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Why Should Chronic Prostatitis be Cured at One Time and not Give up Halfway?

Do not give up halfway when treating chronic prostatitis?

By Amanda ChouPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Why Should Chronic Prostatitis be Cured at One Time and not Give up Halfway?
Photo by Alexandra Kusper on Unsplash

Recently, many people inquired: "how can chronic prostatitis be cured? I have tried so many treatments. However, it always relapses. Why? Can I receive a complete treat?

Today, Doctor. Lee from Wuhan Doctor. Lee's TCM Clinic will give you a detailed treatment solution for chronic prostatitis based on a patient's situation. I hope every person will study it carefully.

James's medical history:

In 2017, David experienced the signs of chronic prostatitis: endless urination weakened peeing, slender urination collection, forked urination, and abdomen distension. They have found out about the disease through the Internet, but the level of issues in treating it is still way over, he thought. His signs have not improved right after three years of treatment method.

Following that, he visited another healthcare facility to embrace new technological innovations. It is observed as quick results and a higher treatment rate. He immediately moved to this medical center and got urethral intubation and medicine infusion therapy. After the initial treatment method, he noticed much better, so he obtained a 2nd therapy. But two or three days following the second remedy, his issue repeated.

In early 2021, he contacted Doctor. Lee inquired, "can't this disease be healed?"

Doctor. Lee advised him: "your earlier treatment method did not target the glandular lesions. It is a conduct of managing the signs and symptoms rather than cause. You can get natural treatment Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to get rid of it."

A couple of days afterward, he got to the outpatient medical center for face-to-deal with treatment. After consuming his pulse, Dr. Lee told him: "your focus is not serious, but you must carry out two courses of debt consolidation therapy after the physical signs have completely vanished to prevent recurrence in the future."

In June 2021, David finished five lessons on Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. His glands rebounded to typical sizing, the signs or symptoms had been completely eliminated, and there had been no repeat.

His life strategy in the course of the treatment method

Standard job and sleep: Try to go to sleep before 11:30 each night because 11:00 ~ 1:00 is the cleansing time of the liver. Typically, it's very best to go to sleep at greater than 11:00. Try and make certain that you get enough sleep at night for about 8 hours to improve your body's immune system and metabolic process and help the prostate combat inflammation!

Light diet regime: at the beginning of therapy, don't eat some relaxed and aggravating meals, which will activate the skin lesions of glands. Patients should abstain from liquor, consume much less gourmet coffee, and consume less acidic food products such as citrus fruit and orange liquid. People can eat more fresh fruits, coarse cereals, and soybean goods. Take in more honey and also hardwearing. Stool unobstructed. Keep the sum of water to drink on account of recurrent peeing. Enjoying a lot more normal water can dilute pee.

Anal lifting exercise: This can be performed everywhere, which is very handy and essential. Press and raise the anus tough, 30 periods at a time, and 2-3 groupings can sleep. Men and women can do it daily, which is valuable for the function of urine control and can reduce pelvic floor pain.

Pelvic floor discomfort is a result of involuntary spasms of pelvic surface muscles. Anal lifting training can boost the human body's ability to control pelvic ground muscle tissue to ease discomfort. Older patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia can exercise pelvic ground muscle tissue through rectal picking-up exercise, boost urine management ability and recover sleek peeing.

If you feel soreness or pain when performing the outline for your exercise, it is recommended to avoid it again!

Working approach: jogging can effectively improve blood circulation and increase the individual coronary heart and lung functionality. Simultaneously, it can improve the blood circulation of pelvic floor muscle tissues, massage the prostate and eradicate inflammation. It performs a vital role in relieving the signs and symptoms of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. You can jog 3-4 instances weekly for 0.5-1h every time.

In jogging, it should be combined with slight sweating, and the pulse rate should reach 80% - 90% of the highest heart rate, which can effectively stop the repeat of the disease. However, you should stretch your legs and legs before working and change your underwear just after running.


In the initial evaluation, the patient obtained numerous remedies, and his physical functionality enjoyed a certain level of medicine resistance. It was common for him to recover slowly and gradually. And then there is no therapy for glandular skin lesions. It is acceptable to have repetition. However, his primary goal in the adhere to-up treatment is to enhance the epithelial skin lesions. Only by improving the glandular skin lesions can the glandular function be enhanced. The good news is he did not demand interrupting therapy. Typically, his problem would still deteriorate.


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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