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Why gray hair more and more?

Do not think it is old, remind: or lack of 4 kinds of nutrients

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Hair will largely affect the face of the person, everyone loves black and bright hair, but many modern people are troubled by the hair, some are troubled by hair loss, and some are distressed by the early growth of gray hair.

How did the gray hair come about? Why does it grow more and more? Today we talk to you about gray hair and these things ~

A. How does gray hair come about?

The pigment stem cells in our head will be activated during the hair growth period, and then differentiate into mature melanocytes, which will produce melanin to "color" the hair and make it black.

Our hair follicles have a limited growth cycle, and when we reach a certain age, the hair follicles will gradually age and decline, and the ability to secrete melanin will gradually decrease, resulting in insufficient melanin supply for the hair, making the hair gradually turn gray.

Generally speaking, Asian people will gradually develop gray hair around the age of 40, and by the age of 50 more than half of the population will have half gray hair.

Many people feel that gray hair affects the aesthetics and like to pull it out, but there is a folk saying that "pulling one gray hair grows ten". Is this true?

There is no scientific basis for plucking one hair to grow ten because each hair follicle can only correspond to one hair, and the melanin produced by it is only for this hair, after plucking the hair does not involve other hair, but the re-grown hair may also be white.

Even so, it is not recommended to pull your hair, because pulling hair directly can easily lead to the hair root, and hair follicle damage, long time to do so is likely to cause hair loss, and may also induce folliculitis to appear.

Second, the more gray hair grows? Not necessarily old, or lack 4 kinds of nutrients

For many people in the head after the growth of white hair, the first reaction is to get older. Not all gray hair is produced because of body aging, when the body lacks these kinds of nutrients, it also easy to leads to gray hair growth.

1. B vitamins

B vitamins are one of the essential nutrients for melanin production, and some long-term vegetarians cannot get enough B vitamins from food, and the chances of gray hair increase.

Some people are also deficient in B vitamins due to medication, high blood sugar, and other factors, which can also lead to gray hair.

2. trace elements copper, iron

Hair follicles need to absorb iron and copper to synthesize melanin, and the lack of these two elements in the body will lead to the normal production of melanin. At the same time, the content of nickel in the hair will also increase, and the two factors together will lead to the gradual graying of the hair.

3. Iodine

Iodine is one of the important elements to maintain the normal growth of hair, and the function of hair follicles will be reduced in people with iodine deficiency, and the hair color will change as a result.

4. Protein

Adequate protein allows the body to synthesize enough keratin, when the protein content is insufficient, the overall condition of the hair will be very abnormal, the hair will become split ends, yellowing, turn white, and some will also have hair loss.

Third, these 4 factors make gray hair grow fast

As we grow older, hair will gradually become gray, this kind of hair graying due to aging is irreversible. But some other factors may also lead to gray hair.

Disease factors: Some people suffering from pituitary gland decline, hyperthyroidism, albinism, vitiligo, and other diseases will lead to the destruction of the growth and development of melanocytes in the hair follicles so that melanin will not be able to secrete normally, the hair does not have enough melanin nourishment, the color will become increasingly white.

Genetic factors: genetics is also one of the important factors that lead to the early appearance of gray hair, some people in their 20s when having gray hair, mostly due to genetics.

Mental factors: Long-term mental stress and emotional tension can cause sympathetic nerves to be activated, and a large number of hair pigment stem cells will be activated and eventually depleted in a short period. As a result, the hair does not have enough melanin cells to maintain the color and will become whiter and whiter.

Other factors: daily use of some drugs may also cause gray hair, or long-term smoking, lack of exercise, and a lot of exposure to ultraviolet radiation will also make people appear gray hair faster.

Fourth, do not want to "early white head", do 5 things, so that gray hair comes later

When the body appears gray hair, to clarify the cause of gray hair is, due to disease factors go to the doctor for treatment promptly. And because of physiological reasons, life to do these things can play a certain role in improving.

1. learn to reduce stress

Learn to control their emotions in daily life, when feeling too negative emotions, to adjust in time, you can choose to listen to some relaxing music, go out for a walk, or talk to friends about their discomfort, if necessary, you can also go to seek professional medical help.

2. Good hair sun protection

Hair is also a place that needs to be protected from the sun, and many people will protect their skin from the sun daily but neglect their hair. Especially the hairline, hair seam parts, do not pay attention to sun protection especially prone to gray hair, it is recommended to wear a hat when going out during the day.

3. Reasonable arrangement of diet

Diet should pay attention to the intake of diverse food to ensure that the body can be balanced nutrition, fish, beans, and vegetables can be appropriate to eat more food. At the same time, daily attention should be paid to reducing the intake of high-sugar food, excessive sugar intake can easily lead the body to generate a large number of organic acids, which will disrupt the pigment metabolism.

4. reduce perm, and hair coloring

Daily to reduce the number of hair dyeing, and perming, especially the people who have gray hair, dyeing, and perming hair will intensify the damage to the hair, and easy to make the gray hair appear more.

5. Pay attention to the regularity of work and rest

Lack of sleep will lead to disturbance of the autonomic nerve, growth hormone, and blood circulation throughout the body will also be affected, more likely to appear gray hair. It is advisable to keep about 8 hours of sleep daily and go to sleep before 11:00 at night.

In conclusion, many times, the appearance of gray hair on the head is a normal physiological manifestation, but also may be a lack of some nutrients, dietary supplements, and the right amount of supplementation. However, for some people who have premature gray hair, or to raise alarm may be due to disease factors, it is recommended to promptly seek medical examination.


About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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