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What Does Blood in Semen Mean? Don't Panic!

Understanding hematospermia: Don't panic!

By Amanda ChouPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
What Does Blood in Semen Mean? Don't Panic!
Photo by Jeremy Beadle on Unsplash

There's a saying in society: "One drop of semen, ten drops of blood," emphasizing the importance of semen. Although this saying is incorrect, do men feel particularly panicked when they discover their semen turning red? Are they eager to know the cause of blood in their semen?

This condition is called hematospermia. Hematospermia is not terrible; it is just a symptom. There are many causes of hematospermia, and the key lies in identifying the underlying reason. Early examination and timely treatment are crucial to avoid serious consequences.

The most common symptom of hematospermia is visible blood in the semen. Depending on the cause, location, amount, and duration of the bleeding, the appearance of blood in the semen can vary.

For instance, if there is inflammation in the seminal vesicle, and the bleeding persists for a longer time, the blood in the semen may appear coffee-colored. In cases of minimal fresh blood, it may look pink. If bleeding in the urethral mucosa during ejaculation, it can appear bright red but not fully mixed with the semen. This often presents as blood streaks in the semen, along with symptoms like frequent urination, urgency, or a feeling of incomplete urination. Apart from hematospermia, patients may also experience painful ejaculation, blood in the urine, local pain or discomfort in the lower back or perineal area, fever, weakness, and other symptoms.

Most cases of hematospermia are caused by seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis. Other less common causes include procedures related to the prostate, such as prostate biopsy or transurethral resection of the prostate, as well as genital cysts or tumors, injuries, or systemic bleeding disorders. The symptoms of hematospermia caused by these various factors are quite similar. It is strongly recommended that patients seek specialized medical examination to identify the cause of hematospermia and proceed with appropriate treatment.

Does it mean everything is fine if there is only one instance of hematospermia and it hasn't happened again? Not necessarily. While some individuals may experience temporary self-healing, the absence of hematospermia doesn't mean the underlying cause has disappeared. It may reoccur after some time or even worsen, progressing from small traces of blood to a persistent issue.

Therefore, one should not rely on luck and assume that everything is okay by ignoring the problem. If inflammation is the cause of hematospermia, it can easily spread. Since the seminal vesicle and the urethra are connected, bacteria in the urethra can infect the seminal vesicles. Therefore, the key to treating this type of hematospermia lies in addressing the source of inflammation to prevent the condition from worsening. Traditional Chinese medicine, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, can be a good option for medication. It contains various herbal ingredients that are believed to have the functions of clearing heat, detoxification, diuresis, and promoting urination, which can help improve symptoms of seminal vesiculitis.

In addition to medication, patients can:

1. Maintain good lifestyle habits: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive sexual activities, can help prevent certain health issues.

2. Regular medical check-ups: Undergoing comprehensive health check-ups, including examinations of the genitourinary system, can aid in the early detection of potential health problems and prompt initiation of treatment.

3. Practice safe sexual behavior: Adhering to safe sexual practices reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases and prevents hematospermia caused by infections.

In conclusion, hematospermia may be an indicator of male reproductive system health, but it can also be a manifestation of underlying issues. If you experience hematospermia, you should promptly seek medical help and undergo a comprehensive examination and evaluation. By maintaining good lifestyle habits, regular medical check-ups, and practicing safe sexual behavior, men can maintain good sexual and overall health.


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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