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From strengers to soulmates

By William OkwuosaPublished 22 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Lila sat in the backseat of her parents' car, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. As they drove through the narrow, bustling streets of the town where her future husband lived, she couldn't help but think about the twist her life had taken. An arranged marriage. A concept that seemed so distant, yet now, it was her reality.The car pulled up to a modest, two-story house adorned with vibrant marigold garlands. Her parents exchanged reassuring smiles, but Lila felt like a storm was brewing inside her. She took a deep breath and stepped out, smoothing her sari and gathering her courage.Inside, the house was filled with relatives and the aroma of traditional dishes. Lila's eyes scanned the room until they landed on Aarav, standing awkwardly beside his parents. He looked as uncertain as she felt, a stranger who was about to become her husband.The ceremony was a blur. Vows were exchanged, rituals performed, and blessings given. Before she knew it, Lila found herself in a room decorated for their wedding night, sitting on the edge of the bed, hands trembling. Aarav entered, his expression mirroring her own anxiety."Hi," he said softly, sitting down beside her. "This is...strange, isn't it?"Lila nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, it is."They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their new reality settling in. "I know this is overwhelming," Aarav continued. "But I promise to try my best to make this work. We can take it one step at a time."Lila looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "Me too," she replied, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Let's take it one step at a time."The first few weeks were awkward and filled with small talk. They shared meals in silence, their conversations limited to polite exchanges. Lila missed her family, her friends, and the familiarity of her old life. She often wondered if she could ever truly be happy in this new arrangement.One evening, Aarav found Lila sitting on the porch, tears streaming down her face. He sat beside her, unsure of what to say. "Are you okay?" he asked gently.Lila shook her head. "I just...I feel so out of place. I don't know if I can do this."Aarav took her hand, his touch comforting. "I understand. I feel the same way sometimes. But maybe we can try to find our place together."Slowly, they began to open up to each other. Aarav shared stories from his childhood, his dreams, and his fears. Lila talked about her love for painting, her favorite books, and the things that made her laugh. They discovered common interests and began to spend more time together, watching movies, cooking meals, and exploring the town.One rainy afternoon, Aarav surprised Lila with a canvas and a set of paints. "I remember you said you love painting," he said, a shy smile on his face. "I thought you might like this."Tears of gratitude welled up in Lila's eyes. "Thank you, Aarav. This means a lot to me."As she painted, Aarav would sit nearby, reading or simply watching her work. They talked about their hopes for the future and their growing affection for each other. The distance between them gradually disappeared, replaced by a bond that grew stronger with each passing day.Months turned into a year, and their marriage blossomed. They learned to navigate their differences and support each other through challenges. When Lila's father fell ill, Aarav was there by her side, offering comfort and strength. When Aarav faced a setback at work, Lila encouraged him, reminding him of his worth and abilities.One evening, as they celebrated their first wedding anniversary, Aarav took Lila's hand and led her to the same porch where she had once cried. The sky was painted with the colors of the setting sun, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers."Lila," Aarav began, his voice filled with emotion. "This past year has been a journey from being strangers to becoming partners, friends, and now, soulmates. I am grateful for every moment we've shared, for your patience, your kindness, and your love. I can't imagine my life without you."Tears streamed down Lila's face as she looked into Aarav's eyes. "Aarav, you have shown me what it means to be truly loved and supported. You have been my rock, my confidant, and my best friend. I am so grateful for you, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you."They embraced, their hearts full of love and gratitude. The journey from strangers to soulmates had been unexpected, but it had led them to a place of deep connection and unwavering love. Together, they knew they could face any challenge and cherish every joy, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger with time.In that moment, as the sun set and the stars began to twinkle above, Lila and Aarav knew they had found their place—together, in each other's hearts.

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About the Creator

William Okwuosa

Believe in yourself, take the leap, and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams a reality.

You don't have to be brave to s

tart, but you have to start to be brave."

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Comments (1)

  • Sweileh 88822 days ago

    Interesting and delicious content. Keep posting more now.

William OkwuosaWritten by William Okwuosa

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