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Inside the ear is often itchy, but nothing can pull out.

The itchy ears may be a sign of 3 kinds of diseases, it's best to take snacks

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

When the ear itches, many people are used to pulling it out with their fingers or tools such as cotton swabs or ear digging spoons, and the whole person will become soothed. However, what you don't know is that this seemingly "enjoyable" small action may cause more harm than you can imagine to the ear canal.

Should I deliberately take out earwax?

Earwax is clinically known as cerumen, and many people have the habit of digging earwax, thinking that it will be very dirty if they don't dig it, but is it really necessary to dig it deliberately?

The answer is no, earwax has great benefits for our health, let's look at them one by one.

Earwax is oil-like at the beginning of its life, and it helps to keep the ear canal moist and lubricated to avoid itchy ears or itchy skin due to dryness. Earwax also contains immunoglobulin A, which helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the ear canal and prevent infection.

In general, there is no need to deliberately pull out the earwax because the ear canal has its cleaning function and the earwax is naturally expelled from the body with daily actions such as chewing.

Long-term ear-pulling can lead to skin breakdown, ear canal inflammation, or even damage to the eardrum, putting people at risk of losing their hearing.

In some people who frequently pull out their ears, blood crusts, broken skin, vascular growths, and foreign bodies in the eardrum are evident under the endoscope. And some people who use cotton swabs to pull out their ears tend to push the earwax deeper, inducing hardening of the earwax and leading to blockage of the ear canal.

Second, the ear is always itchy, but can not pull out something? It may be related to 3 kinds of diseases

Some people especially like to pull out their ears daily. Long-term hard pulling into the inner ear can easily lead to the destruction of the subcutaneous tissues of the ear, which increases the possibility of harmful substances invading the ear canal, which can easily induce dryness and subsequently lead to itchy ears.

In addition to the exclusion of this factor, ear itching may also be due to some other factors, the specific ones we look down.

Mites: abnormal itchy ears can also be caused by mites entering the ear canal, generally mites will come to the body during sleep, and once they crawl into the ears, they will make people feel itchy ears.

Allergies: The ears are just as prone to allergies as our skin, which can cause abnormal itching symptoms to appear after coming into contact with some allergens.

Otitis externa or eczema of the external ear canal: The most typical symptom of eczema in its early stages is itchiness. In some severe cases, there will be obvious debris and fluid oozing out of the ear canal, and there will be an obvious moist feeling when a cotton swab is pressed.

There is also the fact that the ear canal will become moist after the water has entered it, so if the skin is damaged by pulling out the ear, it will easily allow bacteria to invade and cause inflammation, which will also cause an abnormal itching sensation to occur.

What's wrong with having oily ears all the time?

In life, there is such a category of people who always have oily ear canals, and the earwax they pull out is also oily, unlike the dry earwax of others.

Whether the environment inside the ear is dry or not is related to one's oil secretion. Some people have a strong oil secretion, and the earwax produced is also easy to be oily and sticky. Some of this earwax will flow out of the ear, while others will coalesce in the ear.

Some people also have oily earwax, which is due to genetic factors. In most cases, yellow people have dry earwax, and only 10-20% of people have oily earwax. If there is no pain or other discomfort while having oily earwax, there is no need to worry too much as it is a normal physiological manifestation.

4. Learn 2 tips to clean your ears

Like other organs, the ear needs to be protected, so how can we clean it properly? Learn two methods.

1. Clean properly

If you feel that your ears are itchy, you can try scratching them gently with your fingers twice at the mouth of your ears.

Be careful not to reach in too far or use sharp objects to reach in. At the same time, you should control yourself and try not to pull out your ears. If you want to pull out your ears, you can do something else to divert your attention.

2. Seek medical help

When you feel pain in your ears, bleeding, hearing loss, or a very obvious blockage in your ears, it is recommended that you seek professional medical help promptly.

In conclusion, earwax is a natural barrier to the skin of the ear canal. Once again, I would like to remind you not to blindly pull out your ears in your life, but to go to the hospital in time to have your ears checked when you have obvious discomfort.


About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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