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What is Livity?: An Introduction to a Core Tenet of Jah Rastafari

Embracing a Holistic Way of Life through Respect for Nature, Spirituality, and Social Justice

By Brian KaPublished 12 months ago 10 min read

Livity is a core tenet of the Rastafarian faith and a way of life that emphasizes the connection between all living things and the divine. It is a holistic approach to living that encompasses spiritual, physical, and social well-being.

Livity is central to Rastafarian culture and is deeply ingrained in every aspect of life for those who practice it. It is a way of living that emphasizes the importance of respecting and caring for nature, living in harmony with the environment, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to Livity and explore its core tenets. We will examine the historical context of Rastafarianism and how Livity fits into this cultural and religious movement. We will also explore the practical aspects of living a Livity lifestyle and its relevance in today's world. By the end of this article, readers will have a better understanding of Livity and its importance in Rastafarian culture and the wider world.

Historical Context

Rastafarianism originated in Jamaica in the 1930s and was inspired by the teachings of Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican-born political activist who preached about black pride and self-reliance. Garvey's message resonated with many Jamaicans, especially those of African descent who were experiencing social and economic hardship under British colonial rule.

In addition to Garvey's teachings, Rastafarianism also drew inspiration from Ethiopian culture and the belief that Emperor Haile Selassie I was a divine figure who would lead black people to freedom. Many Rastafarians saw Selassie as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Influence of African and Jamaican culture on Rastafarianism

Rastafarianism is deeply influenced by African and Jamaican culture. The movement is grounded in a deep sense of pride in African heritage and identity, and Rastafarians often reject the European standards of beauty and culture that they see as oppressive.

Music is also a significant part of Rastafarian culture, with reggae music becoming closely associated with the movement. Reggae artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh spread the message of Rastafarianism to a global audience through their music, which spoke about social justice, spirituality, and the struggle for liberation.

Key figures in the development of Rastafarianism

Several key figures played a significant role in the development of Rastafarianism. One of the most influential was Leonard Howell, who is considered the founder of the movement. Howell founded the first Rastafarian community in Jamaica in the 1930s and wrote extensively about Rastafarian beliefs and practices.

Another important figure in the development of Rastafarianism was Bob Marley, who brought the message of the movement to a global audience through his music. Marley's songs spoke about social justice, spirituality, and the struggle for liberation, and his music remains a powerful symbol of Rastafarianism today.

Other notable figures in the development of Rastafarianism include Marcus Garvey, Haile Selassie I, Peter Tosh, and Bunny Wailer. Together, these individuals helped to shape a movement that has had a profound impact on Jamaican culture and the wider world.

Defining Livity

Livity is a concept that is difficult to define in a single sentence, as it encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices. At its core, Livity is a way of life that emphasizes the connection between all living things and the divine. It is a holistic approach to living that encompasses spiritual, physical, and social well-being.

Relationship between Livity and spirituality

Spirituality is a key component of Livity, as Rastafarians believe that all living things are connected to the divine. Rastafarians see themselves as part of a larger spiritual community that includes not just other humans, but also animals, plants, and the natural world as a whole. Livity emphasizes the importance of respecting and caring for nature, as well as living in harmony with the environment.

Ways in which Livity is practiced

Livity is a way of life that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices. Some of the key practices of Livity include:

Dietary practices: Rastafarians follow a strict dietary code that prohibits the consumption of meat, alcohol, and processed foods. They emphasize the importance of eating natural, whole foods, and many Rastafarians follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Medicinal practices: Rastafarians believe in the healing power of herbs and natural remedies, and many use herbs and other natural substances to treat a wide range of illnesses and ailments.

Eco-friendly practices: Livity emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the environment, and many Rastafarians practice eco-friendly behaviors such as recycling, using renewable energy sources, and conserving resources.

Social practices: Rastafarians place a strong emphasis on community and social justice, and many are involved in political and social activism aimed at improving the lives of marginalized groups.

Core Tenets of Livity

Respect for nature

Respect for nature is a core tenet of Livity. Rastafarians believe that all living things are connected and that nature is a manifestation of the divine. They believe that humans have a responsibility to care for the environment and to live in harmony with the natural world.

This belief is reflected in the dietary practices of Rastafarians, many of whom follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. It is also reflected in their use of natural remedies and their commitment to eco-friendly practices such as recycling and using renewable energy sources.

Holistic living

Holistic living is another core tenet of Livity. Rastafarians believe that true well-being requires attention to all aspects of a person's life, including spiritual, physical, and social well-being. This means that they place a strong emphasis on practices such as meditation, exercise, and social activism.

Rastafarians also believe that the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected, and they seek to cultivate balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. This holistic approach to living is reflected in the way that Rastafarians care for their bodies, minds, and spirits, and in the way that they approach relationships and social justice issues.

Connection to the divine

Connection to the divine is perhaps the most important core tenet of Livity. Rastafarians believe that all living things are connected to the divine, and that humans have a responsibility to cultivate a relationship with the divine.

This relationship is cultivated through practices such as prayer, meditation, and the use of sacraments such as marijuana, which is seen as a tool for connecting with the divine. Rastafarians also believe in the power of music, especially reggae music, to facilitate spiritual connection and to convey messages of social justice and equality.

Dietary practices

Dietary practices are an important aspect of Livity in practice. Rastafarians follow a strict dietary code that prohibits the consumption of meat, alcohol, and processed foods. They believe that natural, whole foods are essential to physical and spiritual well-being, and many follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

In addition to avoiding certain foods, Rastafarians also emphasize the importance of preparing and eating food in a way that respects the environment and reflects their connection to the divine. Many Rastafarians grow their own food using organic and sustainable practices, and they often prepare meals in a communal setting that reflects their commitment to social well-being.

Medicinal practices

Medicinal practices are another important aspect of Livity in practice. Rastafarians believe in the power of herbs and natural remedies to heal the body and mind, and many use traditional medicinal practices to treat a wide range of illnesses and ailments.

Rastafarians also believe in the medicinal properties of cannabis, which they view as a sacrament that can facilitate spiritual connection and healing. Many Rastafarians use cannabis in a ceremonial context as a way of connecting with the divine and as a tool for healing.

Eco-friendly practices

Eco-friendly practices are an integral part of Livity in practice. Rastafarians believe that humans have a responsibility to care for the environment and to live in harmony with the natural world. They often live in rural communities or in urban areas where they can practice eco-friendly behaviors such as recycling, using renewable energy sources, and conserving resources.

In addition to individual behaviors, Rastafarians are often involved in political and social activism aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and social justice. Many Rastafarians see environmentalism and social justice as interconnected issues, and they work to promote both in their communities and beyond.

Livity in the Modern World

Challenges to practicing Livity

Practicing Livity in the modern world can be challenging. Rastafarians often face discrimination and persecution, and their practices are sometimes misunderstood or stigmatized by mainstream society. Additionally, it can be difficult to maintain a holistic approach to living in a world that is often focused on material wealth and individualism.

Furthermore, the commodification of Rastafarian culture has led to the appropriation of certain practices and symbols, such as dreadlocks and reggae music, by mainstream culture. This can make it challenging for Rastafarians to maintain the authenticity and integrity of their practices in a world that is often focused on profit and exploitation.

Ways in which Livity is being embraced by modern society

Despite these challenges, Livity is being embraced by modern society in a number of ways. Many people are turning to natural remedies, meditation, and other holistic practices as a way of promoting physical and spiritual well-being. The popularity of yoga, for example, reflects a growing interest in practices that promote balance and harmony.

Reggae music, with its messages of social justice and equality, has also become a global phenomenon that transcends cultural and geographic boundaries. The popularity of artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh has helped to spread the message of Rastafarianism and Livity to a wider audience.

Importance of Livity in a modern world

Livity remains an important concept in a modern world that is increasingly focused on individualism and materialism. The holistic approach to living that is promoted by Livity offers a way of life that emphasizes spiritual, physical, and social well-being, while also promoting environmental sustainability and social justice.

In a world that is facing numerous challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and mental health issues, Livity offers a framework for addressing these challenges in a meaningful and sustainable way. By promoting a way of life that emphasizes balance, harmony, and respect for all living things, Livity has the potential to play an important role in shaping a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.


In this article, we explored the concept of Livity as a core tenet of Rastafarianism. We discussed the historical context of Rastafarianism, the defining features of Livity, and how it is practiced in daily life. We also examined the challenges to practicing Livity in the modern world, as well as the ways in which it is being embraced by modern society.

Livity offers a holistic approach to living that is grounded in respect for nature, a connection to the divine, and a commitment to social well-being. In a world that is facing numerous challenges, Livity has the potential to promote physical, spiritual, and social well-being, while also promoting environmental sustainability and social justice.

As readers, we can all benefit from embracing the principles of Livity in our own lives. We can start by adopting a more mindful and sustainable approach to our diets, embracing natural remedies and holistic practices, and promoting social and environmental justice in our communities. By embracing Livity, we can cultivate a way of life that promotes balance, harmony, and respect for all living things.

Sources cited throughout the article

Chevannes, B. (1994). Rastafari: Roots and Ideology. Syracuse University Press.

Barrow, S., & Dalton, P. (1997). Reggae: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides.

Chanting Down Babylon: The Rastafari Reader. (1998). Temple University Press.

Smith, D. (2018). Rastafari: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

Additional resources for readers interested in learning more about Livity.

The Bob Marley Museum: http://www.bobmarleymuseum.com/

Rastafarian Movement - The Story: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14104865

Rastafari and Livity: https://www.jamaicans.com/rastafari-livity/

Rastafari: The Secret History of the Marijuana Religion: https://www.vice.com/en/article/4w7e3y/rastafari-the-secret-history-of-the-marijuana-religion.

Final Note

If you’re interested in exploring who is Jah and Rastafarian culture further, we invite you to check out Fifth Degree’s collection of Rastafarian clothing. Our clothing is designed to reflect the spirit and teachings of Rastafarianism, with bold colors, empowering messages, and a commitment to sustainability and ethical production. We believe that what you wear can be a powerful expression of your values and beliefs, and we’re proud to offer a range of high-quality, stylish, and socially conscious clothing for individuals who are seeking to live in harmony with nature and the divine. Visit our website today to learn more about our collection and find the perfect Rastafarian clothes for woman for you.


About the Creator

Brian Ka

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