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Why did our grandmothers live without allergies and frequent colds, while with us and our children this is a common occurrence? What is happening with immunity today?

Our environment has changed dramatically. For example, electromagnetic waves and microwave fields during chronic exposure disrupt the production of protective antibodies. And noise with an intensity of 60–90 decibels for two months or more inhibits the system of protection against bacteria.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Why did our grandmothers live without allergies and frequent colds, while with us and our children this is a common occurrence? What is happening with immunity today?
Photo by Emily Sea on Unsplash

Secrets of immunity

Why did our grandmothers live without allergies and frequent colds, while with us and our children this is a common occurrence? What is happening with immunity today?

Our environment has changed dramatically. For example, electromagnetic waves and microwave fields during chronic exposure disrupt the production of protective antibodies. And noise with an intensity of 60–90 decibels for two months or more inhibits the system of protection against bacteria.

Different chemicals trigger different immune suppression mechanisms.

Our food contains a lot of food additives, dyes, preservatives.

As a result, even initially strong people develop so-called secondary immunodeficiencies over time. And they, in turn, serve as a breeding ground for chronic infections, allergic, autoimmune and even cancer.

But we have a lot of pharmacy stimulants and immunomodulators in free access. Is it possible with their help to support the immune system?

Uncontrolled intake of immunomodulators, antiviral drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics is no less evil than pollution. The immune system is complex. It is not always possible to stimulate it with the desired result.

Immunity is a natural defense mechanism. At different periods of life, for example, in childhood, during pregnancy, in old age, the activity of immune reactions increases or decreases.

Understand: there are no "magic pills" that would rid us of viruses. But we can try to protect ourselves on our own, using the opportunities given to us from birth.

Where, in your opinion, should you start?

The daily rhythms of a person affect immunity most of all. For example, the body's anti-infectious resistance is more pronounced in the daytime and in the evening. And the lowest protection against microbes is observed at night and in the morning.

A connection between biorhythms and allergies has been established. The highest level of antibodies to allergens and, accordingly, the extreme severity of allergic reactions is observed at night. And the minimum - during wakefulness during the rest of the day.

The highest concentration of allergy markers is recorded at 21-24 hours. For this reason, antihistamines are recommended to be taken in the evening. In general, prevention and treatment of many diseases should be based on biorhythms.

You write that human immunity begins to decline almost from the age of 18. Why so early?

- Yes, aging begins with changes in the thymus gland. It is the central organ of the immune system, which means "vitality" in translation. It is in it that the maturation of immune cells and the production of special hormones occurs.

They control other immune links. Participate in the regulation of blood sugar and calcium. Accelerate the processes of cell regeneration. And in general they affect all our physiological processes.

The thymus is laid in the second month of intrauterine life. Until about 18 years of age, this gland is constantly growing. Then its growth stops, and it begins to decrease in size. From this time, gradual changes in immunity begin. And they significantly outstrip the weakening of the activity of other systems.

As a result, by the age of 70, the body's defenses are only 2-5% of those of a young person.

That is why we start to get sick more often with age?

Yes. Due to the extinction of immunity, some of the cells eventually become genetically foreign. The immune system no longer recognizes them and tunes in to destroy them. This reaction is called autoimmune in medicine. In fact, it is nothing more than self-destruction.

Autoimmune processes that precede serious illness are today determined in half of the elderly. For example, autoimmune gastritis, autoimmune thyroiditis.

Is it possible to somehow prolong the activity of the gland, on which, it turns out, so much depends.

Can. But this is daily work. The gland, like all living systems of the body, is subject to the action of unfavorable factors. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, unhealthy diet.

Unreasonable diets accelerate its decline. The notion that a healthy lifestyle can be postponed until old age is unfounded. You need to start from an early age.

What can be done to strengthen the immune system, as they say, here and now?

First, you need to take care of the stability of your biorhythms. High performance and well-being can only be achieved by following a consistent daily routine.

Let your routine be individual but rhythmic. This includes your personal meal schedule. Then the metabolic processes in the body will proceed smoothly.

For example, in order to maintain a constant weight reached by the age of 20-25, food should be taken 4-5 times a day. And in those hours when you have to spend more energy. When there is a noticeable feeling of hunger.

It is useful to use natural bio stimulants: sour milk, honey, fish oil, fresh cabbage of all kinds, rose hips, berries, fruits, natural non-concentrated juices.

A great tool for strengthening the immune system is a full night's sleep.

Moderate exercise also helps keep the immune system active. It enhances metabolic processes and excretory functions of the body. Saturates the blood with oxygen. Reduces nervous tension.

The nature of physical activity can be very diverse: morning exercises available to everyone, walking, swimming, various water procedures, long walks, ice skating, skiing.

In the summer, many seek to spend their holidays in the south. Or, in search of contrasting sensations, they go to a ski resort. How much does our immunity love all this?

Naturally, the long-awaited rest, travel, good climate - this is a "useful stress".

However, when planning a trip with young children and the older generation, it is better to avoid sudden changes in climate and light regime. Otherwise, a disorder of immunity is not excluded.


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