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What is the benefit of the Keto Diet?

Full Guide to Ketogenic Diet 2021.

By [email protected]Published 3 years ago 9 min read

What is the benefit of the Keto Diet? Full Guide to Ketogenic Diet 2021.

The keto diet is one of the most discussed diets in recent years. This article will share the meal ratio, advantages and benefits, disadvantages and side effects of a ketogenic diet, a demonstration of the ketogenic diet menu, and which nutritional supplements are recommended.

After you read this article, you can safely and effectively reach your goals when you are on a ketogenic diet.

Eating is another easier way to get our bodies into a state of ketosis. But one thing that needs to be clarified in particular is that ketosis is not a meal list or food, but a metabolic state.

Benefits of Keto Diet ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is no less than popular dietary methods such as vegetarian diet and cut-off.

Not only does it have weight loss, but there are other benefits to a ketogenic diet.

Although many people use a ketogenic diet to lose weight, the ketogenic diet was initially used to alleviate epilepsy symptoms in children. Many studies have found that treating epilepsy in children with a ketogenic diet is comparable to medication. Studies have also confirmed that a ketogenic diet can help with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and brain cancer. There have also been studies that have suggested that ketogenic diets also have some positive effects on the treatment of cancer.

When we look closely at some scientific reports on ketogenic diets, we all know that following them has a positive effect on the brain. The brain is made up of 70% fat, and when we provide energy to our bodies through fat, it also provides more energy to the brain, helping with brain-related conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy. But you don't have to worry, even if you don't have the symptoms above, you can boost your concentration and spirit through a ketogenic diet.

Other benefits of a ketogenic diet:

Control blood sugar levels/insulin levels

Increased HDL levels (good cholesterol)

Reduce triglycerides levels and total cholesterol levels

Promotes metabolism

Helps to lose weight and burn fat

Reduce inflammation in the body

Promotes intestinal health

Increase energy levels during exercise

Reduce cancer

The research literature on the benefits of the ketogenic diet:

A study looked at 100 patients who had a 24-week ketogenic diet and found significant reductions in their cholesterol levels, LDL, and triglycerides over a short- and long-term period of time.

Why can't you successfully have a ketogenic diet?

Unable to adapt

The problem is that these carbohydrates are highly addictive, and for those who adapt to a ketogenic diet, this addiction becomes a psychological and physical challenge.

In addition, it's even more difficult if you're a typical Asian because Asians aren't used to adding a lot of fat to their menus and prefer to take fat and oil out of their menus. As a result, you are likely to have a ketogenic diarrhea reaction that will keep you from successfully on a ketogenic diet. High-fat menus are definitely a problem.

Eat excessive protein

Too much protein may lift you out of ketosis immediately or prevent you from entering ketosis. Many people start out with a ketogenic diet that relies on protein instead of fat to satisfy their satiety.

But if you can't consume these proteins, they end up being converted into glucose, a pre-set ingredient for cells.

Keto Flu (A ketogenic conditions)

Some people get a ketogenic disease called Keto Flu when they convert to fat-burning energy mode. Most of this occurs a week after the start of the ketogenic meal menu. Not everyone gets this Keto-Flu, but some people may experience some symptoms like Physical weakness, Muscle spasms, Mood swings, Nausea, Headache, Constipation, Increased eagerness to eat sugar, Confusion, etc.

For some people on a ketogenic diet, some of these symptoms are very difficult to tolerate, so this can also prevent them from continuing their ketogenic diet.

As you can see, if you are not properly prepared, it can be very difficult to follow a ketogenic lifestyle. It's like you don't jump off the couch and go to a marathon at once. When you're getting used to a ketogenic diet, or some other diet, it's a good idea to prepare your body before you start. This will increase your chances of success!

The crisis of the ketogenic diet

Every time you reduce or avoid a certain nutrient, there is bound to be a risk, so there are some things to pay more attention to.

So you should be aware of what nutrition is lacking in the menu and what problems can arise from the lack of them.

But unlike whole-vegetarians, most of their staple foods consist of fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and antioxidants; In addition, the ketogenic diet concentrates on fat and protein, so the potential risks are relatively high.

In summary, a vegan or vegetarian approach promotes vegetables as the main food, while a ketogenic diet is based on fat as a protein. However, this theory is quite vague, because I know that there are many kinds of fat and protein, and eating bad fat and protein as the main food will undoubtedly do a lot of harm to your body.

Therefore, to start the best ketogenic diet plan, it is important to understand the crisis of the ketogenic diet, especially in people who already have some hidden diseases in their bodies.

Dismantle the crisis of six ketogenic diets

Diabetes and fat problems caused by excessive intake of certain wrong fats

Muscle loss and unhealthy weight loss

For the elderly, people who want to gain weight or suffer from eating disorders are basically not suitable for a ketogenic diet. Having said that, because the ketogenic diet does have many health benefits, it does not mean that they are unable to practice the ketogenic diet.

If people really want to take a ketogenic diet, they must seek the assistance of health professionals who understand how to adjust their diet to achieve the desired health goals. For example, they can adjust the cycle of your ketogenic diet based on your physical condition, or redesign the ratio of fat, protein, and carbohydrates to your meal list.

In people with intestinal leakage, eating the wrong fat can lead to more serious problems of intestinal penetration

If the ketogenic diet is right, it can heal our intestines well. But for people with problems with intestinal digestion, or if they eat the wrong way, it can have a bigger impact on y our health.

Lipolysaccarides (LPS) are the bacteria that survive on the intestinal wall and do not affect our health. But if someone has a bowel problem, LPS is absorbed by the intestines and causes inflammation, causing the immune system to overreact.

Saturated fats such as coconut oil, and butter increase penetration of our guts and allow us to absorb more LPS endotoxins. That's why we emphasize choosing the right fat for the right person, and everyone's ketogenic menu should be tailored.

Additional pressure on the kidneys may lead to kidney stones or gout

Processed meat, too much protein, and not getting enough vegetable fiber can all add to the burden on your kidneys. To balance the acidity that changes from eating protein, our bodies need to release more calcium, minerals, and uric acid, which can cause kidney stones or gout disorders.

Increase the genetic differences in saturated fat absorption

If there is a sequence called SNP in the gene, it will make you absorb 2-3 times more saturated fat than normal people. Avocados or melted cheese in your daily coffee can raise your cholesterol levels. So if you have an SNP in your genetic order, it's recommended to choose Ghee organically purify avocado oil and eat "polyunsaturated fats" such as olive oil and avocado oil.

Liver problems

Excessive intake of unhealthy fats (fats that cannot be broken down or used by the body) can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. For people with diabetes (people with low insulin), a ketogenic diet can lead to a dangerous condition in the body called Ketoacidosis.

Because the body produces excessive ketones in the blood, the accumulated ketones make the body's acidity and alkalinity in a state of over-acidity. If not treated earlier, it can have a very serious effect on the liver, kidneys, and brain.

In-depth analysis of the hidden crisis of ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is not suitable for some conditions are next:

A person with kidney or liver disease

People who have had or are suffering from eating disorders

A pregnant or nursing mother

He has diabetes and is taking medication

Suffering from cardiovascular disease and prostate problems

Suffers from kidney disorders

Cancer sufferers.

How do I start a ketogenic diet?

If you decide to start a ketogenic diet, there are good and bad ways to start. The ideal approach must be to prepare your body before you start your meal list so that you can slowly adapt to a whole new transformation. You don't run a marathon as soon as you get off the couch, although someone can, there's a good chance you'll get hurt in the process, and it's going to be a tough one. It's true that some people know how to change their bodies, but for the general public, it's best to prepare yourself before you start.

I recommend starting with low-carbohydrate, high-protein ingredients that you can try a week or two before you start a normal ketogenic diet. As you prepare your meal list, prepare your mindset and environment at the same time, which will make it easier for you to adapt to the changes in your ketogenic diet.

Prepare your mind

Failure often begins with a wrong mindset, while a clear and firm mindset is the cornerstone of success.

Before you begin, set yourself a goal and think about why you're on a ketogenic diet. In order to lose weight? In order to control insulin levels? To make your mind clearer?

When you have Keto Flu ketogenic disease, you can look back at the reasons that started and make your mindset stronger.

Make yourself clear about the principles and operations of a ketogenic diet, and understand what a basic and healthy ketogenic meal list needs to have so you don't have to wonder what's right for you when you buy food in a restaurant or supermarket.

Prepare the environment

Please remove all food that may derail you.

Use proper keto food and nutritional supplements in the kitchens so you don't have to search and buy them on a temporary basis. For more information, please refer to the healthy ketogenic foods below.

Once your body is getting used to low carbohydrate diets you can switch your entire diet to a ketogenic diet, which converts into a low-carbohydrate, moderate protein, high-fat diet. The above proportions vary from person to person, and each person should set his or her nutritional ratio according to their body structure and genetic ranking.

Everyone enters a ketogenic state at different times, depending on your insulin resistance, how your body handles stress, and so on.

How do you know you're in a ketogenic state?

The best and most accurate way is to test your urine, breathing, and blood ketone levels.

Exhalation and blood tests require a special instrument and finger pricking devices called a glucometer. The advantage of using these devices is that you get quantitative ketone body data, which only shows how far you have entered the ketogenic state.

Ideally, test daily for at least a month, especially when you're just starting a ketogenic diet, to make sure that the device is accurate and sustainable, and to give you a better idea of when your body is in a ketogenic state. Once you are able to continue into the ketogenic state and develop some ketogenic habits, you can test it at least once a month. All of the above information can help you develop your own ketogenic plan on when to add or eliminate certain ketogenic foods and habits.


About the Creator

[email protected]

Rajesh kumar is a passionate writer. He has already completed their B.A.M.S. from Ayurveda. He invariably creates useful, informative, and interesting articles on health-related problems and therefore the use of herbs.

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