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Why women should do weight training?

Unbelievable benefits!!!

By Salman siddiquePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Increased calorie consumption by increasing muscle mass

The basic exercise for reducing body fat is aerobic exercise such as walking and running. If you perform weight training, which is a muscle exercise, along with these aerobic exercises, it is more effective in reducing body fat. The reason is that weight training increases muscle mass, which greatly increases calorie consumption. Muscles account for most of the calories consumed by the human body, so if the amount of muscle increases, calorie consumption increases even if you do not exercise, so you do not gain weight easily.

You can create a resilient and well-balanced body.

A saggy shoulder line and a body without curves cannot be corrected even if the body fat is below average. Weight training makes your body healthier, more elastic, and creates a well-balanced body. In the case of women, no matter how much weight training they do due to the influence of hormones, they don't have strong muscles like men, so you don't have to worry about this.

Increased effect of aerobic exercise through improvement of exercise capacity

The main exercise for reducing body fat is probably aerobic exercise. However, in order for aerobic exercise to be more effective in reducing body fat, the exercise intensity must be gradually increased, and in order to do so, the exercise capacity of our body must be improved little by little. If one person walks and one person runs for the same 20 minutes of exercise, who will see the effect of consuming more calories and reducing body fat? Weight training helps you do aerobic exercise more effectively by improving your body's athletic ability.

Osteoporosis Prevention

Strength training helps prevent osteoporosis, which is the loss of calcium from the body.

Body Correction Effect

Women who do a lot of housework tend to have poor posture. Most of the housework done indoors, such as washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning, and babysitting, puts a lot of stress on the back and joints, and only uses certain muscles for a long time. As a result, the body is damaged and chronic fatigue is felt. Weight training develops muscles throughout the body evenly, expands the range of motion of joints, and reduces stress on the spine and joints through muscle development.

The effect of looking thinner even at the same weight

Muscle and body fat show a difference in density of about 20%. Muscle is more dense than body fat. In other words, people with more muscle mass tend to look thinner at the same weight.

In the case of women, there are many cases of obesity with low muscle mass,

even if the weight is standard. In other words, if you have a normal weight but too little muscle mass and high body fat, you are obese. This includes many young women, in which case obesity treatment should be achieved by increasing muscle mass rather than reducing body fat.

In particular, in the case of young women who are trying to lose weight while having a moderate weight, most of them look fatter than they look due to low-muscle obesity or have body fat concentrated in some parts of the body. In this case, it is important to create a balanced and healthy body through weight training, which is muscle exercise, not excessive body fat reduction.

Attractive shape

A boost in self confidence, only an attractive and curvy shape can give you. Body with proper distribution of flesh are in more demand just see around.

Let us know in the comment section, what do you think about women weight training, are they beneficial for them or not?


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Salman siddique

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