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What Is The Significance of Aum?

Why you should consider om chanting regularly to embrace your highest self.

By Susie PinonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Through my spiritual journey, I have experienced a warm sense of fulfillment and elation each time I embraced a community aum chant. During my first meditation circle, I felt a bit hindered to chant with the rest of the group, so I waited and savored the sound that echoed around me with grace.

I grasped on to the vibration of the group bellow of “aum.” It sent me into a deeper state of consciousness while its sound reverberated within me and through me.

My third eye pulsated with warmth. Feeling centered, it was as if my pineal gland was burning. I envisioned a cylindrical golden light shine from the heavens that permeated my skull and throughout the intricacies of my body. I had never been more present and connected to myself and my higher being than I was at that moment. I felt aligned and I held on to the hum of the singing bowl that played in the center of our circle. I was quite literally numb. I was unaware of my body but at the same time was truly in my body. Though, it’s almost as though I had transcended my physical form and viewed myself sitting in the chair.

That was the experience I had with my initial time aum chanting. I have had countless energetic experiences comparable to that since I began my spiritual journey towards self-actualization. It was strange at first and I was so scared to try it. It seemed kind of cult-ish.

I was raised Catholic and was always told that activities like aum chanting would summon the devil. It simply wasn’t acceptable. Despite my childhood beliefs, I took a chance and really let go in the presence of trusted friends. I wish for everyone to know what it feels like to experience such bliss and elation without the use of any substances.

What is the Meaning of Aum?

Aum is an ancient Sanskrit word that translates to Source. It can be used interchangeably with the word God. Each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet has a unique vibration designed to affect the speaker of each word. It is a sacred symbol and sound primarily seen in Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. When viewed from a Hindu perspective, aum is viewed as everything in the Universe that has or will ever be manifested or exist. It also refers to the higher power within each one of us.

The three sounds in A-U-M are said to represent birth, life, and death. Aum also represents creation, consciousness, and connectedness. The sound is intended to be cleansing and to help all become one with the self. This aum is also called Pranav, which represents the formless aspect of God — without any form or attributes.

Aum is significant because it is a cosmic sound — the vibrational frequency of the entire Universe. Aum can be written in various ways: aum, ohm, om, etc. It is vast and transcends through all time and all dimensions of the Universe. Some cultures describe om as the first sound the Universe ever echoed during the big bang.


The aum sound often comes at the beginning of mantras. While chanting, it is typical to take breaths during moments of silence. This exists for reflective purposes. The symbol for aum is represented by three curves, a semi-circle, and a dot. The four stages of consciousness are depicted in the ohm symbol.

Waking State (the “a”): our conscious mind; how we live on a day-to-day basis. It encompasses all that we encounter in our human reality/ the illusion of the physical realm.

Dream State (the “u”): our active unconscious or dream state

Deep Sleep State (the “m”): our latent unconscious (hidden psychological meaning behind our deepest thoughts)

Samadhi: pure consciousness; Vedanta (more on that here.)

When we view life through the lens of chanting ohm, we acknowledge that we are complete and are being divinely guided through every step of life by our highest self and Source energy. To me, ohm encompasses that of pure alignment, the perfection of the vastness of the Universe, and knowing that the highest possible vibration is that of love. We allow ourselves the capacity to channel love. When we repeat ohm, we are not only in unity with the cosmos but with Source energy as well, no matter if you associate Source with a particular religion or not.

I wish you healing through your spiritual journey and to enjoy the most of this temporary experience we are all having in our human form on earth.

Xo, Susie


About the Creator

Susie Pinon

Italian chick with a New Yorker attitude. Free-spirited, eclectic by nature, vegan. I'm fueled by my passion for the art of words. I'm addicted to chocolate + love to heal through the sun's rays. Let's talk words


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