. Gratitude can be a great exercise for improving your contentment. One way to cultivate gratitude is to make a daily gratitude journal. Make it a point to write three things that you’re grateful for today. These could be something as simple as the rain falling on your roof. Another great way to cultivate gratitude is to give away something you don’t need. This could be your spare change, gifts you don’t need or even your time. It’s important to remember that you don’t need everything you have.


Above all else, remember to be content with where you are in life. There is no better time than now to create a life of contentment. Make it a priority and you will be so much happier. It may take some time, but it will be worth it in the end. The only way to truly succeed at being content is to constantly be working on improving your mindset and your life. Make the effort to be interested in what’s going on around you and accept your flaws as well as your strengths. The only way to have a happy and fulfilled life is to be interested in what’s going on around you. If you’re not interested in growing and learning, then you’re not going to be satisfied. It’s important to remember that contentment isn’t for everyone, but it is possible if you work at it. Living a life of contentment doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your needs or wants for others - rather it means that your needs are being met and your wants are being controlled instead of being controlled by your desires.

Click here to Discover How To Become Satisfied With What You Have and Be Content in Every Situation!


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Comments (1)

  • Angelina F. Thomas2 years ago

    Great job. Keep up the great work. Please & thank you.

D“HHWritten by Dereje “Dere Hun” Hun

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