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You Got Eczema?

Funny vine aside, Eczema can be really annoying and uncomfortable. Here are some at-home ways to soothe your skin.

By Jazmine JamesPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Who else remembers that "squeaky clean" feeling after you washed your face with the most stripping face wash you could get your hands on? So "clean" that if you smiled too hard your face would crack?

Yeah, me too.

At the time, I thought that's just what cleaning your face was like; just put some lotion on and it goes away. If you even knew to put the lotion on afterwards. As the years went by I came to realize that that feeling is just me making my super dry skin even drier. Fun!

Even though my dry skin can be super uncomfortable and frustrating at times, I have a few friends and SO's who have eczema. They've all seen derms of course who recommend the EVIL Dove Sensitive Skin BAR OF SOAP or the classic Cetaphil cleanser.

But my friends, this is not the answer. There are different types of eczema out there. Eczema can be caused by something you are putting on your skin inadvertently like detergent, by stress or anxiety, and there are also some studies that suggest eczema can be hereditary up to a certain point. Meaning perhaps you’ll grow out of it.

Once you determine what causes your flare-ups you can begin to work to soothe your skin. Here are some at home and over-the-counter things to soothe your skin.

Depending on where your flare-ups happen, you can make an at home mask and spray with oatmeal and lavender.

Start by boiling a handful of steel cut oats in about a cup and a half of water

Once the oats are fully cooked and puffy, let them cool in a bowl separate from the water.

Let the water cool and add in a few (3-4) drops of lavender essential oil or if you have some dry lavender flowers handy, those would be nicer

When the oats are cool enough for you to leave on your skin for an extended period of time, put a nice, thick layer on the area. Let it set for about 20-30 minutes depending on how much time you have. I love to do this mask on my SO at night because once it's cooled off, you simply wipe it off and go to bed. Letting the residue stay on overnight really helps your skin heal.

The oatmeal water and lavender mix can be put into a small spray bottle and used as a mild toner when your skin gets really sensitive and after showering (Also amazing for dry/sensitive scalp as a pre-wash treatment).

You may have heard of Bach Flower Essences and the amazing Rescue Remedy products they make, and for good reason! This really is a rescue remedy! Not only is it good for the eczema flare-ups, but also great for sunburns, diaper rash, and a bunch of other daily happenings. I prefer the cream version for eczema because you can place it exactly where you want it, but if you don't like the feeling of product on your skin, they do have a formula available in liquid drop form.

If you have chamomile tea handy, brew up a pot with two tea bags and add it to a bath. Make sure you don't take a hot bath or shower though, that dries your skin out more therefore causing more flare-ups! Stick to lukewarm and cool water. If you like to get messy though, put the tea in a spray bottle and have someone spritz you all over! It's actually pretty fun! You can even add some lavender to the tea too. You end up smelling really nice!

*Kids especially love this one! *

self care

About the Creator

Jazmine James

Hi :) I write short stories about women, sexuality, and drama.

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